

Bloomsbury Institute for Intensive Care Medicine



Peer-reviewed publications since 2007

  1. Pathophysiology of critical illness
  2. Monitoring and diagnostics
  3. Novel interventions
  4. Clinical studies
  5. Miscellaneous

1. Pathophysiology of critical illness

1) Barrett LK, Orie NN, Taylor V, Stidwill RP, Clapp LH, Singer M. Differential effects of vasopressin and norepinephrine on vascular reactivity in a long-term rodent model of sepsis. Crit Care Med 2007; 35: 2337-43
2) Belikova I, Lukaszewicz AC, Faivre V, Damoisel C, Singer M, Payen D. Oxygen consumption of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells in severe human sepsis. Crit Care Med 2007; 35: 2702-8
3) Rajakariar R, Hilliard M, Lawrence T, Trivedi S, Colville-Nash P, Bellingan G, Fitzgerald D, Yaqoob MM, Gilroy DW. Hematopoietic prostaglandin D2 synthase controls the onset and resolution of acute inflammation through PGD2 and 15-deoxyDelta12 14 PGJ2. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2007; 104:20979-84
4) Rajakariar R, Lawrence T, Bystrom J, Hilliard M, Colville-Nash P, Bellingan G, Fitzgerald D, Yaqoob MM, Gilroy DW. Novel biphasic role for lymphocytes revealed during resolving inflammation. Blood. 2008; 111:4184-92
5) Lagan AL, Quinlan GJ, Mumby S, Melley DD, Goldstraw P, Bellingan GJ, Hill MR, Briggs D, Pantelidis P, du Bois RM, Welsh KI, Evans TW. Variation in iron homeostasis genes between patients with ARDS and healthy control subjects. Chest 2008; 133:1302-11
6) O'Brien A, Stidwill R, Clapp LH, Singer M. Variable effects of inhibiting inducible nitric oxide synthase and closing the vascular ATP-sensitive potassium (KATP) channel (via its pore-forming and sulfonylurea receptor subunits) in endotoxic shock. Shock 2009; 31:535-41
7) Dyson A, Stidwill R, Taylor V, Singer M. The impact of inspired oxygen concentration on tissue oxygenation during progressive haemorrhage. Intensive Care Med 2009; 35:1783-91
8) Zolfaghari PS, Packer S, Singer M, Nair SP, Bennett J, Street C, Wilson M. In vivo killing of Staphylococcus aureus using a light-activated antimicrobial agent. BMC Microbiol 2009; 9:27
9) Morris T, Stables M, Hobbs A, de Souza P, Colville-Nash P, Warner T, Newson J, Bellingan G, Gilroy DW. Effects of low-dose aspirin on acute inflammatory responses in humans. J Immunol. 2009; 183:2089-96
10) Morris T, Stables M, Colville-Nash P, Newson J, Bellingan G, de Souza PM, Gilroy DW. Dichotomy in duration and severity of acute inflammatory responses in humans arising from differentially expressed proresolution pathways. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2010; 107:8842-7
11) Sonneville R, Guidoux C, Barrett L, Viltart O, Mattot V, Polito A, de la Grandmaison GL, Blanchard A, Singer M, Annane D, Gray F, Brouland JP, Sharshar T. Vasopressin synthesis by the magnocellular neurons is different in the supraoptic nucleus and in the paraventricular nucleus in human and experimental septic shock. Brain Pathol 2010; 20:613-22
12) Panayiotou CM, Baliga R, Stidwill R, Taylor V, Singer M, Hobbs AJ. Resistance to endotoxic shock in mice lacking natriuretic peptide receptor-A. Br J Pharmacol 2010; 160:2045-54
13) Carré JE, Orban JC, Re L, Felsmann K, Iffert W, Bauer M, Suliman HB, Piantadosi CA, Mayhew TM, Breen P, Stotz M, Singer M. Survival in critical illness is associated with early activation of mitochondrial biogenesis. Am J Resp Crit Care Med 2010; 182:745-751
14) Cochemé HM, Quin C, McQuaker SJ, Cabreiro F, Loga A, Prime TA, Abakumova I, Patel JV, Fearnley IM, James AM, Porteous CM, Smith RAJ, Saeed S, Carré J, Singer M, Gems D, Partridge L, Hartley RC, Murphy MP. In vivo measurement of H2O2 within living mitochondrial matrix. Cell Metab 2011; 13:340-50
