

IOE - Faculty of Education and Society


Making the future: Constructionist tools for critical reflection and social action

12 May 2022, 12:30 pm–1:30 pm

Two children sitting together and playing on iPad. Image: Jelleke Vanooteghem via Unsplash

Join this event to hear Dr Nathan Holbert discuss how he goes about iteratively creating and studying playful learning technologies, tools, and spaces that enable learners to use their unique perspectives to address issues of personal and communal importance.

This event is free.

Event Information

Open to







Kate Gilchrist


Large Seminar Room
The Knowledge Lab
23-29 Emerald Street

The many social crises currently persisting in and across our communities can be directly tied to educational challenges. Whether it is the disregard for science, even in the face of a global public health emergency, the dehumanisation of our fellow humans based on skin colour or country of birth, or the lack of urgency to heal a dying planet. Each issue points to a failure to educate a population in a way that not only promotes new and deeper ways of learning about these problems, but a sense of empowerment and possibility to address them. 

In this talk, Nathan will draw on his research which aims to engage learners in future-building to critically reflect on the state of the world today—its challenges, successes, and failures—and imagine and begin building new systems, technologies, and societies where all people can thrive. 

This event will be particularly useful for those interested in digital media, education and technology.

N.B. This is a hybrid event and can be joined either virtually or in-person and you can indicate this on the registration form.

Covid-19 measures

To minimise Covid-related risks for in-person attendees at our events we will facilitate social distancing where possible. In-person attendees will require to have booked their place to gain entry to the event. We strongly encourage attendees to wear a mask while in our buildings. We ask that those registered for our events do not attend in-person if they are showing respiratory symptoms. Thank you for your co-operation.

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About the Speaker

Dr Nathan Holbert

Associate Professor of Communication, Media, and Learning Technologies Design at Teachers College, Columbia University

His work involves the development and study of playful tools, environments, and activities that allow all children to leverage computational power as they build, test, tinker, and make sense of personally meaningful topics, phenomena, or questions.