

The Bartlett School of Planning


Lixun Liu

Research subject

Thesis Title: The impact of rail transit systems on urban regeneration areas: case study of a large Chinese city - Chongqing

Primary supervisor: 
Secondary supervisor: 

Start Date: September 2012

Many Metro systems are being built or upgraded, especially in rapidly developing Asian cities, with the aim of redeveloping and regenerating new neighbourhoods. In the car dominated metropolises where the rail transit services were newly-introduced, my Ph.D research aims to understand how rail transit investment might affect cities in urban development; how we might develop an appropriate strategy for investment by coordination of diverse intensions; and how we might conceptualize the relationship between transport investment and urban development as part of a complex influence of different factors affecting development and regeneration.

There is an emerging body of evidence suggesting that regeneration effects triggered by urban transit systems exert different types of impact not only on geographic locations, but also on population groups. I also have my research interest in exploring how the impact of rail transit on development and regeneration differs spatially and across population groups, assessing the equity dimensions that arise, and the policies and planning interventions which might be introduced to achieve greater equity impacts. The research utilizes both quantitative and qualitative methodological approaches.