
MA & PhD Theses

Postgraduate theses on English language topics, Department of English Language and Literature, University College London

Please note: we do not supply manuscripts on request. Some theses can be read at the Survey by arrangement.

Aarts, B. Clauses of concession in written present-day British English: a corpus-based study. (MA, 1985)

Aarts, B. Small Clauses in English: the prepositional, nominal and adjectival types. (PhD, 1990)

Aba-Alalaa, H. The role of culture on the expression of politeness through the speech act of request: a comparison of Saudi and British speakers of English. (MA, 2009)

Abberton, E. The typology of nominal group premodification structures and their distribution in relation to a selection of contemporary English texts. (Diploma, 1967)

Adams, T. A taxonomy of syntactic ambiguity in English. (MA, 2023)

Ajoku, O. A. Verb patterns in English with particular reference to the verb set. (MA, 2002)

Akyol, S. An analysis of passivization, inversion and fronting in the plays from 19th, 20th, and Early 21st Century. (MA, 2009)

Almarwaey, A. An investigation of Islamic terms鈥 meanings in English. (MA, 2013)

Alharbi, K. The comparison of the naturalness of dialogue using Harvey Sacks鈥 models of adjacency pairs and comparisons of people鈥檚 perceptions in authentic media entertainment sources. (MA, 2023)

Alharthi, Ahmad A. Reforming the spelling or spelling deformity. (MA, 2010)

Aljohani, S. A corpus-based study of the degree word enough. (MA, 2011)

Almeyda, F. On the promotion to subject construction in English. (MA, 1997)

Alvaro, A.M. The "Let" imperative. (MA, 1988)

Amin, I. A study of English adjectives with a special emphasis on their pre-nominal order. (MA, 2008)

Anadioutou, E. G. Personal pronouns: morphological characteristics and gender marking in Modern English. (MA, 2002)

Anthony, M.N. A taxonomy of English finite verb questions. (MA, 1974)

Antoniou, M. Phrasal and prepositional verbs: a discussion of some recent syntactic analyses. (MA, 1999)

Apostoliadis, M. A comparative study of article usage in English and Greek. (MA, 1993)

Arnardottir, L. Conditional if-sentences in written present-day British English compared with the corresponding "EF" sentences in written present-day Icelandic. (MA, 1986)

Aryan, N. Women vs. men: conscious prestige. (MA, 2012)

Augustyniak, R. The telicity of English verbs in contrast with the Slavonic languages. (MA, 2006)

Auksakyte, I. Expressing futurity in English: will, shall, and be going to. (MA, 2011)

Bai, M. A comparative study on morphological productivity of the adjectival affixes 鈥-ous鈥 and 鈥-ish鈥. (MA, 2022)

Bald, W.D. A corpus study of the subjects and complements of to be. (MA, 1969)

Bale, S. Some observations on the use of the vocative in British English. (MA, 1975)

Balogh, I. A finer look at the middle alternation in English. (MA, 2013)

Balueva, I. Taboo and Euphemism. (MA, 2011)

Beaumont, G. A diagnostic comparison of lexicographical method in two monolingual English dictionaries (Dictionary of Contemporary English and Concise Oxford Dictionary).

Belan, A.C. The specifier node within the X-bar theory framework. (MA 1993)

Beleveti, O. Surely, certainly, indeed. (MA, 1988)

Benco, M. The role of the determiner in the English Noun Phrase: a study of three approaches. (MA, 2006)

Benyon, A.J. A study of the prosodic and paralinguistic features of a corpus of academic lectures on present-day English. (MPhil, 1969)

Berge, S. An inquiry into the notion of 'Marked Theme' in present-day English. (MA, 1977)

Biehle, M. English word-formation: an investigation of the rules of English word-formation and affixation which give rise to the nonce formations, puns, portmanteaus and malapropisms in Chapter 1.6 of James Joyce鈥檚 Finnegans Wake.. (MA, 2021)

Bird, J. Investigating the Cohesion of Texts. (MA, 1991)

Black, M.I.S. A study of contracted forms in the English verbal group. (MA, 1970)

Blackwood, T.Y. The uses of the modal auxiliary will - a corpus-based study. (MA, 1970)

