

The Constitution Unit


Journal Articles and Book Chapters

Selected academic publications, in both academic journals and edited books, by members of the Constitution Unit.


  • Fleming, T. G., Hix, S., and Zubek, R. (2024) '',Legislative Studies Quarterly. Early View.
  • James, L. (2024) '',IPPR Progressive Review.Early view.
  • Russell, M. (2024). 'Government, Parliament and the Constitution' in Seldon, A. and Egerton, T.(eds.),The Conservative Effect 2010–2024: 14 Wasted Years?Cambridge: Cambridge University Presspp. 376-411. []
  • Russell, M. and James, L. (2024) '', Parliamentary Affairs. Advance article.
  • Fleming, T. G. and James, L. (2024) '', Parliamentary Affairs. 77(1), pp. 25-45.


  • Fleming, T. G. and Ghazi, T. (2023) '',The Political Quarterly. 94(3), pp. 412–419.
  • Fleming, T. G. (2023) '', Political Studies.71(3), pp. 935­–955.
  • Schleiter, P. and Fleming, T. G. (2023) '',British Politics. 18(1), pp. 2139.
  • Hazell, R. (2023) '', The Political Quarterly. 94(1), pp. 133-137.


  • Renwick, A. and Vowles, J. (2022). ''.Representation,58, no. 2 (2022), 191–210.
  • Renwick, A., Dobrianska N., Kelly C.J., and Kincaid C. (2022)'' .Irish Political Studies, early view


  • Russell, M. and Serban, R. (2021) ''.Government and Opposition, pp. 1-15.
  • Renwick, A. and Kelly, C. (2021) '', Political Quarterly.
  • Russell, M. (2021) '', Parliamentary Affairs74, no. 2, pp. 443–463.
  • Renwick, A. and Hayward, K. (2021). ''.Political Insight12, no. 2 (2021), pp. 16–19.


  • Hazell, R. and Morris, B. (2020). ''.Political Quarterly, Volume 91, Issue 4, pp. 841–845.
  • Russell, M. and Serban, R. (2020). ''.Government and Opposition, Volume 56, Issue 4, pp. 744–764.


  • Renwick, A., Palese, M., and Sargeant, J. (2019). 'Information in Referendum Campaigns: How Can It Be Improved?'Representation, Volume56, Issue 4, pp. 521–537. []
  • McKee, R. (2019). 'Signed, Sealed, Delivered…Testing politicians’ responsiveness to voters'.In Cowley, P., and Ford, R. (eds.), Sex, Lies, and Politics: The Secret Influences that Drive Our Political Choices. London: Biteback, pp.75-78. []
  • Renwick, A. (2019). 'The Surprise of June 2016: How Public Opinion Changes during Referendum Campaigns'. In Cowley, P., and Ford, R. (eds.), Sex, Lies, and Politics: The Secret Influences that Drive Our Political Choices. London: Biteback, pp. 51–55. []
  • Renwick, A., Palese, M. (2019). 'Can Democracy Be Done Better?'Political Insight 10, no. 2 (May), pp. 10­–13. []


  • Hazell, R., Wells, J. (2018). 'Judicial Input into Parliamentary Legislation',Public Law(2018)pp. 106-127 []
  • Renwick, A., S. Fisher (2018). 'The UK’s Referendum on EU Membership of June 2016: How Expectations of Brexit’s Impact Affected the Outcome'.Acta Politica53 (4) pp. 590-611. Co-authored with Stephen Fisher. []
  • Russell, M. and Sheldon, J. (2018). ‘An English Parliament: An Idea Whose Time Has Come?’. In Kenny, M., Maclean, I. and Paun, A. (eds.) Governing England, Oxford: Oxford University Press. []
  • Renwick, A., Allan, S., Jennings, W., McKee, R., Russell, M., Smith, G. (2018), 'What Kind of Brexit do Voters want? Lessons from the Citizens’ Assembly on Brexit'. ThePolitical QuarterlyVolume89, Issue4, pp.649–58. []
  • Renwick, A., Palese, M., Sargeant, J. (2018). 'Discussing Brexit – Could We Do Better?'ThePolitical Quarterly, Volume 89, Issue4, pp. 545–52. []
  • Prosser, B., Flinders, M., Jennings, W., Renwick, A., et al (2018), 'Pedagogy and deliberative democracy: insights from recent experiments in the United Kingdom'. Contemporary Politics, pp. 1-23. []
  • Russell, M. and Cowley, P. (2018), 'Modes of UK Executive–Legislative Relations Revisited'. The Political Quarterly, Volume 89, Issue 1, pp. 18-28 []
  • Russell, M. (2018), 'Attempts to change the British House of Lords into a second chamber of the nations and regions: explaining a history of failed reforms',Perspectives on Federalism, Vol. 10, issue 2, pp 268-269 []
  • Pilet, J.-B., Renwick, A. (2018), 'Personalization and Electoral Systems'. In W. P. Cross, R. S. Katz, and S. Pruysers (eds.), The Personalization of Democratic Politics and the Challenge for Political Parties. London: ECPR Press/Rowman & Littlefield International, 2018.
  • Sobolewska M., McKee, R., Campbell R.(2018), 'Explaining motivation to represent: how does descriptive representation lead to substantive representation of racial and ethnic minorities?'. West European Politics, Volume 41, Issue 6, pp.1237-1261 []
  • Hazell, R. (2018). ''.Parliamentary Affairs, Volume 72, Issue 2, pp 223-244.


