

Institute of Communications and Connected Systems


Will internet infrastructure cope with Corona?

13 March 2020

Professor Izzat Darwazeh, ICCS Director, has this week provided commentary to the national press on whether our ageing Internet infrastructure will cope with an expected increase in demand.

Image of a Virus Biological Cel/organism, overlaid over someone on a laptop with multiple info graphics floating.

Author: Dr Rob Thompson, Institute Manager

Research theme logos - Intelligent High Capacity Networks; Ubiquitous Connectivity
High Capacity Networks | Network Infrastructure | Broadband

As Coronavirus leads to many companies and educational institutions closing their office doors how will our broadband infrastructure cope as we migrate to internet-based alternatives. 

Professor Izzat Darwazeh, has been trying to shed light on this question this week.

I doubt that the core network can cope if even tens of thousands of people who work in the City of London are forced to work from home and need access to video conferencing and trading systems.““I doubt
that the core network can cope if even
tens of thousands of people who work
in the City of London are forced to
work from home and need access to
video conferencing and trading
systems.”“I doubt
that the core network can cope if even
tens of thousands of people who work
in the City of London are forced to
work from home and need access to
video conferencing and trading
systems.”“I doubt
that the core network can cope if even
tens of thousands of people who work
in the City of London are forced to
work from home and need access to
video conferencing and trading
systems.”“I doubt
that the core network can cope if even
tens of thousands of people who work
in the City of London are forced to
work from home and need access to
video conferencing and trading
systems.”“I doubt
that the core network can cope if even
tens of thousands of people who work
in the City of London are forced to
work from home and need access to
video conferencing and trading
systems.”I doubt that the core network can cope if even tens of thousands of people who work in the City of London are forced to work from home and need access to video conferencing and trading systemsI doubt that the core network can cope if even tens of thousands of people who work in the City of London are forced to work from home and need access to video conferencing and trading systems.”

Professor Darwazeh told the Daily Telegraph.

Going on to explain his concerns Professor Darwazeh explained that he worries that sudden dramatic increase in demand may cause congestion and blocking within the network.

Professor Darwzeh's comments were echoed by Professor Alan Woodward of the University of Surrey who added that security systems used to manage employee access to online resources, systems and tools may become "bottlenecks" as the level of internet traffic placed upon them increases to high levels.


Professor Darwazeh's Profile