Blyleven, B. Fine-tuning language: inflectional morphology acquisition. (MA, 2012)

Boardman, G. A study of certain kinds of anacolutha in a corpus of spoken English. (MA, 1972)

Bolesova, R. How different is present-day RP English from English used as a model in English as a foreign language classrooms? An investigation into connected speech processes with reference to elision, assimilation and liasion. (MA, 2008)

Bolozsky, S. Non-finite post-modification of the nominal group head. (MA,1968)

Bordwell, C. A study of nominal groups in selected sentences of a British statute. (Diploma, 1969)

Brown, P.A. The double object construction in English ditransitive complementation. (MA, 1990)

Bugarski, R. A study of certain English prepositional oppositions. (PhD, Belgrade)

Burton-Roberts, N. A study of nominal apposition. (MA, 1972)

Buzelin, H. On the use of the deep structure concept by some translation theorists. (MA, 1997)

Cairncross. A.S. On the use of only in English. (MA, 1987)

Caldicott, A.C.E. Be going to, will and future time in written British English. (MA, 1990)

Cang, H. A semantic study on to-infinitive and -ing participle in complement clauses. (MA, 2013)

Chan Shing Pan, B. A study of syntactic and textual complexity in monologues: a corpus-based study. (MA, 2003)

Chan, Y. How figurative language use Is affected in films: a Critical Discourse Analysis. (MA, 2020)

Chang, K. The get-passive in English: a complex predicate analysis. (MA, 2001)

Chang, X. A comparative study between the adverbial and discourse marker use of actually in British English. (MA, 2022)

Chatterjee, C. Conditional backshift. (MA, 2010)

Che Arshad, F. Evaluating the usage of politeness strategies in customers鈥 electronic complaints via email and Facebook. (MA, 2014)

Chen, C. Gender and politeness strategies: an empirical study on compliments in the media. (MA, 2013)

Chen, S. Power abuse, domination and manipulation in Covid-19 news reports. (MA, 2021)

Chen, X. A corpus-based study analyzing the impact of covid-19 on words covidiot, self-isolation, mask, and lockdown. (MA, 2022)

Chen, Y. A Critical Discourse Analysis on White artists鈥 song lyrics regarding 'Black Lives Matter' movement: compared to Black artists鈥 discourses. (MA, 2023)

Cheng, Y. T. J. Subordination in English: a corpus-based study of declarative content clauses. (MA, 2004)

Cheng, Q. An analysis on conversational implicature of transcripts in Desperate Housewives season eight from the perspective of Cooperative Principle. (MA, 2021)

Cheung Chi, A. The perception of British English intonation by native Cantonese speakers of Hong Kong. (MA, 2003)

Chew, S. Examining systemic transfer and exemplar theory through topic prominence and pro-drop in Singaporean English. (MA, 2020)

Chiu, L. The verbal expression of modality in English. (MA, 2003)

Choo, C. J. The case for Malaysian English as a nativised English in Schneider鈥檚 dynamic model. (MA, 2014)

Chu, S. Y. S. How far is prototype theory necessary in grammatical descriptions? A study focussing on English noun phrases. (MA, 2000)

Citrabongs, K. The perfect, its form and meaning: a study based on the corpus of present-day English. (MA, 1972)

Collins, S. Markers of cognitive decline in Alzheimer鈥檚 patient narratives: A linguistic case study. (MA, 2020)

Collinson, J. How fixed are idioms? An investigation into the classification of idioms and the influences on their structural and lexical fixedness. (MA, 2004)

Constanta, V. Discourse markers in English, with special reference to oh, well, y'know and I mean. (MA, 2003)

Cook, V.J. Phatic Communion. (Diploma, 1970)

Corella Gaspar, F. A study of some uses of will. (MA 1993)

Crystal, D. Studies in the prosodic features of educated British English with special reference to intonation. (PhD, 1966)

Cui, J. A CDA of the New York Times and China Daily鈥檚 news reports on Russia-Ukraine conflicts from the perspectives of appraisal. (MA, 2023)

Cullen, C.J. Place deixis and semantics. (MA, 1972)

