

The Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis


CASA Working Paper 184


17 May 2012

Global migration modelling: A review of key policy needs and research centres

When addressing real world problems in international migration research, invariably the topic of migration-related policy comes to the fore. Policies may look to address specific issues such as the integration of migrants, but in most cases they can be boiled down to limiting the flows of some types of migrant or encouraging the flows of others. Judging the impact of both migration flows and migration policy can only be done effectively with good information, but too often data on migration are poor and thus the evidence base lacking.

This paper assesses some of the migration and policy issues which are currently relevant, before examining where the modelling work being undertaken by the ENFOLDing project1 can help strengthen the evidence base available to policy makers in order that better policy decisions are made. To ensure ENFOLDing’s contribution is unique, a directory of international migration research centres and the work they are undertaking is provided in an extensive appendix.

Authors: Adam Dennett and Pablo Mateos

Publication Date: 17th May 2012


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