

IOE - Faculty of Education and Society


Working Papers

QSS Working Papers constitute work in progress publications. They are published to stimulate discussion and contribute to the advancement of our knowledge.

Recent copies of the Working Paper series are all available online. To view, download or print a paper just click on its title.

2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009


01: – Petri Bockerman, Alex Bryson, Ilari Ilmakunnas and Pekka Ilmakunnas


04: – Thomas Amosse, Alex Bryson, John Forth and Heloise Petit

03: – Kerry Papps, Alex Bryson and James Reade

02: – Francesca Foliano, Alex Bryson, Heather Joshi, Bozena Wielgoszewska and David Wilkinson

01: – David G. Blanchflower and Alex Bryson


10: – Tak Wing Chan and Juta Kawalerowicz

09: – David G. Blanchflower and Alex Bryson

08: – Sam Parsons, Ingrid Schoon and Emla Fitzsimons

07: – Erling Barth, Alex Bryson and Harald Dale-Olsen

06: – David Blanchflower, Alex Bryson and Jason Spurling

05: – Erling Barth, Alex Bryson and Harald Dale-Olsen

04: – Alex Bryson and Paul Willman

03: –Van Phan, Carl Singleton, Alex Bryson, John Forth, Felix Ritchie, Lucy Stokes and Damian Whittard

02: – David Blanchflower and Alex Bryson

01: – Alex Bryson and John Forth


35: – David G. Blanchflower and Alex Bryson.

34: –Sam Parsons and Ingrid Schoon.

33: – Andrea Brandolini and John Micklewright.

32: – John Micklewright and Andrea Brandolini.

31: – David G. Blanchflower and Alex Bryson.

30: –Anna Adamecz-Volgyi, Morag Henderson and Nikki Shure.

29: – David G. Blanchflower and Alex Bryson.

28: – David G. Blanchflower and Alex Bryson.

27: – Chelsea Gray and Kirstine Hansen.

26: – Alex Bryson, Andrew Clark and Colin Green.

25: – John Forth, Nikolaos Theodoropoulos and Alex Bryson.

24: – David G. Blanchflower and Alex Bryson.

23: – Bozena Wielgoszewska, Alex Bryson, Monica Costa-Dias, Francesca Foliano, Heather Joshiand David Wilkinson.

22: – Sam Parsons, Alex Bryson and Alice Sullivan.

21: – David G. Blanchflower and Alex Bryson.

20: –Anna Adamecz-Völgyi, Morag Henderson and Nikki Shure.

19: – Alan Piper, David Blanchflower and Alex Bryson.

18:– Sandip Datta and Geeta Gandhi Kingdon.

17: – Ozan Aksoy.

16: –Giulio Marini.

15: – Andrea Cegolon and Andrew Jenkins.

14: – Francesca Borgonovi and Magdalena Pokropek.

13: – Ben Artz, David Blanchflower and Alex Bryson.

12: –Lucy Prior, John Jerrim, Dave Thomson and George Leckie.

11: – Ozan Aksoy and Dingeman Wiertz.

10: – Nancy Daza Báez.

09: –Giulio Marini.

08: –Giulio Marini and Viviana Meschitti.

07: – Sandip Datta and Geeta Gandhi Kingdon.

06: – Sandip Datta and Geeta Gandhi Kingdon.

05:–Francesco Avvisatti and Francesca Borgonovi.

04: – Ray Bachan and Alex Bryson.

03: –Alex Bryson, Babatunde Buraimo, Alex Farnell and Rob Simmons.

02:–Giulio Marini and Lili Yang.

01:–Tak Wing Chan.


20: -David Blanchflower and Alex Bryson.

19: -Francesca Borgonovi, Alessandro Ferrara and Mario Piacentini.

18: -John Jerrim, Sam Sims, Rebecca Allen and Hannah Taylor.

17: - Maria Sironi, Nicola Barban, Luca Maria Pesando and Frank F. Furstenberg.

16: - Maria Sironi and Ridhi Kashyap.

15: -Andrea Brandolini and John Micklewright.

14: -Erling Barth, Alex Bryson and Harald Dale-Olsen.

13: - David G. Blanchflower and Alex Bryson.

12: -Alex Bryson, Lorenzo Corsini and Irene Martelli.

11: - John Jerrim and Sam Sims.

10: - John Jerrim and Sam Sims.

09: -John Jerrim.

08: - David G. Blanchflower and Alex Bryson.

07: - Huw Beynon, Helen Blakely, Alex Bryson and Rhys Davies.

06: - David G. Blanchflower and Alex Bryson.

05: - Chelsea Grey and Kirstine Hansen.

04: -Alex Bryson, Peter Dolton, J James Reade, Dominik Schreyer and Carl Singleton.