Dai, A. Rebel against control: a metaphor-oriented Critical Discourse Analysis of Naked Lunch. (MA, 2023)

Davies, H.M.P. A comparison of prosodic features used by subjects when reading aloud a printed passage. (MA, 1970)

Davison, B.D. A corpus-based analysis of certain aspects of information structuring in modern spoken English, with particular reference to the distribution and prosodic weight of the adverbial element in relation to that of the verb and its complement. (MA, 1973)

Deb, P.C. Have as a main verb in written English. (MA, 1987)

Del Negro, N. English grammar knowledge positively impacts the correct use of German grammar in an L2 context: how acquired L1 grammar knowledge enhances German SLA of adult speakers of British English. (MA, 2020)

Depraetere, I. Temporal when-clauses in written English: a corpus-based analysis. (MA, 1990)

Ding, L. Corpus-based analysis of pragmatic markers: the use of I mean in Cantonese speakers ICE and British speakers. (MA, 2014)

Dodici, L. Coordination and subordination. (MA, 2007)

Dong, K. Personal metadiscourse and politeness principle: a comparative study of EAP lessons and university lectures on Chinese University MOOCs. (MA, 2022)

Dong, Z. Double negatives in English: based on TV and Movie corpora. (MA, 2023)

Dziadura, K. Tense or aspect: the case of the English perfect. (MA, 2003)

Eck, E. Investigating the semantic constraints involved in the development of privative meanings in conversion verbs: a quantitative comparison of multiple theories. (MA, 2020)

Fang, Y. You know is more than you know: a data-based study of you know in ICE-HK. (MA, 2014)

Farese, G. M. English cultural scripts and speech act performance: a case study of indirect opinions. (MA, 2013)

Feldman, J. Interpreting indexical expressions in face-to-face and voice-to-voice discourse. (MA, 1992)

Feng, D. Constructional gradience in passive constructions. (MA, 2013)

Fern谩ndez-Rodriguez, G. A comparative study of noun phrase structure in English and Spanish. (MA, 2004)

Fernando, H. Some elliptical constructions in present-day spoken and written English. (MA, 1991)

Fletcher, C.S. The function and intonation of prepositional phrases and adjuncts as noun postmodifiers. (MA, 1975)

Flury, T. Everybody deserves a fair shot at the American Dream - on gun methaphors in presidential speeches and the political discourse of post-cold war America. (MA, 2020)

Forberg, A. Phrasal verbs in spoken and written language: a corpus-based study.(MA, 2007)

Foss, G. Realisations of /t/ as sociophonetic variants in English, with specific reference to t-glottaling and t-voicing in RP: an illustration of language change in progress. (MA, 2006)

Fricker, F.H. Negative constructions in English - an attempted classification. (MA, 1968)

Fu, Y. On the general features of news English: from the structural and discourse points of view 鈥 based on online news sources. (MA, 2014)

Fuscoe, K. Innit: an investigation into the use of invariant tags by teenagers. (MA, 2013)

Gardner, P. A study of clause connexion in a corpus of children's writing. (MA)

Gefter, A. Behavioural profile of the verb 'to feel': a corpus-based approach. (MA, 2010)

George, K. Does time really fly? A comparison of the use and frequency of temporal metaphors and their occurrence in CBT based texts. (MA, 2020)

Ghilardelli. C. The use of tag questions in modern spoken English. (MA, 1992)

Gisborne, N. A consideration of the relationship between the aspectual character of some verbs of cognition and perception and the thematic roles associated with them. (MA, 1991)

Gjyshinca, B. Transmission of hearsay in reality TV: reported speech and its influence on audience perception in Love Island. (UK) (MA, 2023)

Gnutzmann, C.C.H. Semantic and syntactic aspects of the compared adjective in English. (MA, 1971)

Goburdhun, Y. A comparative study of phrase structure in English, with special reference to noun phrases (MA, 2001)

Goh, J.Y. Disagreement strategies used by speakers of Singapore English: an analysis of informal conversational data from the International Corpus of English-Singapore. (MA, 2023)

Gomez Moya, A. Email authorship attribution: a sociolinguistic approach. (MA, 2011)

