

Wellcome / EPSRC Centre for Interventional and Surgical Sciences



The advances of the Centre will create an intuitive and highly personalised surgical platform that enables more precise, less invasive procedures.

Greater precision also means more patients will be viable for complicated but life-altering surgery and those treated will benefit from safer, more localised treatments and a shorter recovery time in hospital.

The research is being developed with a wide range of clinical applications in mind, including vascular, paediatric, ophthalmic, neurological and prostate surgical interventions. In particular, the Centre will advance engineering sciences in intraoperative imaging and sensing, data fusion and extraction, human-technology interfaces, tissue modelling, interventional instrumentation and surgical navigation. 

Research Groups

Research Groups

All research groups are supported by a clear translation strategy to support concept-to-product research for maximum impact, made possible by the innovation support themes.


Research Platforms

Ten fundamental research platforms link the Centre's interdisciplinary and cross-faculty groups.