15) O'Brien AJ, Terala D, Orie NN, Davies NA, Zolfaghari P, Singer M, Clapp LH. BK large conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channel deficient mice are not resistant to hypotension and display reduced survival benefit following polymicrobial sepsis. Shock 2011; 35:485-91
16) Dyson A, Rudiger A, Singer M. Temporal changes in tissue cardiorespiratory function during fecal peritonitis. Intensive Care Med 2011; 37:1192-200
17) Dyson A, Bryan NS, Fernandez BO, Garcia-Saura M-F, Saijo F, Mongardon N, Rodriguez J, Singer M, Feelisch M. An integrated approach to assess nitroso-redox balance in systemic inflammation Free Rad Biol Med 2011; 51:1137-45
18) Brealey DA, Singer M, Terblanche M. Potential metabolic consequences of statins in sepsis. Crit Care Med 2011; 39:1514-20.
19) Chan Y-L, Orie NN, Dyson A, Taylor V, Stidwill RP, Clapp LH, Singer M. Inhibition of vascular adenosine triphosphate-sensitive potassium channels by sympathetic tone during sepsis Crit Care Med 2012; 40:1261-8
20) Polito A, Sonneville R, Guidoux C, Barrett L, Viltart O, Mattot V, Siami S, Lorin de la Grandmaison G, Chrétien F, Singer M, Gray F, Annane D, Brouland JP, Sharshar T. Changes in CRH and ACTH synthesis during experimental and human septic shock. PLoS One 2011; 6:e25905
21) Dyson A, Cone S, Singer M, Ackland GL. Microvascular and macrovascular flow are uncoupled in early polymicrobial sepsis. Br J Anaesth 2012; 108:973-8
22) Basalay M, Barsukevich V, Mastitskaya S, Mrochek A, Pernow J, Sjöquist PO, Ackland GL, Gourine AV, Gourine A. Remote ischaemic pre- and delayed postconditioning - similar degree of cardioprotection but distinct mechanisms. Exp Physiol. 2012; 97:908-17.
23) Mastitskaya S, Marina N, Gourine A, Gilbey MP, Spyer KM, Teschemacher AG, Kasparov S, Trapp S, Ackland GL, Gourine AV. Cardioprotection evoked by remote ischaemic preconditioning is critically dependent on the activity of vagal pre-ganglionic neurones. Cardiovasc Res. 2012; 95:487-94.
24) Recknagel P, Gonnert FA, Westermann M, Lambeck S, Rudiger A, Lupp A, Carré JE, Kortgen A, Krafft C, Popp J, Sponholz C, Dyson A, Hilger I, Claus R, Riedemann N, Wetzker R, Singer M, Trauner M, Bauer M. Liver dysfunction and Phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase signaling in early sepsis: experimental studies in rodent models of peritonitis PLoSMed 2012; 9:e1001338
25) Recknagel P, Gonnert FA, Halilbasic E, Gajda M, Jbeily N, Lupp A, Rubio I, Claus RA, Kortgen A, Trauner M, Singer M, Bauer M. Mechanisms and functional consequences of liver failure substantially differ between endotoxaemia and faecal peritonitis in rats Liver Int 2013; 33:283-93
26) Rudiger A, Dyson A, Taylor V, Stidwill R, Hughes S, Protti A, Pellerin D, Singer M. Early functional and transcriptomic changes in the myocardium predict outcome in a long-term rat model of sepsis. Clin Sci 2013; 124:391-401
27) Ackland GL, Kazymov V, Marina N, Singer M, Gourine AV. Peripheral neural detection of danger-associated and pathogen-associated molecular patterns. Crit Care Med 2013; 41:e85-92
28) Donati A, Damiani E, Domizi R, Romano R, Adrario E, Pelaia P, Ince C, Singer M. Alteration of the sublingual microvascular glycocalyx in critically ill patients. Microvasc Res. 2013 (ePub)
29) Zolfaghari PS, Bollen Pinto B, Dyson A, Singer M. The metabolic phenotype of rodent sepsis: cause for concern? Intensive Care Med Experimental 2013 (ePub)

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2. Monitoring and diagnostics