Gu, Y. A study of 香港六合彩 lecturers鈥 attitudes and ideologies towards China English writing. (MA, 2023)

Guo, S. The Domain of Derivatives. (MA, 2011)

Guo, X. 鈥榃ords of the Year鈥 in British English: a lexicological study. (MA, 2023)

Greenbaum, S. A study of conjuntive, disjunctive and other functions of the adverb in present-day English. (PhD, 1967)

Grew, P.E. An analysis of some optional ways of organising and presenting information in a corpus of spoken English. (MA, 1975)

Guo, Q. Ditransitive complementation in present-day British English. (MA, 2000)

Gweon, H. I. A cognitive analysis of the morpheme to in English infinitival constructions. (MA, 2013)

Hagen Engen, J. Aspects of mixed coordination. (MA, 1999)

Halimah, W. British newspapers鈥 representation of Islam, Christianity and Judaism in the year 2010. (MA, 2011)

Hall, P. An analysis of the complementation of nouns by postmodifying prepositional phrases (for, to and from). (MA, 1990)

Han, J. A contrastive study on compliment response strategies between Chinese and British university students. (MA, 2023)

Handa, K. Exploring the band score boundaries of the International English Testing System (IELTS). (MA, 2023)

Hao, J. The distribution of affixal negation and non-affixal negation in British English: a corpus-based study for speakers鈥 preference between two forms. (MA, 2022)

Hardie, R.G. The formation and classification of idioms (MA, 1975)

Hassan Ibrahim, S. Globalising keywords: the semantics of secular in Nigerian English and British English. (MA, 2014)

He, J. War metaphors in men鈥檚 and women鈥檚 football commentaries. (MA, 2021)

He, R. A corpus-based comparative study: the combinations of the referential discourse markers in the spoken Hong Kong and British English. (MA, 2022)

He, Y. Are semi-modals raising verbs?. (MA, 2022)

Heaner, M. A study of cleft sentences in modern English (MA 1998)

Heck, H.W. The locative use of prepositional phrases in clause structure. (MA, 1971)

Hevia, B. Uses of get. (MA, 1996)

Higashi, H. On the use of past tense forms of the English modal auxiliaries with past time reference in present-day written British English. (MA, 1990)

Home, O. Case in English. (MA, 2006)

Hounslow, E. Grammars, Grammar in Monolingual Learners' Dictionaries, and Students of English as a Foreign Language. (MA, 1986)

Hu, S. Morphological process: a study in English compound nouns: the analysis of the sequence of N + N combination. (MA, 2012)

Hu, X. A corpus-based contrastive study on hedging in English academic papers written by native English and Chinese scholars. (MA, 2020)

Huang, C. The study of illocutionary act in top 10 well-known commencement speeches. (MA, 2022)

Huang, J. Disease metaphors in the new pandemic: the UK media framing of COVID-19. (MA, 2020)

Huang, L-T. The centrality of English adverbials in the clause structure. (MA, 2007)

Hurst, J. Cohesion in children's writing. (MA, 1990)

Ilson, R.F. Forms of address in Shakespeare with special reference to the use of 'thou' and 'you'. (PhD)

Joerres, W. A phonetic/phonological study of cooarticulation and assimilation processes in modern English. (MA, 1992)

Ivir, V. The predicative use of adjectives, present and past participles in contemporary English. (Diploma, 1964)

Jackson, J. An examination of the factors that hinder the ability of Japanese learners to speak English fluently and possible solutions to overcoming them. (MA, 2013)

Jia, Z. An investigation of glottalization in English spoken by students in different circles. (MA, 2023)

Jin, C. Phonological features of middle school English teachers in China. (MA, 2023)

Jin, Q. A comparison of three Christmas speeches by Queen Elizabeth II. (MA, 2022)

Jing, K. Framing China: a CDA of the wandering balloon incident in CNN coverage. (MA, 2023)

Jones, D. A study of passive structures in English. (MA, 1993)

Jones, N. Get as Auxiliary Verb. (MA, 1985)

Jun, Junghoon On the controversy of future tense in English, with the emphasis on will. (MA, 1997)

