

The Bartlett School of Planning


Permitted Development Rights: Ben Clifford gives evidence to Inquiry

8 June 2021

On 7th June 2021 Ben Clifford gave evidence to the Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee Inquiry


The aim of the inquiry is to examine the Government’s recent and proposed changes to permitted development rights in respect of large-scale development, commercial-to-residential conversions and changes of use between different types of commercial and retail premises. In particular, the inquiry will explore their role in supporting economic growth and their impact on local authorities, including their ability to plan development holistically, developer contributions, the provision of services and social housing and the supply and quality of new homes.

On 7thJune 2021 Ben Clifford gave evidence to the inquiry based on a  co-authored with Jess Ferm, Nicola Livingstone and Patricia Canelas. He advised that permitted development should not have a role in new dwellings as the extensions put in place since 2013 to allow this have not worked well and led to a ‘race to the bottom in terms of housing quality’.

Useful Links

  • See details of the scope of the inquiry: 
  • Watch Ben Clifford give evidence (from 0:57:00): 
  • Read Ben Clifford’s blog published on office-to-residential conversion on the RICS website:Â