

ϲ Institute for Global Prosperity


Director Prof. Henrietta Moore writes for the Times Higher Education

1 August 2023

The IGP's Director Prof. Henrietta Moore writes for Times Higher Education on ‘Universities and their role in the levelling-up agenda’ highlighting the IGP’s work on citizen social science and the ϲ Citizen Science Academy

young researchers

IGP's Director Professor Henrietta Moore writes for Times Higher Education on ‘Universities and their role in the levelling-up agenda’ highlighting the IGP’s work on citizen social science and theϲCitizen Science Academy.

In her piece, Prof. Moore outlines why the way universities conduct and undertake research requires transformation to take proper account of the realities of the 21st century, if levelling-up is to succeed.

“For levelling up to truly succeed, the UK government’s current approach to devolution needs to go beyond ‘trailblazer deals’ with Metro Mayors and Mayoral Combined Authorities. Decision-making needs to be shared with communities at the local level”

says Prof. Moore.

Prof. Moore also emphasises that the key to tackling inequality is social innovation. This means developing new thinking and establishing cross-sector collaborations with the aim of providing secure livelihoods in more sustainableenvironments, where social drives economic value. To achieve social innovation, we needa diverse pool of voices, beliefsand knowledge that can meet the needs of everyone.