Kadham, M. Do politicians use metaphor to persuade the public to follow the Covid-19 pandemic instructions and measurements?. (MA, 2021)

Kaltenboeck, G. It-clefts in discourse: a corpus-based discussion. (MA, 1991)

Kalogjera, D. An analysis of the distribution and frequency of shall, will, 'll, in literary colloquial English. (Diploma, 1963)

Kasuga, S. Analysing humour: a discourse analysis on the sitcom Frasier. (MA, 2009)

Katieva, K. Languages in a globalising world: the impact of majority languages on minority language communities. (MA, 2012)

Kempson, R.M. A transcription and prosodic analysis of an approved selection of spoken English. (MA transcriptions)

Khalim, N. Investigating the plausibility of alternating 鈥BE + to-infinitive鈥 with 鈥BE + bare infinitive鈥 in complex-intransitive clauses: a corpus-based study. (MA, 2022)

Kirk, L. The gerund in English. (MA, 2001)

Kostadinova-Kavalova, Y. A study of catenative verbs and catenative constructions in English. (MA, 2002)

Koteyko, I. The language of print advertising in the UK: from corpus to model. (PhD, 2012)

Kounenaki, S. Language differences between the sexes: myth or reality? (MA, 1991)

Koveri, A. A Study of ing constructions in presentday modern English: the gerund. (MA, 1998)

Kovtun, O. The change of semantic field of 鈥渄eath鈥 in Victorian and modern English epitaphs. (MA, 2013)

Kubota, T. Aspects of the main verb have. (MA, 1994)

Kum, Y. S. Prepositions, gradience and the law of parsimony. (MA, 2012)

Kwami, T.H.S. A study of sentence linkage in present-day Parliamentary discourse as recorded in the volumes of Hansard for 1965. (MPhil)

Lai, W. A corpus-based investigation into gender differences in British English with specifications on amplifiers and hedges. (MA, 2014)

Lau, T. Inflection and lexical derivation in English. (MA, 2002)

Lee, C. Understanding English in Hong Kong: perspectives and perceptions of Hong Kong English and Kongish. (MA, 2023)

Lee, J. The grammaticalization of the complementizer that and its future. (MA, 2013)

Lee, M. If-conditionals in spoken and written English syntax, semantics and variation. (MA, 2009)

Leibovich, R. Cohesion in written and spoken texts 颅 comparison. (MA, 2007)

Leonard, R. The types and currency of noun-noun sequences in prose usage 1750-1950. (MPhil)

Leung, K. A study of in fact and actually in the public broadcast discussion field of British English. (MA, 2012)

Li, J. A corpus-based study of subject extraposition in English. (MA, 2014)

Li, J. The functions of the discourse marker Okay in interrogation. (MA, 2021)

Li, J. Chinese influence on tag questions: a study of Chinese speakers of English. (MA, 2022)

Li, T. Research on tweets of celebrities from the perspective of speech act theory. (MA, 2023)

Li, X. Effect of garden path humour in Friends: analysed with Relevance Theory. (MA, 2022)

Li, Y. A corpus-based comparative study on the differences between will and shall in printed English. (MA, 2021)

Liu, H. A linguistic landscape study of shop names in four commercial areas in London. (MA, 2023)

Liu, J. Dative alternation and end weight principle: a corpus-based study. (MA, 2014)

Liu, Jiayi. The culture of sexual assault in Japanese society: a comparative CDA of the Shiro Ito case (Japanese and British media). (MA, 2023)

Liu, Jialei. A study of the pragmatic functions of hedges in the news reports of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games. (MA, 2023)

Liu, X. What makes a female voice attractive to males? (MA, 2010)

Liu, Z. The relationship between the use of English and tourism in the linguistic landscape of Jinguan. (MA, 2021)

Liu, Z. Englishization in non-English-speaking tourist regions: a case study of the linguistic landscape in Barcelona. (MA, 2023)

Ll貌ria i Verg茅s, R. A corpus-based study of discourse markers in face-to-face conversation. (MA, 1993)

Loizides, I. The head of noun phrases. (MA, 2003)

Lopez Salvador, M. Approaches to the study of the English Verb Phrase. (MA, 2008)

