

Institute of Epidemiology & Health Care


Extensive media coverage 'alcohol consumption and cognitive decline in early old age' article

15 January 2014

Dr Severine Sabia, a researcher in the Whitehall II Group, has published on  'Alcohol consumption and cognitive decline in early old age' (Neurology. 2014 Jan 28;82(4):332-9).

Man drinking

The results were featured in a press release, '' American Academy of Neurology.

Key Finding

It is known that heavy alcohol consumption increases the risk of several chronic diseases. However, its effect on cognitive function has been less well explored. We found that heavy drinking during midlife was associated with declines in cognitive functioning over the next decade, as measured by tests on memory and reasoning. Men who said they drank more than 4 units of alcohol/day (e.g. 4 glasses of wine or spirits, or two pints of beer a day) on average experienced memory loss similar to that typically observed in respondents 6 years older than them.

Links to a selection of media releases

  • ABC's World News Tonight with Diane Sawyer (15 January 2014)
  • Good Morning America (15 January 2014)
  • The Today Show (15 January 2014)
  • TIME (15 January 2014)
  • USA Today (15 January 2014)
  • New York Daily News (16 January 2014)
  • Los Angeles Times (15 January 2014)
  • Daily Mail (15 January 2014)
  • The Telegram (15 January 2014)
  • The Guardian (15 January 2014)