

Arts Sciences


What our students say about the BASc

You can see what our students say about their time on the BASc and after graduation on our channel and below.



Health and Environment…

Health and Environment

Sciences and Engineering…

Sciences and Engineering




Here are some further comments from students about the BASc. Take a look!

Alex (Cultures) on BASc education

'The skills and knowledge I have developed gave me the confidence, as well as the opportunity, to undertake an fast-paced internship in the centre of London with real responsibility. Outside of an educational context you realise the invaluable skills that Arts and Sciences teaches you: proactivity, teamwork, determination, leadership, preservation, motivation, confidence. The internship helps to strengthen these skills and puts you in a position to leave Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê and enter the job market with confidence, an enviable position to be in.Ìý

The company was doing a side project 3D printing, and in my last term had learnt how to 3D print.... you never know when such knowledge will be useful!

Studying Arts and Sciences you have to be prepared to have a ravenous curiosity, to challenge the rules and push the boundaries. This isn't a degree course that is set in stone, it's malleable, innovative and evolving. This course is for those who aren't afraid to set themselves apart from the mainstream and to challenge the rules of education itself.'

After graduation Alex joined the education wing of an international publisher as Digital Programme Manager.

Amy (Health and Environment) on the connections between her BASc studies and work in public policy

'I spent my first summer on the BASc degree working as an International Engagement Intern for the Wellcome Trust. ÌýMy task was to examine the concept of evidence-informed policy, popular in international development circles, and research its relevance to Wellcome's work. ÌýThrough discussion with internal and external stakeholders, I investigated how the academic research funded by the Trust could be brought to have a greater bearing on public policy. Ìý

Understanding how research differs across disciplines: the different languages used, varying levels of engagement with impact and accessibility to policymakers, was essential in doing this. ÌýI found that the background provided by the first year of Arts and Sciences, the principles around breaking down disciplinary barriers and improving communication and understanding between academic fields which are embedded in the course, were crucialÌýin helping me understand these differences. ÌýI thus felt much better able to suggest how multidisciplinary research evidence could be presented effectively to policymakers in a way that is useful to them. ÌýSince conducting interviews formed a significant part of my work, I was also grateful for having had experience of this process in the Interdisciplinary Research Methods module.

Working at the border of science and humanities in the Medical Humanities and Engagement department at the Trust illuminated parallels in both ethos and practical methods between my degree programme and that particular workplace. ÌýI feel that studying Arts and Sciences equipped me to really profit from my internship, both in terms of the quality of my work and my enjoyment of it.'

Emanuele (Sciences and Engineering) on preparation for masters programmes

'Studying Arts and Sciences has given me the chance to explore a range of subject matter and taught me a variety of transferable skills that has allowed me to easily match the requirements of most postgraduate degrees. I have found the BASc degree to be an invaluable opportunity to explore different subject areas at an undergraduate level to see if I liked them before taking the big leap into an expensive Masters. Furthermore, since most postgraduate degrees are interdisciplinary I feel the BASc degree has made me a more competitive candidate as a result.'

Emanuele had job offers from the Civil Service and an international development consultancy, and has decided to join the latter.

Fabia (Cultures) on her internship and BASc experience

'The broad spectrum of subjects that the BASc degree offers is perfect for students like me that initially had absolutely no idea of what they want to do in the future. As I progressed through my degree my subject selection became more focussed which helped me magnificently when applying for summer internships. With the help and advice of the BASc team and the Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê Careers services I gained a lot of experience applying for jobs and undertaking interviews. My summer internship was an invaluable experience that taught me a range of transferable skills, and often I found myself relying on knowledge or skills that I had picked up from my course and Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê societies. My role was marketing and communications manager in an up and coming events company that specialise in immersive events, as the company was a start-up I was allocated vast and various tasks and projects and held a great deal of responsibility within the company which was a fruitful and rewarding experience.'

After graduation Fabia joined the marketing department of a leading professional services firm.

Juliette (Sciences and Engineering) who has been offered a graduate position at a leading management consultancy firm

IfÌýI had to choose one word to express why Arts and Sciences is such an incredible andÌýunparalleled degree, that wordÌýwould be opportunity.ÌýChoosing Arts and Sciences gave me the opportunity to construct and studyÌýthe degree that IÌýwanted,Ìýcombining science, literature and politics. It gave meÌýthe opportunity to pick up a new language,ÌýandÌýthe opportunity toÌýimprove it byÌýstudying abroad.ÌýArts and SciencesÌýhasÌýnot onlyÌýallowedÌýmeÌýto explore all of my interests, it has encouraged me to move beyond them.

Juliette was successful in applying to several leading Master’s programmes in the US.

Maja (Societies) who has been offered a graduate training scheme at City Law firm following her internship

‘I would like to say that during my internship I found that being a BASc student made things much, much easier for me than they would have been otherwise - I was at ease with dealing with new, technical terms and I could easily make connections between different disciplines and areas. Also, having worked on group projects as a part of BASc, I really helped our intern group establish a good working routine and I knew what to look out for in terms of time wasters or communication issues.

Overall, I could not tell you how happy I am to be studying Arts and Sciences.

What is probably of more interest to you, all Partners and HR people to whom I spoke during my internships found Arts and Sciences to be a brilliant idea and they all wanted to find out more about it!

Hence, in short: thank you for designing such a brilliant course!’

