

IOE - Faculty of Education and Society


TCRU seminar series

The Thomas Coram Research Unit (TCRU) hosts a weekly seminar series, where invited speakers present work of relevance to the research interests of the unit.


Please follow the links to find instructions on how to register for each event.

3 October 2024, 12 - 1 pm

10 October 2024, 12 - 1 pm

17 October 2024, 12 - 1 pm

24 October 2024, 12 - 1 pm

14 November, 12 - 1 pm

21 November, 12 - 1 pm

28 November, 12 - 1 pm


21 November 2023, 1 - 2 pm

28 November 2023, 1 - 2 pm

09 January 2024, 1 - 2 pm

23 January 2024, 1 - 2 pm

06 February 2024, 1 - 2 pm

20 February 2024, 1 - 2 pm

27 February 2024, 1 - 2 pm

5 March 2024, 1 - 2 pm

19 March 2024, 1 - 2 pm

26 March 2024, 1:15 - 2:15 pm

23 April 2024, 1:15 - 2:15 pm

30 April 2024, 1:15 pm - 2:15 pm

23 May 2024, 2:00 –3:30 pm

28 May 2024, 1:15 pm - 2:15 pm


14 September, 12 - 1pm

3 October, 1 - 2pm

4 October, 1 - 2pm

  • Heading home: Fantasies and injuries of motherhood and work - Shani Orgad (London School of Economics)

1 November, 1 - 2pm 

29 November, 1 - 2pm

6 December, 1 - 2pm

17 January 2023, 1 - 2pm

31 January 2023, 1 - 2pm

10 May 2023, 12 - 2pm

23 May 2023, 1 - 2pm

30th May 2023, 1 - 2pm

6 June 2023, 1- 2pm

See all upcoming TCRU events

Previous seminars


Autumn term

5 October 2021

  • Racism, mental health and young people of colour - Tuuli Kurki (University of Helsinki, Finland)

19 October 2021

  • Comfortably anxious: Attitudes of the top 10% of income earners towards inequality and redistribution - Marcos Gonzales Hernando (Social Research Institute, IOE)

2 November 2021

  • Interviewing child witnesses: What we already know and what we still need to know - Ching-Yu Huang (University of Keele)

30 November 2021

  • HIV science and gay fatherhood: Translating medical advances into policy and practice - Robert Pralat (University of Cambridge)
Spring term

18 January 2022

1 February 2022

15 March 2022

  • Donor conceived young adults - Drs Sophie Zadeh and Kitty Jones (ϲ)
Summer term

26 April 2022

  • Negotiations of food, respectability and gender. Discourses and food practices among women in disadvantaged conditions - Dr Kia Ditlevsen (University of Copenhagen)

3 May 2022

  • Narrative imagination, agency, and the pandemic moment - Professor Molly Andrews (IOE)

17 May 2022

  • Are vegan bad parents? The controversy over child veganism in Switzerland - Dr Edmée Ballif (University of Lausanne)

31 May 2022

  • Donor conceived young adults - Drs Sophie Zadeh and Kitty Jones (ϲ)

7 June 2022

  • Parenting leave in international perspective: The dynamics of culture and policy - Professor Alison Koslowski (IOE)

2018 - 2021


Autumn term 2020–21

6 October 2020

20 October 2020

27 October 2020

24 November 2020

1 December 2020

15 December 2020

Spring term 2020–21

19 January 2021

16 February 2021

23 February 2021

2 March 2021

16 March 2021

23 March 2021

Summer term 2020–21

4 May 2021

25 May 2021

  • This event has been postponed until Autumn, date to be confirmed: Racism, mental health and young people of colour - Dr Tuuli Kurki (University of Helsinki)

1 June 2021


Autumn term 2019–20

1 October 2019

  • Stories of sameness and difference: The views, experiences and outcomes of children and adolescents with a trans or gender non-conforming parent - Sophie Zadeh and Susan Imrie (Centre for Family Research, University of Cambridge)

8 October 2019

  • No seminar

15 October 2019

  • Understanding recurrent care proceedings: Fathers, mothers and family relationships - Dr Georgia Philip (University of East Anglia)

22 October 2019

  • Children’s reasoning about peer rejection and school discrimination: Evidence from Denmark, Saudi Arabia, and the UK - Dr Harriet Tenenbaum (University of Surrey)

29 October 2019

  • What else does researching with Haraway’s successor science make possible in childhood studies? - Professor Jayne Osgood (Middlesex University)

5 November 2019

  • No seminar

12 November 2019

  • No seminar

19 November 2019

  • The Looked-after Children Grown up Project: Early findings on health and social outcomes in adulthood - Professor Amanda Sacker (ϲ).

