

A New Seminar Series, Spring 2000

While recent years have seen a rise in the use of corpus evidence in spoken language studies, the use of such evidence remains controversial, particularly with reference to pragmatic and discoursal categories. In this series, we address a range of issues concerning corpus data and the analysis of the spoken language, focussing on such topics as theoretical implications of discoursal and pragmatic annotation; discoursal and pragmatic annotation in relation to the transcription and mark-up of spoken data, and the feasibility of corpus data in pragmatic and discoursal analyses of conversation and other forms of spoken language.


January 26 Susan Mandala (Royal Holloway)
Discourse Coding and Spoken Corpora: The State of the Field > abstract
February 9 Tony McEnery (Lancaster University)
Speakers, Hearers and Annotation – Why it’s Difficult to do Pragmatics with Corpora > abstract
February 23 Anne Wichmann (University of Central Lancashire)
Discourse, Prosody and Spoken Corpora > abstract
March 8 Jenny Thomas (University of Wales, Bangor)
The Pragmatic Analysis of Corpora of Naturally-Occurring Talk > abstract
March 22

Bas Aarts, Gerry Nelson and Sean Wallis (Survey of English Usage, University College London)
Annotation Systems in ICE-GB: Parentheticals > abstract


Susan Mandala,   Department of English, Royal Holloway, University of London
Bas Aarts, Survey of English Usage, University College London, University of London
Gerry Nelson, Survey of English Usage, University College London, University of London

Time:   4-6 pm
Venue: Institute of English Studies, 3rd Floor, Senate House, University of London, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU
Enquiries: Institute of English Studies; Tel: 020 7862 8675; Fax: 020 7862 8672; email:

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