  • Renwick, A. (2017) 'Citizens’ assemblies: a better way of doing democracy?' Political Insight, Volume 8, Issue 3, pp. 24-27 []
  • Russell, M., Gover, D., Wollter, K. and Benton, M. (2017) 'Actors, Motivations and Outcomes in the Legislative Process: Policy Influence at Westminster'. Government and Opposition, volume 52, Issue 1, pp. 1-27 []
  • Renwick, A. (2017) 'Referendums'. In K. Arzheimer, J. Evans, and M. Lewis-Beck (eds.), Sage Handbook of Electoral Behaviour. London: Sage, 2017, pp. 43358. []
  • Renwick, A. (2017) 'Electoral Reform: What Do Political Scientists Know That Practitioners Do Not? Lessons from the UK Referendum of 2011'. Election Law Journal 16, no. 3 (September 2017), 3418. []
  • Schleiter, P. Belu, V. and Hazell, R. (2017) ''.The Political Quarterly, Volume 88, Issue 3, pp. 404-411.
  • Hazell, R. and Morris, B. (2017). ''. Review of Constitutional Studies, Volume 22, Issue 1, pp. 5-32.


  • Hazell, R.and O'Brien P., (2016) 'Meaningful Dialogue: Judicial Engagement with Parliamentary Committees at Westminster'Public Law.ISSN 0033-3565[]
  • Hazell, R., and Worthy B., ‘’ Parliamentary Affairs 2016 1-21
  • Russell, M. (2016), 'Corbyn as an Organisational Phenomenon'. The Political Quarterly, Volume 87, Issue 1, pp. 20–22
  • Russell, M. (2016) 'Parliament: A Significant Constraint On Government'.Developments In British Politics Ten. Richard Heffernan et al. Palgrave. 99-119.
  • Renwick, A. (2016) 'Voting Behaviour and Electoral Outcomes'.Developments In British Politics Ten. Richard Heffernan et al. Palgrave. 39-56.
  • Russell, M., Gover, D.and Wollter, K. (2016) 'Does the executive dominate the Westminster legislative process?: Six reasons for doubt’. Parliamentary Affairs, Volume 69, Issue 2, pp. 286-308 []


  • Renwick, A. (2015) 'A British Constitutional Convention?'Political Insight,Volume 6,Issue 2, 8-11[]
  • Renwick, A. andBaldini, G.(2015) 'Italy toward (yet another) electoral reform.' Italian Politics, Volume 30, Issue 1, pp. 160-178
  • Hazell, R. andSandford, M. (2015) 'English Question or Union Question? Neither has Easy Answers' The Political Quarterly []
  • Russell, M. andCowley, P. (2015) 'The Policy Power of the Westminster Parliament: the 'parliamentary state' and the empirical evidence' Governance []
  • Gover, D. andRussell, M. (2015) 'The House of Commons' "Financial Privilege" on Lords Amendments: Perceived Problems and Possible Solutions'. Public Law2015(1): 12-22. [Online] [Note: This material was first published by Thomson Reuters Professional (UK) Limited, and is reproduced by agreement with the publishers.]
  • Hazell, R. (2015) ''.Public Law, 2015, pp. 198-206.