Lukoff, B. The noun+noun sequence in English. (MA, 2000/2001)

Lundmark, C. What's that? A study of the status of relative that. (MA, 1996)

Luo, Y. The linguistic politeness of if-clauses in Dr. Fauci鈥檚 leaked pandemic emails. (MA, 2022)

Luo, Y. The alteration pattern of subjunctive constructions between British and Hong Kong English. (MA, 2022)

Luong, S. Two cents on puns: the use of puns in advertising and what they reveal about wordplay in speech and writing. (MA, 2013)

Mah, P. Here, there, everywhere: a study of there-sentences in context. (MA, 1998)

Mai, K. A corpus-assisted diachronic ecological discourse analysis of 'climate compounds' in US news from 2013 to 2022 using the NOW Corpus. (MA, 2023)

Mao, K. A contrastive study of compliments in English and Chinese college students. (MA, 2010)

Marsh, D. The syntax, semantics and pragmatics of the reflexive pronoun myself. (MA, 2002)

Matsidi, P. English Loanwords in Cyprus. (MA, 2011)

Matsui, T. An observation on marked nucleus placement. (MA, 1988)

Matsuzaki, N. An analysis of English verb-particle constructions with in and out. (MA, 1997)

McAlinden, F.E. A study of of course and obviously in spoken and written English. (MA, 1988)

McNair Scott, A. Problems in the analysis of noun-noun collocations in English. (MA, 1992)

Mehl, S. Making sense of English varieties: the syntax and semantics of make in British English and Singapore English. (MA, 2011)

Minnis, J.W. Sound patterning in selected poems by Wilfred Owen. (MA)

Miroiu, M. The s inflexion and the preposition of as bearers of attributive relations in contemporary English. (Diploma)

Modh Ali, A. A linguistic analysis of genericized brand names in American English. (MA, 2014)

Molitor, C. The story of categorisation in English. (MA, 2004)

Montano-Molina, O. English reflexive pronouns. (MA, 1988)

Moya, R.M. A sociocultural exploration of the competencies used to repair interactional trouble used by a child diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Disorder. (MA, 2022)

Mortelmans, I.F.M. A corpus-based study of nevertheless, however, and though as concessive conjuncts in spoken and written English. (MA, 1989)

Neusser, H. Language acquisition vs. language learning. (MA, 2011)

Ng, D. A study of the syntactic and semantic characteristics of Hong Kong English (HKE) with the aid of ICE-HK and ICE-GB. (MA, 2013)

Ni, Y. The Relevance Theory and the generic statements with can and may. (MA, 1990)

Ni, Y. The Interpretation of English Noun Phrase with Particular Regard to Generic Reference (Ph.D, 1996)

Obeng, C. Investigating the elusive phenomenon of English modality. (MA, 2011)

Ortega Perez, M. A diachronic study on Hiberno-English: assessing the occurrence of the perfect aspect in dialectal and standard Englishes. (MA, 2011)

Ozon, G. Ditransitives: a corpus study. (MA 2000)

Ozon, G. Alternating ditransitives in English: a corpus-based study. (PhD, 2009)

Paes, S. A diachronic study of colloquialisation: contractions in spoken English. (MA, 2020)

Panagopoulos, E. The present-day influence of Greek on English electronic terminology. (Diploma)

Parizadeh, S. Movie scripted discourse throughout time: an analysis of speech disfluency. (MA, 2013)

Park, S. Y. A study on That-deletion and retention in English. (MA, 2009)

Parolkova, J. The Relevance Theory approach to the language of military recruitment advertisements. (MA, 2013)

Peng, Y. A corpus-based study of will. (MA, 2014)

Penge, H.R. A study of the distribution of pauses in a specimen of live drama. (MA)

Peppe, S.J.E. A transcription and prosodic analysis of an approved selection of spoken English used in an interview. (MA)

Prada, C. Verb-particle combinations with in and out. (MA, 1990)

Qin, Y. Pro-choice VS pro-life: A CDA study based on TikTok debates after the Roe vs. Wade overturn. (MA, 2023)

Radulovic, V. A study of the uses of the past perfect in written and spoken English. (MA, 1989)