1) Dyson A, Stidwill R, Taylor V, Singer M. Tissue oxygen monitoring in rodent models of shock. Am J Physiol Heart Circul Physiol 2007; 293:H526-33
2) Squara P, Cecconi M, Rhodes A, Singer M, Chiche JD. Tracking changes in cardiac output: methodological considerations for the validation of monitoring devices. Intensive Care Med 2009; 35:1801-8
3) Dyson A, Bezemer R, Legrand M, Balestra G, Singer M, Ince C. Microvascular and interstitial oxygen tension in the renal cortex and medulla studied in a 4-h rat model of LPS-induced endotoxemia. Shock 2011; 36:83-9
4) Dyson A, Simon F, Seifrite A, Zimmerling O, Matallo J, Calzia E, Radermacher P, Singer M. Bladder tissue oxygen tension monitoring in pigs subjected to a range of cardiorespiratory and pharmacologic challenges Intensive Care Med 2012; 38:1868-76
5) Atlas G, Brealey D, Dhar S, Dikta G, Singer M. Additional hemodynamic measurements with an esophageal Doppler monitor: a preliminary report of compliance, force, kinetic energy, and afterload in the clinical setting. J Clin Monit Comput 2012; 26:473-82

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3. Novel interventions

1) Gibot S, Massin F, Marcou M, Taylor V, Stidwill R, Wilson P, Singer M, Bellingan G. TREM-1 promotes survival during septic shock in mice. Eur J Immunol 2007;37:456-66.
2) Protti A, Carré C, Frost MT, Taylor V, Stidwill R, Rudiger A, Singer M. Succinate recovers mitochondrial oxygen consumption in septic rat skeletal muscle. Crit Care Med 2007; 35: 2150-5
3) Ackland GL, Gutierrez Del Arroyo A, Yao ST, Stephens RC, Dyson A, Klein NJ, Singer M, Gourine AV. Low molecular weight polyethylene glycol improves survival in experimental sepsis. Crit Care Med 2010; 38:629-36
4) Ackland GL, Yao ST, Rudiger A, Dyson A, Stidwill R, Poputnikov D, Singer M, Gourine AV. Cardioprotection, attenuated systemic inflammation, and survival benefit of 1-adrenoceptor blockade in severe sepsis in rats. Crit Care Med 2010; 38:388-94