  • Renwick, A., Prosser, B., Giovannini, A., Sandford, M., Flinders, M., Jennings, W., Smith, G., Spada, P., Stoker, G., and Ghose, K. (2017) 'Citizen Participation and Changing Governance: Cases of Devolution in England'. Policy & Politics 45, no. 2.251-69.[]
  • Russell, M. (2014). 'The British House of Lords'. In Okada, N. (ed.), 'Comparative Study on Bicameralism: The UK, France, Germany, Italy, and Japan'. Tokyo: Nippon-Hyoronsha.
  • Melton, J.(2014) 'The Content of Authoritarian Constitutions.'InConstitutions in Authoritarian Regimes. Eds. Tom Ginsburg and Alberto Simpser. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 141-164. (with Elkins, Z. Ginsburg, T.) []
  • Russell, M. (2014) 'Parliamentary Party Cohesion: Some Explanations From Psychology'.Party Politics. 20(5): 712-723. []
  • Melton, J.(2014) 'Does De Jure Judicial Independence Really Matter? A Reevaluation of Explanations for Judicial Independence'.Journal of Law and Courts. (with Tom Ginsburg)[]
  • Melton, J., Elkins, Z., Ginsburg, T., Shaffer, R., Sequeda, JF., and Miranker, D. (2014) 'Constitute: The World's Constitutions to Read, Search, and Compare'.Journal of Web Semantics. []


  • Goplerud, M. (2013) 'The First Time is (Mostly) the Charm: Special Advisers as Parliamentary Candidates and Members of Parliament' Parliamentary Affairs []
  • Worthy, B. andHazell, R ‘The Impact of the Freedom of Information Act in the UK.’ Ed. Bowles, N et al. Transparency in Politics and the Media. (University of Oxford, 2013)
  • Yong, B. (2013) 'Risk Management: Government Lawyers and the Provision of Legal Advice within Whitehall' The Constitution Society []
  • Russell, M. (2013) 'Rethinking Bicameral Strength: A Three-Dimensional Approach' Journal of Legislative Studies. 19(3): 370-391. []
  • Benton, M. and Russell, M. (2013) 'Assessing the Impact of Parliamentary Oversight Committees: The Select Committees in the British House of Commons' Parliamentary Affairs. 66(4): 772-797. []
  • Melton, J., Elkins, Z., and Ginsburg, T. (2013) 'On the Interpretability of Law: Lessons from the Decoding of National Constitutions.'British Journal of Political Science. 43(2): 399-423. []
  • Hazell, R. ‘Coalition government: Lessons for the future’ Politics Review 22(4) 2013


  • Elkins, Z., Ginsburg T.and Melton, J. (2012) 'Comments on Law and Versteeg, The Declining Influence of the U.S. Constitution.'NYU Law Review. 87.6: 2088-2101. []
  • Hazell, R. ‘Would Holyrood pay for independence in Euros?’ The World Today 68(11) []
  • Worthy, B., Hazell, R.and Bourke, G.(2012) ‘Open House: Freedom of Information and its Impact on the UK Parliament’. Public Administration [Constitution Unit, 2012] []
  • Yong, B. and O'Brien, P. (2012). 'Constitutional Systems of the World: Problems of Perspective in Comparative Constitutionalism'. Political Studies Review 10(3)
  • Hazell, R., Chalmers, M. and Russell, M. (2012). 'Pre-Appointment Scrutiny Hearings in the British House of Commons: All Bark, or some Bite?' Journal of Legislative Studies, 18 (2) 224-241 []
  • Russell, M. (2012). 'Elected Second Chambers and their Powers: An International Survey' The Political Quarterly 83(1), 117-129 []


  • Ginsburg, T., Melton J.and Elkins, Z. 2011. 'On the Evasion of Executive Term Limits.'William & Mary Law Review. 52.6: 1807-1872. []
  • Russell, M. (2011). 'The Constitution' in Heffernan, R., Cowley, P., Hay, C. (eds.). Developments in British Politics 9. Basingstoke. Palgrave MacMillan. ISBN: 978-0230221734
  • O’Brien, P. (2011) 'Judicial Independence and the UK Supreme Court'. British Politics Review 6(3), 5 []
  • Russell, M. (2011). '“Never allow a crisis to go to waste”: The Wright committee reforms to strengthen the House of Commons'. Parliamentary Affairs 64 (4), 612-633 []


