

The Bartlett Development Planning Unit


Policymakers attend student presentations on tackling economic development in London

25 February 2015

UED London Presentations - Febraury 2015

On the first Friday of February students from the MSc Urban Economic Development delivered the findings of a series of mini consultancy assignments to members of the , the , the , and London & Partners.

The exercise, part of the Urban Economic Development in Practice module led by , pairs teams of students up with client organisations – in this case the clients include three departments of the GLA, the DCLG, and London & Partners. Through this client-consultant relationship students are exposed to a practical project that in turn enhances the knowledge of the client organisation.

The client initially sets a specific question as an area for enquiry. This is usually around major issues facing the Greater London metropolitan area, which the client is looking to explore from a fresh perspective. The students’ work then informs and provides a base study upon which future work and plans for new policies can begin to be articulated.

This year the work concentrated on five topic areas:

  1. Factors behind London’s economic success and limits to expansion
  2. Green Economy: opportunities for sustainable economic growth and the role of institutions
  3. Demographic shifts: implication for infrastructure in light of spatial patterns of economic growth and inequality
  4. Mis-match: skills of resident population versus needs of the economy
  5. ICT and Infrastructure delivery: ‘smart’ solutions using innovative techniques, services or behaviours.

MSc UED students delivered carefully researched presentations, which were well received by client representatives. Some students have been invited to present to a wider audience within their client organisation.

The assignment has given the students practical experience in working in a consultant-client relationship and demanded a high level of professionalism in the delivery of the outcomes.

Look out for the summary reports on the MSc UED pages of our website in the coming weeks.