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4. Clinical studies

1) Lipiner-Friedman D, Sprung CL, Laterre PF, Weiss Y, Goodman SV, Vogeser M, Briegel J, Keh D, Singer M, Moreno R, Bellissant E, Annane D; Corticus Study Group. Adrenal function in sepsis: the retrospective Corticus cohort study. Crit Care Med 2007; 35:1012-8
2) Wilson AP, Cepeda JA, Hayman S, Whitehouse T, Singer M, Bellingan G. In vitro susceptibility of Gram-positive pathogens to linezolid and teicoplanin and effect on outcome in critically ill patients. J Antimicrob Chemother 2006; 58:470-3
3) Wilson AP, Hayman S, Cepeda JA, Singer M, Bellingan G Screening for MRSA and GISA in the intensive care unit. J Hosp Infect 2006; 64:85-6
4) Hayman S, Wilson AP, Singer M, Bellingan G. Effect of linezolid and teicoplanin on skin staphylococci. J Antimicrob Chemother 2007; 59:1281-2
5) Wilson APR, Hayman S, Whitehouse T, Cepeda J, Kibbler C, Shaw S, Zelaya C, Cookson B, Singer M, Bellingan G. The importance of the environment for patient acquisition of MRSA on the Intensive Care Unit: a baseline study. Crit Care Med 2007; 35:2275-9
6) Dickson SJ, Batson S, Copas A, Edwards SG, Singer M, Miller RF. Survival of HIV-infected patients in the intensive care unit in the era of highly active antretroviral therapy. Thorax 2007; 62:964-8
7) Sprung CL, Annane D, Keh D, Moreno R., Singer M, et al for the Corticus Study Group. Hydrocortisone therapy for patients with septic shock. N Engl J Med 2008; 358:111-24
8) Harvey S, Welch C, Harrison DA, Rowan KM, Singer M. Post hoc insights from PAC-Man - the UK pulmonary artery catheter trial. Crit Care Med 2008; 36:1714-21
5) Cuthbertson BH, Sprung CL, Annane D, Chevret S, Garfield M, Goodman S, Laterre PF, Vincent JL, Freivogel K, Reinhart K, Singer M, Payen D, Weiss YG. The effects of etomidate on adrenal responsiveness and mortality in patients with septic shock. Intensive Care Med 2009; 35:1868-76
6) Briegel J, Sprung CL, Annane D, Singer M, Keh D, Moreno R, Möhnle P, Weiss Y, Avidan A, Brunkhorst FM, Fiedler F, Vogeser M; for the CORTICUS Study Group. Multicenter comparison of cortisol as measured by different methods in samples of patients with septic shock. Intensive Care Med 2009; 35:2151-2156
7) Kidd IM, Down J, Nastouli E, Shulman R, Grant PR, Howell DC, Singer M. H1N1 pneumonitis treated with intravenous zanamivir. Lancet 2009; 374:1036
8) Khandavilli S, Wilson P, Cookson B, Cepeda J, Bellingan G, Brown J. Utility of spa typing for investigating the local epidemiology of MRSA on a UK intensive care ward. J Hosp Infect. 2009; 71:29-35.
9) Corona A, Bertolini G, Lipman J, Wilson AP, Singer M. Antibiotic use and impact on outcome from bacteraemic critical illness: the BActeraemia Study in Intensive Care (BASIC) J Antimicrobial Chemother 2010; 65:1276-85
10) Protti A, Russo R, Tagliabue P, Vecchio S, Singer M, Rudiger A, Foti G, Rossi A, Mistraletti G, Gattinoni L. Oxygen consumption is depressed in patients with lactic acidosis due to biguanide intoxication. Crit Care 2010; 14: R22
11) Wilson APR, Smyth D, Moore G, Singleton J, Jackson R, Gant V, Jeanes A, Shaw S, James E, Cooper B, Cookson B, Kearns A, Singer M, Bellingan G. Does a high intensity of cleaning of the environment within the ICU reduce colonisation and healthcare-acquired infection? A randomised multicentre cross- over cohort study. Crit Care Med 2011; 39:651-8.
12) Moreno R, Sprung CL, Annane D, Chevret S, Briegel J, Keh D, Singer M, Weiss YG, Payen D, Cuthbertson BH, Vincent JL. Time course of organ failure in patients with septic shock treated with hydrocortisone: results of the Corticus study. Intensive Care Med 2011; 37:1765-72.
13) Adlakha A, Pavlou M, Walker DA, Copas AJ, Dufty N, Batson S, Edwards SG, Singer M, Miller RF. Survival of HIV-infected patients admitted to the intensive care unit in the era of highly active antiretroviral therapy. Int J STD AIDS 2011; 22:498-504
14) Morelli M, Donati A, Ertmer C, Rehberg S, Kampmeier T, Orecchioni A, D'Egidio A, Cecchini V, Pietropaoli P, Westphal M, Mebazaa A, Singer M. Microvascular effects of heart rate control with esmolol in patients with septic shock. Crit Care Med 2013;41:2162-2168.
15) Marty FM, Man CY, van der Horst C, Francois B, Garot D, Mánez R, Thamlikitkul V, Lorente JA, Alvarez-Lerma F, Brealey D, Zhao HH, Weller S, Yates PJ, Peppercorn AF. Safety and Pharmacokinetics of Intravenous Zanamivir Treatment in Hospitalized Adults With Influenza: An Open-label, Multicenter, Single-Arm, Phase II Study. J Infect Dis. 2013 Sep 18 (ePub).
16) Morelli A, Ertmer C, Westphal M, Rehberg S, Kampmeier T, Orecchioni A, D'Egidio A, D'Ippoliti F, Venditti M, Guarracino F, Girardis M, Pietropaoli P, Mebazaa A, Singer M. Heart rate control with esmolol in patients with septic shock: a randomized controlled trial JAMA 2013 (ePub)