  • Russell, M. (2010) 'A Stronger Second Chamber? Assessing the Impact of House of Lords Reform in 1999, and the Lessons for Bicameralism.' Political Studies 58, 866-885 []
  • Worthy, B. (2010) 'More Open But not More Trusted? The Effect of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 on the United Kingdom Central Government.' Governance 23 (4), 561-582 []
  • Hazell, R. and Worthy, B. (2010) 'Assessing the Performance of Freedom of Information.'Government Information Quarterly 27 (4), 352-359 []
  • Russell, M. (2010). 'The Left, Democracy and the Constitution.' Chapter 10 in Purnell, J., Cooke, G. (ed.). We Mean Power: Ideas for the Future of the Left. London: Demos, 165-182. ISBN: 978 1 906693 33 6
  • Hazell, R. (2010). 'Hung Parliaments and the Challenges for Westminster and Whitehall: How to make minority and multi-party governance work.' ThePolitical Quarterly, 81, 2, April 2010 []
  • Russell, M. andBenton, M. (2010) '(Re)assessing Parliamentary Policy Impact: The Case of the Australian Senate.'The Australian Journal of Political Science 45 (2), 159-174[]


  • Russell, M. (2009). 'House of Lords Reform: Are We Nearly There Yet?' ThePolitical Quarterly 80(1), 119-125. ISSN: 0032-3179 []
  • Russell, M. (2009). 'How Do We Do Politics Differently?' ThePolitical Quarterly 80(4), 575-577. ISSN: 0032-3179 []
  • Russell, M. andPaun, A. (2009). 'The Politicians' Response to Devolution.' in Curtice, J., Seyd, B. (ed.). Has Devolution Worked? The Verdict from Policymakers and the Public. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 68-90. ISBN: 9780719075599
  • Russell, M. andSciara, M. (2009). 'Independent parliamentarians en masse: the changing nature and role of the 'Crossbenchers' in the House of Lords.' Parliamentary Affairs 62(1), 32-52. ISSN: 0031-2290 []


  • Elkins, Z., Ginsburg, T. and Melton, J. (2008) 'Baghdad, Tokyo, Kabul,…: Constitution Making in Occupied States.'William & Mary Law Review. 49: 1139-1178. []
  • Russell, M. and Sciara, M. (2008). 'The Policy Impact of Defeats in the House of Lords.' The British Journal of Politics and International Relations 10(4), 571-589 []
  • Russell, M. (2008). 'House of Lords Reform. in Oxford Companion to Law.' Oxford: Oxford University Press
  • Russell, M. (2008). 'Reform of the House of Lords and Lessons for Bicameralism.' in Aroney, N., Prasser, S., Nethercote, J. (ed.) Restraining Elective Dictatorship: The Upper House Solution? Sydney: University of New South Wales Press
  • Russell, M. (2008). 'Parliament: Emasculated or Emancipated?' in Hazell, R. (ed.). Constitutional Futures. Basingstoke. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 0230220746


  • Hazell, R., Russell, M., Seyd, B., and Sinclair, D. (2007) 'Britishness and the Future of the Union'. ThePolitical Quarterly, 78, 1 (supp.). []
  • McDonald, A. and Hazell, R. (2007) ‘What happened next: constitutional change under New Labour’ in McDonald A. (ed), Reinventing Britain: Constitutional Change under New Labour. Politico’s, ISBN 9781842752081.
  • Russell, M. and Bradbury, J. (2007). 'The Constituency work of Scottish and Welsh MPs: Adjusting to Devolution'.Regional and Federal Studies 17(1), 97-116. ISSN: 1357-2334 []
  • Russell, M. andSciara, M. (2007). 'Why does the Government get defeated in the House of Lords?: The Lords, the Party System and British Politics'. British Politics 2(3), 299-322. ISSN: 1746-918X []
  • Russell, M. (2007). 'The House of Lords: Adaptation and Resilience'. in Luther, J., Passaglia, P., Tarchi, R. (ed.) A World of Second Chambers. Milan: Giuffre. ISBN: 8814132607
  • Russell, M. andSciara, M. (2007). 'The House of Lords: Negotiating a Stronger Second Chamber'. in Rush, M., Giddings, P. (ed.) The Palgrave Review of British Politics 2006. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
  • Hazell, R. (2007). 'Westminster as a Three in One legislature'. The Journal of Legislative Studies, 13(2), June 2007 []
  • Hazell, R. (2007). 'Out of Court. Why have the courts played no role in resolving disputes in the United Kingdom?' Publius, 37 (4), 578 - 598 []
  • Hazell, R. (2007). 'The Continuing Dynamism of Constitutional Reform'.Parliamentary Affairs 60(1), pp. 3-25. ISSN: 0031-2290 []
  • Holsen, S., MacDonald, C. and Glover, M. 'Journalists' use of the UK Freedom of Information Act'.Open Government Journal , Vol. 3, No. 1 (2007)


