

Institute of Epidemiology & Health Care


Advancing survival after cancer: Outcomes Trial (ASCOT)

13 February 2018

The ASCOT trial led by Abi Fisher (Behavioural Science and Health) and Rebecca Beeken (University of Leeds) has been awarded an additional £188,892 by Cancer Research UK to continue the study until the end of 2018.

cruk-logo The trial has randomised 1,150 survivors of breast, prostate and colorectal cancer to brief behavioural advice about healthy lifestyles versus usual care, with initial follow-up assessments at 3 and 6 months. In addition radiographer Nickola Pallin has been awarded a CRUK Predoctoral Fellowship to work with Abi and Rebecca to explore the feasibility of training radiographers to provide lifestyle advice to cancer patients.

Read more about ASCOTÂ