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5. Miscellaneous

1) Tritapepe L, De Santis V, Vitale D, Guarracino F, Pellegrini F, Pietropaoli P, Singer M. Levosimendan pre-treatment improves outcomes in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Br J Anaesth 2009; 102:198-204
2) Reade MC, Huang DT, Bell D, Coats TJ, Cross AM, Moran JL, Peake SL, Singer M, Yealy DM, Angus DC. Variability in management of early sepsis. Emerg Med J 2010; 27:110-5.
3) Harrison DA, D'Amico G, Singer M. The Pancreatitis Outcome Prediction (POP) Score: A new prognostic index for patients with severe acute pancreatitis. Crit Care Med 2007; 35:1703-8
4) Ackland GL, Harrington J, Downie P, Holding JW, Singh-Ranger D, Griva K, Mythen MG, Newman SP. Dehydration induced by bowel preparation in older adults does not result in cognitive dysfunction. Anesth Analg 2008; 106:924-9
5) Harrison DA, D'Amico G, Singer M. Case mix, outcome, and activity for admissions to UK critical care units with severe acute pancreatitis: a secondary analysis of the ICNARC Case Mix Programme Database Crit Care 2007; 11:S1
6) Ackland GL, Harris S, Ziabari Y, Grocott M, Mythen M; SOuRCe Investigators. Revised cardiac risk index and postoperative morbidity after elective orthopaedic surgery: a prospective cohort study. Br J Anaesth. 2010; 105:744-52
7) Taylor CJ, Robertson F, Brealey D, O'Shea F, Stephen T, Brew S, Grieve JP, Smith M, Appleby I. Outcome in poor grade subarachnoid hemorrhage patients treated with acute endovascular coiling of aneurysms and aggressive intensive care. Neurocrit Care. 2011; 14:341-7.
8) Ackland GL, Moran N, Cone S, Grocott MP, Mythen MG. Chronic kidney disease and postoperative morbidity after elective orthopedic surgery. Anesth Analg. 2011; 112:1375-81
9) Nunnally ME, Jaeschke R, Bellingan GJ, Lacroix J, Mourvillier B, Rodriguez-Vega GM, Rubertsson S, Vassilakopoulos T, Weinert C, Zanotti-Cavazzoni S, Buchman TG. Targeted temperature management in critical care: a report and recommendations from five professional societies. Crit Care Med. 2011; 39:1113-25.
10) O'Brien AJ, Welch CA, Singer M, Harrison DA. Prevalence and outcome of cirrhosis patients admitted to UK intensive care: a comparison against dialysis-dependent chronic renal failure patients. Intensive Care Med 2012; 38:991-1000
11) Needleman I, Hyun-Ryu J, Brealey D, Sachdev M, Moskal-Fitzpatrick D, Bercades G, Nagle J, Lewis K, Agudo E, Petrie A, Suvan J, Donos N, Singer M. The impact of hospitalization on dental plaque accumulation: an observational study. J Clin Periodontol 2012; 39:1011-6
12) Holm L, Ackland GL, Edwards MR, Breckenridge RA, Sim RB, Offer J. Chemical labelling of active serum thioester proteins for quantification. Immunobiology. 2012; 217:256-64.
13) Sultan P, Hamilton MA, Ackland GL. Preoperative muscle weakness as defined by handgrip strength and postoperative outcomes: a systematic review. BMC Anesthesiol. 2012; 12:1
14) Arulkumaran N, Annear NM, Singer M. Patients with end-stage renal disease admitted to the intensive care unit: systematic review. Br J Anaesth. 2013; 110:13-20
15) Townsend WM, Holroyd A, Pearce R, Mackinnon S, Naik P, Goldstone AH, Linch DC, Peggs KS, Thomson KJ, Singer M, Howell DC, Morris EC. Improved intensive care unit survival for critically ill allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients following reduced intensity conditioning. Br J Haematol 2013; 61:578-586
16) Bion J, Richardson A, Hibbert P, Beer J, Abrusci T, McCutcheon M, Cassidy J, Eddleston J, Gunning K, Bellingan G, Patten M, Harrison D; Matching Michigan Collaboration & Writing Committee. 'Matching Michigan': a 2-year stepped interventional programme to minimise central venous catheter-blood stream infections in intensive care units in England. BMJ Qual Saf. 2013; 22:110-23.
17) Sachdev M, Ready D, Brealey D, Ryu JH, Bercades G, Nagle J, Borja-Boluda S, Agudo E, Petrie A, Suvan J, Donos N, Singer M, Needleman I. Changes in dental plaque following hospitalisation in a critical care unit: an observational study. Crit Care 2013; 17:R189.

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