  • Hazell, R. (2006). 'What are the answers to the English Question?'in Hazell, R. (ed.) The English Question. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
  • Hazell, R. (2006). 'What is the English Question?'in Hazell, R. (ed.) The English Question. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
  • Russell, M. andLodge, G. (2006). 'The Government of England by Westminster'. in Hazell, R. (ed.) The English Question. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 64-95. ISBN: 0719073693
  • Russell, M. and Sciara, M. (2006). 'The House of Lords in 2005: A More Representative and More Assertive Chamber?' in Rush, M., Giddings, M. (ed.) The Palgrave Review of British Politics. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan
  • Hazell, R. (2006). 'The English Question'Publius 36(1), pp. 37-56. ISSN: 0048-5950 . Link []
  • Hazell, R. (2006). 'Time for a new Convention: Parliamentary Scrutiny of Constitutional Bills 1997-2005'Public Law, Summer 2006, pp. 247-298. ISSN: 0033-3565 . [Online]


  • Hazell, R. (2005). 'Devolution as a legislative Partnership'in Hazell, R. and Rawlings, R. (eds.) Devolution, Law Making and the Constitution, pp. 295-318. ISBN 1 845400372. Exeter: Imprint Academic.
  • Hazell, R. (2005). 'Westminster as a Three in One Legislature for the UK and its Devolved Territories'. in Hazell, R. and Rawlings, R. (eds.) Devolution, Law Making and the Constitution, pp. 226-251. ISBN 1 845400372. Exeter: Imprint Academic.
  • Hazell, R. and Winetrobe, B. (2005). 'What has the Scottish Parliament Achieved, and What can it Teach Westminster?'in Miller, W. (ed.) Anglo-Scottish Relations from 1900 to Devolution and Beyond. Oxford: Oxford Univeristy Press, pp. 63-80. ISBN: 0197263313.
  • Russell, M. (2005). 'The House of Lords and Reform: A View from the Outside'. in Baldwin, N. (ed.) Parliament in the 21st Century. London. Politico's. ISBN: 1842751034


  • Hazell, R. (2004). 'The Unfinished Business of Devolution'in Trench, A. (ed.) Has Devolution Made a Difference? The State of the Nations 2004. Exeter: Imprint Academic, pp. 255-276. ISBN: 0907845878
  • Maer, L., Hazell, R., King, S., Russell, M., Trench, A. andSandford, M. (2004). 'Dragging the Constitution out of the Shadows.' Parliamentary Affairs 57(2), 253-268. ISSN: 0031-2290 []
  • Russell, M., Lodge, G. and Gay, O. (2004). 'The Impact of Devolution on Westminster: If not now, when?' in Trench, A. (ed.) What Difference has Devolution Made?: The State of the Nations 2004. Imprint Academic. ISBN: 097845878
  • Hazell, R. (2004). 'Who is the guardian of legal values in the legislative process: Parliament or the Executive?'Public Law, pp. 495-500. ISSN: 0033-3565


