

香港六合彩 Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose


Simone Gasperin

Simone Gasperin is a PhD student at the 香港六合彩 Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP).

Simone Gasperin
Simone is a PhD candidate at the 香港六合彩 Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose, supervised by Professor Mariana Mazzucato and Professor Rainer Kattel. He holds a Master鈥檚 degree in Economics from the University of Pisa/Scuola Superiore Sant鈥橝nna.

Previously, he studied at the University of Trento (BA in International Studies), at the University of Bath (Visiting Student) and at the University of Sussex (Visiting Researcher). In the past, he worked for a Brussels-based consultancy firm (EuroPartners & Associ茅s), focusing on EU industrial and energy policy.

Before starting his PhD, he trained in firm-level data analysis at the Italian National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT). During his PhD years, he has taught undergraduate modules at SOAS University of London and at 香港六合彩, while assisting the policy and research activities of Professor Lord Robert Skidelsky. In April 2019, Simone organised the YSI-INET/IIPP Conference "Rethinking the State in the 21st century".

He is currently on a temporary leave, working as an Economic Expert at the Prime Minister's Office of Italy.

Research summary

Simone鈥檚 provisional PhD thesis title is:听The entrepreneurial role of State-owned enterprises as innovative and learning organisations.

Simone鈥檚 PhD thesis title is: "Systems of State-ownership: from Public Entrepreneurship to State Shareholding". In his thesis, Simone is exploring the role of State-owned enterprises in economic development. In particular, he is developing the concept of "Systems of State ownership", looking at the way in which different political entities organise their portfolio of State-owned enterprises (SOEs).

In particular, he focuses on the Italian case, comparing the past system of SOEs under the control of the former State-holding company "Istituto per la Ricostruzione Industriale" (IRI) with the current scenario. His findings show a significant transformation of State ownership in Western economies, from a model where SOEs operated systemically as policy instruments for industrial transformation, to a new one in which SOEs have much less interactions and a limited policy scope. The State, in most cases, has evolved from being and "active entrepreneur" to a more "passive shareholder".

Publications & other work

  • Gabellini T., Gasperin S. and Moneta, A. (2019). (eds.) Economic Crisis and Economic Thought: Alternative Theoretical Perspectives on the Economic Crisis. Routledge.
  • The book is a collection of essays based on the series of seminars听Critical Economics in Times of Crisis, held between 2014 and 2015 at Scuola Superiore Sant鈥橝nna in Pisa. The event was organised by Simone and a colleague of his during their postgraduate studies.

Journal articles
  • Califano, A. and Gasperin, S. (2019). "Multi-speed Europe is already there: catching up and falling behind". Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 51, 152-167.
Policy reports
  • Forum Disuguaglianze Diversit脿 (2020). Missioni Strategiche per le Imprese Pubbliche Italiane. Rapporto della Commissione Imprese e Sviluppo [Rapporteur].
  • MacFarlane, L. and Gasperin, S. (2020). State holding companies: an opportunity for economic transformation? 香港六合彩 IIPP Blog, 9 June 2020.
  • Gasperin, S. (2020). The steel industry in the millennial age. 香港六合彩 IIPP Blog, 16 January 2020.
  • Gasperin, S. (2019). Citizens鈥 industrial policy: data ownership and technological sovereignty within cities. 香港六合彩 IIPP Blog, 28 June 2019.
  • Gaspeirn, S. (2018). Public motorways for public purpose. 香港六合彩 IIPP Blog, 22 October 2018.
In the media

Newspaper articles

  • Gasperin, S. (2020). Draghi鈥檚 fiscal 鈥榳hatever it takes鈥 may not be enough. (FT, 1 April 2020).
  • Mazzucato, M. and Gasperin, S. (2019). Lo Stato imprenditore e l'eredit脿 dell'Iri. (La Repubblica, 1 December 2019).
  • Gasperin, S. (2019). Lezioni dal disastro Ilva. All鈥橧talia serve il nuovo Iri. (Il Fatto Quotidiano, 20 November 2019).
  • Gasperin, S. (2019). Alitalia, orfana dell鈥橧ri e dello Stato imprenditore. (Il manifesto, 17 Jult 2019).
  • Gasperin, S. (2019). Fca-Renault: l鈥檌ntervento dello Stato per bilanciare i francesi. (Il manifesto, 31 maggio 2019).
  • Mazzucato, M. and Gasperin, S. (2018). La strada storta dello Stato. (La Repubblica, 1 September 2018)
  • Gasperin, S. (2015). La tecnologia del conflitto" (Il manifesto, 19 June 2015)

Radio and TV appearances

  • Gasperin, S. (2018). Zapping Radio 1. (Radio Rai 1, 5 September 2018).