03: - John Jerrim, Nikki Shure and Gill Wyness.

02:-Alex Bryson and Harald Dale-Olsen.

01:. – John Jerrim , Luis Alejandro Lopez-Agudo and Oscar D. Marcenaro Gutierrez.


11:– Jake Anders, Silvan Has, John Jerrim, Nikki Shure and Laura Zieger.

10:– Thomas Breda, Alex Bryson and John Forth.

09:– Heather Joshi, Alex Bryson, David Wilkinson and Kelly Ward.

08:– Rebecca Allen, Asma Benhenda, John Jerrim and Sam Sims.

07:– Nikolaos Theodoropoulos, John Forth and Alex Bryson.

06: – Lucy Stokes, Alex Bryson and David Wilkinson.

05: – John Jerrim.

04: – Michael White and Alex Bryson.

03: – Michael White and Alex Bryson.

02: – Kerry L Papps and Alex Bryson.

01: – Anna Adamecz-Völgyi and Ágota Scharle.


10: – Michael White and Alex Bryson.

09:–Alex Bryson, Lucy Stokes and David Wilkinson.

08: – Michael Barry, Alex Bryson, Rafael Gomez, Bruce Kaufman, Guenther Lomas and Adrian Wilkinson.

07: – Asma Benhenda.

06: - Asma Benhenda.

05: - Jake Anders, Simon Burgess and Jonathan Portes.

04: - John Forth and Alex Bryson.

03: - Alex Bryson, Lucy Stokes and David Wilkinson.

02: - Nicholas Barr, Bruce Chapman, Lorraine Dearden and Susan Dynarski.

01: - Alex Bryson, Lucy Stokes and David Wilkinson.


15: - Tak Wing Chan, Morag Henderson, Maria Sironi and Juta Kawalerowicz.

14: - Alex Bryson and George MacKerron.

13: - Alex Bryson, Richard Freeman, Rafael Gomez and Paul Willman.

12: - Alex Bryson and Harald Dale-Olsen.

11: - Erling Barth, Alex Bryson and Harald Dale-Olsen.

10: - Alex Bryson.

09: - Simon Burgess, Claire Crawford and Lindsey Macmillan.

08: - Alex Bryson, Christine Erhel and Zinaïda Salibekyan.

07: - Alex Bryson, Babatunde Buraimo and Rob Simmons.

06: - Geeta Gandhi Kingdon.

05: - Paul Gregg,John Jerrim,Lindsey Macmillan andNikki Shure.

04: - John Jerrim,Luis Alejandro Lopez-Agudo,Oscar D. Marcenaro-Gutierrez andNikki Shure.

03: - Michael White andAlex Bryson.

02: - Gunn Elisabeth Birkelund,Elisabeth Ugreninov,Tak Wing Chan,Arnfinn Midtbøen andJon Rogstad.

01: - Tak WingChan.


16: - Petri Böckerman,Alex Bryson,Antti Kauhanen andMari Kangasniemi.

15: - Alex Bryson,Harald Dale-Olsen andKristine Nergaard.

14: - Sam Sims.

13: - Nikki Shure.

12: - Andrew Jenkins and Alison Wolf.

11: - Alex Bryson and John Forth.

10: - John Forth, Alex Bryson and Anitha George.

09: - Bilal Nasim.

08: - Alex Bryson and Michael White.

07: - Dave Thomson.

06: - Alex Bryson, Harald Dale-Olsen and Trygve Gulbrandsen.

05: - Alex Bryson.

04: - John Jerrim and Gill Wyness.

03: - Claire Tyler.

02: - John Jerrim.

01: - Alex Bryson and Michael White.


12: - Catherine Dilnot.

11: (PDF) - Andrea Cegolon.

10: - Gill Wyness.

09: - Gill Wyness.

08: - Claire Crawford, Lindsey Macmillan and Anna Vignoles.

07: - Bilal Nasim.

06: - Bilal Nasim.

05: - John Jerrim.

04: - Alvaro Choi and John Jerrim.

03: - Paul Gregg, Lindsey Macmillan and Claudia Vittori.

02: - John Jerrim.

01: - Gabriella Cagliesi, Denise Hawkes and Max Tookey.


19: - Martin McGuigan, Sandra McNally and Gill Wyness.

18: - John Jerrim and Lindsey Macmillan.

17: - John Jerrim, Alvaro Choi and Rosa Simancas Rodriguez.

16: - John Jerrim.

15: - Samantha Parsons and Lucinda Platt.

14: - Stuart Campbell.

13: - Rebecca Fauth, Samantha Parsons and Lucinda Platt.

12:- Paul Gregg, Lindsey Macmillan and Claudia Vittori.

