

Eastman Dental Institute


Research departments

Our innovative and high-quality research is grouped by both theme and department:

Biomaterials & Tissue Engineering Department

is headed by and carries out research to develop materials for hard and soft tissue reconstruction, but also with a need to understand the processes involved with cellular interaction with the materials surface. Find out more

Clinical Research Department

is led by and focuses on the full spectrum of disorders of the head and neck region including disease of the oral mucosa, dentition, jawbones, salivary glands, cranial nerves, masticatory muscles and adjacent structures and organs. Find out more

This Department also includes

Microbial Diseases Department

is headed by and examines the aetiology, pathogenesis and control of diseases caused by micro-organisms as well as the ecology of the indigenous microbiota and its contribution to health. Find out more

The Tn Registry and Swab & Send project were, until recently, run from within this department. The Tn Registry is now being hosted by