  • Hazell, R. (2003). 'The Dynamism of Devolution in its Third Year'. In Hazell, R. (ed.) State of the Nations 2003, pp. 1-12.
  • Hazell, R. (2003). 'The UK's Rolling program of Devolution: Slippery Slope, or Safeguard of the Union?'in Docherty, D., Seidle, L. (eds) Reforming Parliamentary Democracy. McGill: Queens University Press, pp.180-201. ISBN: 0773525076
  • Hazell, R. (2003). 'If Ivor Richard Says Yes, will London Still Say No?'in Osmond, J. (ed.) Second Term Challenge: Can the Welsh Assembly Government hold its Course?. Cardiff: Institute of Welsh Affairs, pp. 97-107. ISBN: 1871726166
  • Hazell, R. (2003). 'Multi-level governance', in Osmond, J., Jones, J.B. (eds) Birth of Welsh democracy: the first term of the National Assembly for Wales. Cardiff: Institute of Welsh Affairs, pp. 3-15. ISBN: 1871726948.
  • McLean, I., Spirling, A. and Russell, M. (2003). 'None of the Above: The UK House of Commons votes on reforming the House of Lords'. ThePolitical Quarterly 74(3), 298-310. ISSN: 0032-3179 []
  • Russell, M. (2003). 'Is the House of Lords already Reformed?'ThePolitical Quarterly 74(3), 311-318. ISSN: 0032-3179 []
  • Russell, M. and O'Cinneide, C. (2003). 'Positive Action to Promote Women in Politics: Some European Comparisons'. International and Comparative Law Quarterly 52(3), 587-614. ISSN: 0020-5893 []
  • Russell, M. (2003). 'Women in Elected Office in the UK 1992-2002: Struggles, Achievements and Possible Sea Change'. in Dobrowolsky, A., Hart, V. (ed.). Women, Politics and Constitutional Change. Basingstoke. Palgrave MacMillan. ISBN: 1403903611
  • Hazell, R. (2003). 'Merger, What Merger? Scotland, Wales and the New Department for Constitutional Affairs'.Public Law, Winter, pp. 650-655. ISSN: 0033-3565
  • Hazell, R. (2001). ‘The English Question: Can Westminster be a Proxy for an English Parliament?’ Public Law, 2001, pp. 268-280. ISSN: 0033-3565


  • Hazell, R. (2002). 'The Devolution Scorecard as the Devolved Assemblies head for the Polls'in Hazell, R. (ed.) The State of the Nations 2003, pp. 285-300.
  • Russell, M. andSandford, M. (2002). 'Why are Second Chambers so Difficult to Reform?'Journal of Legislative Studies 8(3), 79-89. ISSN: 1357-2334 []
  • Russell, M., Mackay, F. and McAllister, L. (2002). 'Women's Representation in the Scottish Parliament and National Assembly for Wales: Party Dynamics for Achieving Critical Mass'. Journal of Legislative Studies 8(2), 49-76. ISSN: 1357-2334 []
  • Hazell, R., Sandford, M., Seyd, B. andMasterman, R. (2002). 'The Constitution: Coming in from the Cold', Parliamentary Affairs 55(2), pp. 219-234. ISSN: 0031-2290 . Ingenta Link []


  • Hazell, R. (2001). 'Conclusion: The State of the Nations after two years of Devolution'in Trench, A. (ed.) The State of the Nations 2001: The Second Year of Devolution in the United Kingdom, Exeter: Imprint Academic, pp. 255-272. ISBN: 0907845193
  • Hazell, R. andMasterman, R. (2001). 'Devolution and Westminster'in Trench, A. (ed.) The State of the Nations 2001: The Second Year of Devolution in the United Kingdom, Exeter: Imprint Academic, pp. 197-224. ISBN: 0907845193
  • Hazell, R., Russell, M., Croft, J., Seyd, B., Masterman, R. andSandford, M. (2001). 'The Constitution: Rolling out the New Settlement'. Parliamentary Affairs 54(2), ISSN: 0031-2290 []
  • Russell, M. (2001). 'Responsibilities of Second Chambers: Constitutional and Human Rights Safeguards'. Journal of Legislative Studies 7(1), 61-76. ISSN: 1357-2334 []
  • Russell, M. (2001). 'The Territorial Role of Second Chambers'. Journal of Legislative Studies 7(1), 105-118. ISSN: 1357-2334 []
  • Russell, M. (2001). 'What are Second Chambers for?' Parliamentary Affairs 54(3), 473-459. ISSN: 0031-2290 []
  • Russell, M. andCornes, R. (2001). 'The Royal Commission on Reform of the House of Lords: A House for the Future?' Modern Law Review 64(1), 82-99, ISSN: 0026-7961 []
  • Russell, M. (2001). 'Upper House Reform in the UK and Australia'. Australian Journal of Political Science 36(1), 27-44. ISSN: 1036-1146 []
  • Russell, M. (2001). 'Responsibilities of Second Chambers: Constitutional and Human Rights Safeguards'. in Baldwin, N., Shell, D. (ed.). Second Chambers. London: Frank Cass, 61-76. ISBN: 0714651443
  • Russell, M. (2001). 'The Territorial Role of Second Chambers'. in Baldwin, N., Shell, D. (ed.). Second Chambers. London: Frank Cass, 105-118. ISBN: 0714651443
  • Russell, M. (2001). 'Democracy'. in Harvey, A. (ed.). Transforming Britain: Labour's Second Term. Fabian Society. ISBN: 0716305992
  • Hazell, R. (2001). 'Reforming the Constitution'The Political Quarterly 72 (1), pp. 39-49. ISSN: 0032-3179 . Ingenta Link []
  • Hazell, R. (2001). 'The Challenge for Regional Government'Northern Economic Review Spring/Summer 2001, pp. 72-75.
  • Hazell,R. (2001). 'Britain's Constitution catches up at the turn of the Century'The New Federalist (Australia), 72 (1), pp. 52-55. ISSN: 1440-642X