11: - Stella Chatzitheochari, Samantha Parsons and Lucinda Platt.

10: - Tammy Campbell.

09: - Simon Burgess, Matt Dickson and Lindsey Macmillan.

08:- Ludovica Gambaro, Heather Joshi, Ruth Lupton and Mary Clare Lennon.

07: - Jake Anders.

06: - Carolina V. Zuccotti, Harry Ganzeboom and Ayse Guveli.

05:) - Carolina V. Zuccotti.

04: - Emla Fitzsimons and Marcos Vera-Hernández.

03:- Sushmita Nalini Das.

02: - John Jerrim.

01: - Jo Blanden and Lindsey Macmillan.


15: - Lindsey Macmillan, Claire Tyler and Anna Vignoles.

14: - Wiji Arulampalam, Peter G. Backus and John Micklewright.

13:Jake Anders and John Micklewright.

12: - Paul Gregg, Jan O. Jonsson, Lindsey Macmillan and Carina Mood.

11: - Rebecca Allen and Jay Allnutt.

10: - John Jerrim, Anna Vignoles, Raghu Lingam and Angela Friend.

09:- Stuart Campbell.

08: - Christopher F. Hein and Rebecca Allen.

07: - Claire Crawford, Lorraine Dearden and Ellen Greaves.

06: - Claire Crawford, Lorraine Dearden and Ellen Greaves.

05: - Claire Crawford, Lorraine Dearden and Ellen Greaves.

04:- Lorraine Dearden, Emla Fitzsimons and Gill Wyness.

03:- John Jerrim and Alvaro Choi.

02: - Andrew Jenkins and Tarek Mostafa.

01:- Lindsey Macmillan.


13: - Jake Anders.

12: - Pedro N.Silva, John Micklewright and Sylke V. Schnepf.

11: - John Jerrim and Anna Vignoles.

10: - Javier Polavieja and Lucinda Platt (revised version of DoQSS wp 11-08).

09:- Rebecca Allen, Simon Burgess and Jennifer Mayo.

08:- Tony Atkinson, Peter Backus and John Micklewright.

07: - John Micklewright.

06: - John Jerrim, John Micklewright.

05:- Alfonso Miranda,Sophia Rabe-Hesketh and John W. McDonald.

04: - John Jerrim.

03:- Kathryn Duckworth, Greg J. Duncan, Katja Kokko, Anna-Liisa Lyyra, Molly Metzger and Sharon Simonton.

02: - Rebecca Allen and Simon Burgess.

01: - Jake Anders.


10:- Rebecca Allen and Simon Burgess.

09: - John Jerrim.

08:- Javier Polavieja and Lucinda Platt.

07:- Anthony B. Atkinson, Peter G. Backus, John Micklewright, Cathy Pharoah and Sylke V. Schnepf.

06:- Lorraine Dearden, John Micklewright and Anna Vignoles.

05:- Lorraine Dearden, Alfonso Miranda and Sophia Rabe-Hesketh.

04: - John Jerrim.

03: - Mehtabul Azam and Geeta Kingdon.

02:- Marcello Sartarelli.

01: - John Jerrim and Anna Vignoles.


19: - Claire Crawford and Anna Vignoles.

18: - Shenila Rawal and Geeta Kingdon.

17: - Dylan Knealem, Ruth Lupton, Polina Obolenskaya & Richard D Wiggins.

16: - Alfonso Miranda and Sophia Rabe-Hesketh.

15: - Gill Wyness.

14: - Lorraine Dearden.

13: - John Micklewright, Sylke V. Schnepf & Pedro N. Silva.

12:- Michelle von Ahn, Ruth Lupton, Charley Greenwood & Dick Wiggins.

11: - Nikos Tzavidis and James J Brown.

10:- Paul Clarke, Claire Crawford, Fiona Steele and Anna Vignoles.

09:- Claire Crawford, Lorraine Dearden and Costas Meghir.

08:- Haroon Chowdry, Claire Crawford, Lorraine Dearden, Alissa Goodman and Anna Vignoles.

07:- Claire Crawford, Lorraine Dearden, Alice Mesnard, Barbara Sianesi and Jonathan Shaw.

06: - Francesca Foliano, Elena Meschi and Anna Vignoles.

05: - Massimiliano Bratti and Alfonso Miranda.

04:- John Micklewright, Sylke V. Schnepf and Chris Skinner.

03: - Rob French and Geeta Kingdon.

02:- Rebecca Allen.

01: - Alfonso Miranda.


04: - Rebecca Allen and Anna Vignoles.

03: - Simon Burgess, Ellen Greaves, Anna Vignoles and Deborah Wilson.

02: - John Micklewright and Gyula Nagy.

01:- John Micklewright and Sylke V. Schnepf.