
Funding past and present

We gratefully acknowledge support for research from:

  • University College London 
  • The Arts and Humanities Research Council / Board
  • The British Academy 
  • The Economic and Social Research Council
  • The Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council
  • The Leverhulme Trust 
  • The Joint Information Systems Committee
  • HM Government (DSIR, OSTI, SSRC, DES)
  • Longman Publishers
  • 0xford University Press 
  • Cambridge University Press 
  • Ford Foundation 
  • Naturmedtodens Sproginstitut
  • The Gulbenkian Foundation 
  • Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation 
  • Sir Sigmund Sternberg Foundation 
  • IBM
  • The Michael Marks Charitable Trust 
  • British Telecom 
  • The British Sasakawa Foundation 

This page last modified 14 May, 2020 by Survey Web Administrator.