

The Constitution Unit


Parliamentary Scrutiny of Multi-Level Governance


Principal Investigators: Robert Hazell and Akash Paun

The Constitution Unit carried out research into parliament-executive relations in the context of multi-level governance. The project, led by Robert Hazell and Akash Paun, is investigated the relationship between Britain's three legislatures - Westminster, the Scottish Parliament and the National Assembly for Wales - and their respective executives. In particular, we are looking into how the legislatures hold to account ministers involved in intergovernmental negotiations at both the European level and the intra-UK level (between Whitehall and devolved administrations).

The researchers' draft paper on this subject was presented at two conferences in summer 2006: the PSA Parliaments and Legislatures Specialist Group conference on 16 June in Sheffield and the International Association of Centres for Federal Studies conference on 30 June at the University of Tuebingen.