

Office of the President and Provost (Equality, Diversity & Inclusion)


Accessibility Guidance Notes for Lecturers

Top tips on adjustments that will make lectures as accessible and inclusive as possible

You won't always know whether there is a disabled member of staff, disabled student or disabled member of the public in your audience - the onus is on us all to anticipate that there might be.

Top Tips

  • Inform departments prior to your arrival if you require any reasonable adjustments to facilitate your presentation (at least two weeks in advance if possible)
  • Where we are aware of people in the audience with visual impairments, or with low level of vision, we will endeavour to accommodate them in the front seats
  • We will inform you prior to the event if a sign language interpreter will be present and outline best practice when working with the interpreter
  • Ensure that when presenting, you speak clearly, face the audience and avoid covering your mouth with your hand or the microphone. If someone is lip-reading they will need to see the whole of the face, especially your mouth, in good lighting. Make sure you are not silhouetted against a bright background light
  • Always use the microphone, even if you have a loud voice, as microphones are linked to the Audio Loop used by some people with hearing impairments
  • Ensure that the font and print size on your visual materials is large and clear, especially if using statistics or excerpts from books that may be in small print. For overheads/slides Ariel point 18 should be the minimum font size used
  • Ensure any small diagrams are one to a slide
  • Always convey in speech any visual or graphic cues you are using. Read the main text from slides, to ensure the information is still accessible to audience members that are unable to read the slides
  • When using videos or moving images, try to describe the action verbally as well, or add subtitles/captions wherever possible
  • Please be aware of background noise (this can include accidentally interfering with the mic if you are expressive with your hands), especially during the question and answer sessions and ensure you repeat the question taken from the audience before answering it. 

Contact equalities@ucl.ac.uk for further information.