

The Bartlett School of Planning


New EPSRC DTP Doctoral Studentship

20 May 2020

We are pleased to announce the opportunity to apply for a new 4-year studentship, fully funded by ESPRC.

Circular Cities

The Project 

Going Circular - Addressing the Climate Emergency: calculating the greenhouse gas savings arising from adopting a circular development pathway in cities 

The PhD training and research will be carried out within the Centre for Doctoral Training in the Bartlett School of Planning, University College London. The research aims to determine the reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions resulting from transitioning to a circular development pathway in cities (see for more information).  The circular development pathway integrates resource looping (e.g. grey-water and infrastructure recycling, energy recovery); urban adaptation (flexible infrastructure, spaces, self-organising communities); and ecological regeneration (the restoration of urban ecosystem services), to enable the city-region to co-evolve with societal needs, whilst reducing its ecological footprint and GHG emissions (through sequestration, energy recovery, localising resource flows, reducing waste going to landfill, etc).  It will produce methodologies and tools which can be used by cities to calculate the emissions savings they can make from adopting this approach.

The research will:

  • Identify and evaluate tools or methods for calculating GHG emission savings (direct and indirect);
  • Audit existing research to determine the data and algorithms available to calculate emissions savings for the circular actions;
  • Determine the dynamic relationships between the actions and how this effects emissions
  • Create and calibrate an emissions calculator
  • Model emissions reductions for a series of circular development scenarios 

View the advert of more details on the project, person specification and application instructions.