Rami贸 Comalat, M. Grammatical errors in native and non-native English learners鈥 essays. (MA, 2022)

Ramsaran, S.M. A corpus-based exploration of parenthesis in spoken English. (MA, 1972)

Raposo, C. A study on the adjective: typology and ordering or premodifying adjectives in English noun phrases. (MA, 1996)

Riddle, M.F. Prosodic and paralinguistic analysis. (MA, 1968)

Rodr铆guez, G.F. A comparative study of Noun Phrase structure in English and Spanish. (MA, 2004)

Rubenis, L. English spelling: the history, the rules and spelling reforms. (MA, 2008)

Rudelson, M. The evolution of female kinship terminology in the English language. (MA, 2023)

Rusiecki, J. Syntactic aspects of think-type verbs in present-day educated spoken English. (PhD, Warsaw)

Sahe-Lacheante, A. A study of the various phonological realisations of (voiceless alveolar plosive) phoneme /t/ in Standard British English (SBE), Standard American English (SAE), and Singapore English (SGE). (MA, 2012)

Shiraz, N. The syntactic and semantic analysis of comic language in literary parodies by Stephen Leacock. (MA, 2008)

Skrzypik, U. The delimitation of the English adverb: a corpus-based study comparing the framework developed by Quirk et al. (1985) and Huddleston and Pullum et al. (2002). (MA, 2008)

Shen, J. Pragmatics and humour in British English: a case study of 鈥榮end to all鈥, part of the Michael McIntyre chat show. (MA, 2022)

Shen, W. Study on Adjectives Attribution and Predication. (MA, 2014)

Sliwa, P. The Great Vowel Shift and the dichotomy of pronunciation: on the basis of either and neither. (MA, 2021)

Smith, A. Some and any and modality: A corpus-based study. (MA, 1989)

Sofokleous, A. The role of adjuncts in spoken and written language. (MA, 2013)

Song, T. Concord patterns of collective nouns in Hong Kong English: a contrastive study. (MA, 2014)

Sorola, M. Frequency and semantic change in descriptive disability labels. (MA, 2013)

Spinillo, M. Sense and syntax: on the syntax and semantics of the English expletives. (MA, 1996)

Spinillo, M. Reconceptualising the English determiner class. (PhD, 2004)

Stern, E.M. English standardisation and nostalgia in early romantic childhood. (MA, 2022)

Striedner, M. Is there still a case for apostrophe " 's"? (MA, 2000)

Su, H-F Current perspectives on apposition in English. (MA, 2002)

Sugimoto, M. A study of noun compounds in English. (MA, 1997)

Summers, G. A multilevel analysis of lexicogrammatical and semantic variance across age and gender in linguistic performances of identity on Tinder. (MA, 2020)

Syraki, A. The impact of personality factors (attitudes and motivations) in formal linguistic environments (with particular reference to the Greek speakers of English). (MA, 1994)

Szczygielski, G. Non-rhoticity on the way to extinction? A sociolinguistic study of postvocalic /r/ in the American English accents of New York City and Boston. (MA, 2012)

Tadaki, Naoko A study of non-lexicalized noun-noun sequences in present-day English. (MA, 1991)

Takizawa, H. Some syntactic properties of Noun Phrases and Verb Phrases: towards a comparison. (MA, 1997)

Tang, W. 鈥榊es we can鈥 and 鈥楳ake American great again鈥: comparison of metaphoric strategies in presidential inaugurals of Obama and Trump. (MA, 2022)

Tang, X. A study of pragmatic empathy and de-empathy in Little Women from the perspective of person deixis. (MA, 2023)

Thalang, S.N. English article usage and Thai learners: an investigation of some of the difficulties. (MA, 1993)

Thomas, J. Using Euro-English as a lingua franca within the EU: similarities and differences to Standard British English. (MA, 2014)

Tian, S. Language and thought: an evaluation of zodiac animal words between English and Chinese. (MA, 2020)

Tin, I. Comparison between British English and Hong Kong English with the focus on connectors 鈥 a corpus-based study. (MA, 2008)

Tin, S. Subject-raising-to-object: Does it exist? (MA, 1991)

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