Spring term 2019–20

28 January 2020

  • The coloniality of distinction: class, race and whiteness among post-crisis Italian migrants - Simone Varriale (University of Lincoln)

4 February 2020

  • Brexit and family life - Katherine Davies (University of Sheffield)

25 February 2020

  • Plastics and childhood - Peter Kraftl (University of Birmingham)

17 March 2020

  • The Ideal Woman: Female Evangelical Influencers and Social Media Stars - Katie Gaddini, (IOE)

24 March 2020

  • Couples balancing work, money and care: exploring the shifting landscape under Universal Credit - Jane Miller and Rita Griffith (University of Bath).

Autumn term 2018–19

2 October 2018

  • Screening if the film 'Ccàsemo, here we are. Lives on hold in Lampedusa' - Dr Michela Franceschelli (IOE)

16 October 2018

  • Visionary women – their work for children and childhood, England, 1900-1920 - Professor Berry Mayall (IOE)

23 October 2018

  • Transitions, capabilities and wellbeing: how Afghan unaccompanied young people experience becoming ‘adult’ in the UK and beyond - Dr Elaine Chase (IOE)

30 October 2018

  • The ethics of research with children over time and place: reflections from young lives - Dr Ginny Morrow (IOE)

20 November 2018

  • The efficacy and suitability of social isolation and loneliness interventions for older Black and Minority Ethnic individuals living in the UK - Brenda Hayanga (IOE)

27 November 2018

  • In search of ‘stability:working-class men, masculinity and wellbeing in post-Soviet Russia' - Dr Charlie Walker (University of Southampton)

4 December 2018

  • Intimate strangers? Working with intercultural couples - Dr Renee Singh (Intercultural Couples Centre).

Spring term 2018–19

15 January 2019

  • Understanding and responding to perpetrators of sexual abuse: Perceptions, Prevention, Management and Desistence - Professor Kieran McCartan (UWE Bristol)

22 January 2019

  • Sisters are doing it for themselves: Single Women’s Fertility Options and Reproductive Agency - Dr Zeynep Gurtin (ϲ Womens Health)

29 January 2019

  • Leave or remain? EU families in Brexiting Britain - Dr Nando Sigona (Birmingham University)

19 February 2019

  • What difference does money make to young people’s experiences of school meals? - PhD Laura Hamilton (TCRU)

26 February 2019

  • Hannah Arendt’s concept of “parental responsibility” and the rights of queer children and children of queer parents - Dr Francesca Ammaturo (Roehampton)

5 March 2019

  • Cultural heritage, cultural wellbeing: The psychosocial impact of cultural interventions with marginalised audiences - Professor Helen Chatterjee (ϲ)

19 March 2019

  • ‘Reactive’ or ‘protective’ transnationalism - Dr Victoria Redclift (ϲ).

Summer term 2018–19

23 April 2019

  • Who are the humans behind the human rights cases? Migration cases from Russia to the European Court of Human Rights - Dr Agnieszka Kubal (TCRU, IOE)

14 May 2019

  • 2,000 families: identifying the research potential of an origins-of-migration study. Ayse Guveli (University of Essex)

21 May 2019

  • Professionalising early childhood education and care: workforce equity issues in the European context - Pamela Oberhuemer (IOE)

11 June 2019

  • The cultural politics of household sustainability: environmental sustainability research with Somali immigrants in Manchester. Catherine Walker, Sherilyn MacGregor, and Tally Katz-Gerro (University of Manchester)

18 June 2019

  • Stories of sameness and difference: the views, experiences and outcomes of children and adolescents with a trans or gender non-conforming parent. Sophie Zadeh and Susan Imrie (University of Cambridge)

25 June 2019

  • Perpetual service innovation without evaluation: challenges to understanding what works for children exposed to domestic violence and abuse. Emma Howarth (University of Cambridge).

Spring term 2017–18

9 January 2018

  • Subjectivity and care in the context of "forced marriage"' - Dr Perveez Mody (Cambridge University)

23 January 2018

  • Exploring longitudinal care histories for looked after children using administrative social care data' - Louise McGrath-Lone (ϲ)

30 January 2018

  • Researching everyone in general practice: IRIS+ domestic violence training and support intervention for general practice clinicians - early findings from a feasibility study - Dr Eszter Szilassy (Bristol University)

20 February 2018

  • Couple-Level Minority Stress and Well-Being of Same-Sex Couples - Professor Allen LeBlanc (San Francisco State University)

27 February 2018

  • A liberated woman, a virtuous wife and good mother to an intensive and full-time mother: Chinese women's recount of their motherhood across three generations' - Xin Guo (IOE)

6 March 2018

  • Ethnography of the courtroom - immigration law cases in Russia - Dr Agnieszka Kubal (IOE)

20 March 2018

  • Working-class men in contemporary Russia: inhabiting a 'failed' masculinity - Dr Charlie Walker (Southampton University).

Series convenors