

Department of Greek & Latin


Simon Pulleyn

Hon. Research Fellow

Simon Pulleyn

Email Simon Pulleyn

Research Interests

  • Homeric epic
  • Indo-European poetry and myth
  • Greek and Latin historical linguistics
  • Greek religion, especially the language of prayer and ritual
  • Animals in antiquity
  • Medieval Canon Law in Greek and Latin writers

Work in progress

I am currently preparing a full-scale commentary on Homer, Odyssey Book XI for Oxford University Press.


1. (Oxford University Press: Oxford, 1997).

2. (Oxford University Press: Oxford, 2000).

3. (Oxford University Press: Oxford, 2018).

4. (Cassell: London 2018).

Invited chapters

5. ‘Homer’s Religion: Philological Perspectives from Semitic and Indo-European’ in M. J.  Clark, B. G. F Currie, R. O. A. M. Lyne† (eds.) Epic Interactions: Perspectives on Homer, Virgil, and the Epic Tradition presented to Jasper Griffin by former pupils (Oxford University Press: Oxford, 2006) 47-74.

6. ‘Why Vegetarianism Wasn’t on the Menu in Early Greece’ in A. Linzey and C. Linzey (eds.), Ethical Vegetarianism and Veganism (Routledge: Abingdon, 2018).

7. ‘Animal Experimentation in Classical Antiquity’ in A. Linzey and C. Linzey (eds.), The Ethical Case Against Animal Experiments (Illinois University Press: Urbana, 2018) 103-111.

8. ‘Animals in Western Christian Canon Law’ in A. Linzey and C. Linzey (eds.), Handbook of Religion and Animal Ethics (Routledge: Abingdon, 2018).

9. ‘Prayers and Vows’ in C. Pache (ed.), The Cambridge Encyclopaedia of Homer (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019).

10. ‘The Morphology and Syntax of the Imperative in Homeric Prayers’ in L. Van Beek (ed.), Language Change in Epic Greek (Leiden: Brill forthcoming 2020).

11. ‘Prayers in Aristophanes’, in D. K. Falk and R. A. Werline (eds.), Prayer in the Ancient World (Leiden: Brill, forthcoming).

12. ‘Sacred Language’, in G. K. Giannakis (ed.), Encyclopaedia of Greek Language and Linguistics (Leiden: Brill, forthcoming).

13. ‘Prayers’, in G. K. Giannakis (ed.), Encyclopaedia of Greek Language and Linguistics (Leiden: Brill, forthcoming).


14. 'The Power of Names in Greek Religion', Classical Quarterly 44 (1994), 17-25.

15. 'Erotic Undertones in the Language of Clytemnestra', Classical Quarterly 47 (1997), 565-7.

16. 'Horace Odes 3. 3. 12: purpureo bibet ore nectar', Mnemosyne 50 (1997), 482-4.

17. 'The Supposed Causal EI in Homer', Mnemosyne 53 (2000), 257-266.

19. ‘Epic Greek φιλ-‘, Mnemosyne 71 (2018), 1039-42.

Numerous reviews in journals and press