

Institute of Epidemiology & Health Care


IEHC Senior Promotions

19 July 2018

We are extremely happy to report that Senior Promotions for 2017-18 have been announced and that the dedication of many staff across IEHC has been recognised (effective 1st October 2018).

These promotions reflect excellent contributions in teaching, research, development of others and real world impact. Please join me in congratulating the following staff on their well-deserved promotion:
Name Department Promoted To
EPH Professor in Quantitative Social Science
EPH Professor of Epidemiology & Medical Statistics
EPH Professor of Population Health
EPH Professor of Dental Public Health
PCPH Professor of Primary Care & Health Services Research
PCPH Professor of Primary Care Education
PCPH Professor of Primary Care & Epidemiology
BSH Professorial Research Fellow
BSH Associate Professor
BSH Associate Professor
EPH Associate Professor
EPH Principal Research Fellow
EPH Principal Teaching Fellow