

The Bartlett Development Planning Unit


DPU Working Paper - No. 156

The implications of large scale land acquisition on small landholder’s food security

Small landholder’s food security - alikedu

12 September 2013

Author: Rushini De Zoysa

Publication Date: September 2013

ISSN 1474-3280

The Global South has been swept by an increasing trend of large scale land acquisitions since the food and economic crisis of 2008. This paper will analyze the implications of LSLA on local population’s food security and livelihoods. It will use Ethiopia as a case study to measure the progression of vulnerability created by land reform policies that encourages such investments. Using the analytical framework of the Pressure and Release Model (PAR), this paper will argue that Ethiopia’s land reform has systematically weakened small landholder’s access to food and livelihood.


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