Mirah (Sciences and Engineering) who has been offered a graduate job in an international financial services firm

The great thing about theÌýBASc is that you are constantly challenged with new and unfamiliar concepts and approaches through both the core and elective modules. In order to make the most of a broad education, you have to go the extra mile to gain the depth required. You effectively learn how to learn and this is a valuable skill in the work place and for future studies.'

'The BASc seeks to prepare students forÌýa rapidly changing world.ÌýA part of that involvesÌýdeveloping commercial awareness and the internship was a great way to apply the skills I had learned from my degree but also grow in a professional setting and see what career might suit me.

Oliver (Societies) on BASc education

'Studying Arts and Sciences has given me the freedom to understand the issues that interest me most from a variety of different perspectives. It has allowed me to conceptualise poverty, development, globalisation and education- all of whichÌýgreatly fascinate me- from the diverse perspective that economics, geography, politics and psychology have to offer. Studying in this interdisciplinary way permits me to take a step back whilst studying these multifaceted issues; I can learn about how these different disciplines can compliment each other in their pursuit to understand complexity. Walking from a class in French to one in Social Psychology followed by Economics and then Politics not only satisfies my academic curiosity, but it’s also great fun. I love being able to delve into the literature of multiple disciplines, and I would urge anyone with a similar level of curiosity to do the same!

One of the best things about the course is the people. BAScers, by nature, have so many interests in a wide variety of things and this manifests itself not just in the quality of their work but also in the social fabric of the community. I always enjoy listening to students’ stories about how they ended up studying Arts and Sciences and learning from the journeys.ÌýI am confident that many students in my cohort will end up changing the world (either in a big or small- but almost certainly multidisciplinary- way) for the better.'

Scott (Societies) on his internship opportunity

‘I have to once again say thank you to BASc and Careers for helping me obtain this valuable experience.’

Scott now works for an international consultancy firm in Hong Kong.

Yumika (Sciences and Engineering) who has been offered a graduate job at a leading investment bank

The BASc programme is set up in such a way that really pushes the boundaries of education, teaching each of us skills as well as allowing us to explore various academic disciplines. It really makes you think outside the box and allowsÌýyou to observe everything you do in a much broader context which I think helped me so much during my internship. So many people are very focused on one small thing that they forget where that fits in inÌýthe big picture, and I think that theÌýArts and Sciences degree really gets you into thatÌýframe of mind.

I had an idea that I wanted to pursue a career in finance when I started out, and I thoughtÌýthat perhapsÌýstudying a slightly non traditional degree may hinder my chances in suchÌýa competitive industry, but I think it did the opposite! The ability to customise your degree to your interests, means that each BASc student is unique and everyone brings new ideas and skills to the table - something every company wants.Ìý

The academic and emotionalÌýsupport from my fellow students and the programme organisers is unparalleled and I am so grateful to be in such a close knit course

Zohra (Sciences and Engineering) who has been offered a graduate job at a leading City actuarial firm

On the value of the placement: "My 6 week internship has been key to furthering the skills that I've learnt on the BASc as well as applying some of the theory I have learnt on the BASc. An internship is a great way to see if a particular industry or even company is suited to your interests and passions without a longer commitment. Its also a very good step to demonstrate your interest in a field of work that may not be directly relevant through your degree"

Role of BASc/education: "The BASc has been invaluable to me in this internship. Unlike any other degree the BASc actively teaches key working skills and continually challenges you. This has trained me well to work with others and learn quickly which was essential in my role and impressed many. By letting me pursue knowledge in a wide range of fields and continually applying this knowledge collectively I had developed the ability to understand issues from various viewpoints which was also essential to the role. Essentially the BASc has developed me academically, socially and trained me with all the skills essential to succeed in any role in the working world. Additionally, studying alongside a cohort of pioneering students with great ambitions and visions has encouraged me to attempt and succeed at roles that I never would have considered possible prior to my time at Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê. I don't think I could have chosen a better degree for myself."

Zhora now works for a leading City firm as a trainee actuary.

Sahar (Societies) on her BASc experience

On the BASc: "The Bachelor of Arts and Sciences (BASc) gave me the best three years of undergraduate experience, both academically and socially. The flexibility that this course offers allowed me to discover the modules I enjoyed, all the while having a structure to ensure that we reap the skills that the BASc intended for us to attain. The nature of this course promotes thinking beyond the traditional disciplinary boundaries that we are accustomed to, by designing core modules that encouraged us to merge disciplines, to think critically and creatively. I was pleased with the various assessment methods throughout the BASc too, which was not limited to essays and exams, but also team presentations and digital assessments such as video blogs and podcasts. As such, I walked away with a range of hard and soft skills, from the ability to code using a computer programme (Python), to working effectively within a team.

It goes without saying that this highly challenging and innovative course attracts the brightest individuals. I was privileged to have been surrounded by these students who inspired me by their intellectual curiosity as well as their extra-curricular activities. The BASc student body was not only great to work with, but they were also extremely sociable with the help of the BASc department, who arranged weekly donut sessions in the common room along with many other social events.

Four years on, I will be enrolling in the Environmental Technology Masters at Imperial College London. BASc has been conducive to my decision to enter the sustainability field, as I realised that it is the nexus between the modules I enjoyed during my time there. As I enter my Masters programme, I believe my knowledge in the social sciences and environmental systems will provide me with a solid foundation to launch into this nascent world of sustainability."