  • Hazell, R., Russell, M., Seyd, B. andSinclair, D. (2000). 'The British Constitution in 1998-99: the continuing revolution'. Parliamentary Affairs 53(2), 242-261. ISSN: 0031-2290 []
  • Russell, M. andHazell, R. (2000). 'Devolution and Westminster: Tentative Steps towards a More Federal Parliament'. Chapter 7 in Hazell, R. (ed.). The State and the Nations: The First Year of Devolution in the UK. Exeter: Imprint Academic, 183-221. ISBN: 0907845800
  • Russell, M. (2000). 'A "More Democratic and Representative" Upper House? Some International Comparisons'. Representation 37(2), 131-138
  • Hazell, R. (2000). 'The Unfinished Business of Devolution'in Hassan, G. (ed.) The New Scottish Politics: the first year of the Parliament and Beyond. London: The Stationery Office, pp. 181-187. ISBN: 011497230X
  • Hazell, R. (2000). 'Intergovernmental Relations in the UK: Whitehall Rules OK” in Hazell, R. (ed.) The State and the Nations: The First Year of Devolution in the United Kingdom, Exeter: Imprint Academic. ISBN: 0907845800. pp. 149-182.
  • Hazell, R.(2000). “Regional Government in England: Three Policies in Search of a Strategy'in Chen, S. and Wright, T. (ed.) The English Question, London: The Fabian Society, pp. 29-44. ISBN: 0716360020.
  • Russell, M. and Hazell, R. (2000). 'Devolution and Westminster: Tentative Steps towards a More Federal Parliament'in Hazell,R. (ed.) The State and the Nations: The First Year of Devolution in the UK, Exeter: Imprint Academic. ISBN: 0907845800. pp. 183-221.
  • Hazell, R. and Sinclair, D. (2000). ‘The British Constitution: Labour’s Constitutional Revolution’ Annual Review of Political Science, 2000:3, ISSN 1094-2939, ISBN 0824333039, pp.379-400.


  • Hazell, R. (1999). 'The New Constitutional Settlement' in Hazell, R. (ed.) Constitutional Futures: A History of the Next Ten Years, Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 0198298013. pp. 230-247.
  • Hazell, R. (1999). 'The Shape of Things to Come: What Will the UK Constitution look like in the early 21st Century'in Hazell,R. (ed.) Constitutional Futures: A History of the Next Ten Years, Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 0198298013. pp.7-20.
  • Hazell, R. (1999). 'Westminster: Squeezed from above and below'in Hazell, R. (ed.) Constitutional Futures: A History of the Next Ten Years, Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 0198298013. pp. 111-135.
  • Hazell, R. and Cornes, R. (1999). 'Financing Devolution: the Centre Retains Control'in Hazell,R. (ed.) Constitutional Futures: A History of the Next Ten Years, Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 0198298013. pp. 196-212.
  • Hazell, R. and Morris, R.M. (1999). 'Machinery of Government: Whitehall'in Hazell, R. (ed.) Constitutional Futures: A History of the Next Ten Years, Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 0198298013. pp. 136-155.
  • Hazell, R. and O'Leary, B. (1999). 'A Rolling Programme of Devolution: Slippery Slope or Safeguard of the Union?'in Hazell, R. (ed.) Constitutional Futures: A History of the Next Ten Years, Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 0198298013. pp. 21-46.
  • Russell, M. (1999). 'Second Chambers Overseas'. The Political Quarterly 70(4), 411-417 []
  • Hazell, R. (1999). 'Reinventing the Constitution: Can the State Survive?'Public Law Spring 1999, pp. 84-103 . ISSN: 0033-3565


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  • Hazell, R. (1998). 'The hinge between freedom of information and privacy'in McDonald, A. and Terrill, G. (eds) Open Government in Britain, London: Macmillan, pp. 67-85. ISBN: 0333726782
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