

Global Governance Institute


Global Policy Special Section: Towards a Third Generation of Global Governance Scholarship

15 February 2018

Edited by the GGI directorship, this Global Policy Special Section brings together pioneering thinkers to reflect upon the distance travelled by global governance research in recent years.

Global Policy Special Section

Global governance is widely viewed as in crisis. Deepening interdependence of cross-border activity belies the relative absence of governance mechanisms capable of effectively tackling major global policy challenges. Scholars have an important role to play in understanding blockages and ways through. 

A new Special Section in the journal Global Policy (Volume 9, Issue 1), edited by the GGI Directorship, features contributions from pioneering thinkers in global governance, working across theoretical, analytical and issue-area boundaries. Reflecting upon the distance travelled by global governance research in recent years, the collection aims to identify promising lines of future inquiry and galvanise further scholarly innovation into how, ultimately, collective action can be achieved on an unprecedented scale to respond to the most pressing global policy challenges of our time. 

The by David Coen and Tom Pegram argues that much is to be gained from advancing a convergence, already underway, across a theoretically and empirically rich existing scholarship, towards a 'third generation' of global governance research. They point towards an emerging global governance research agenda, distinguished by a concern for the complexity of global public policy delivery and the potential for more systematic inter- and cross-disciplinary learning. 

Contributors to the Special Section include: Virginia Haufler (University of Maryland), Axel Marx (Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies, KU Leuven), Jan Wouters (Institute for International Law and Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies, KU Leuven), Thomas Hale (University of Oxford), David Held (Durham University) and Michael Zürn (WZB Berlin Social Science Center). 

The full issue is available at: