

Institute of Archaeology


Petrie Palestinian Project

This project has the following aims:

  • To completely catalogue the Institute of Archaeology's holdings of material in the Petrie Palestinian Collection and make it available online via the IoA collections website.
  • To research the current locations of all materials from Petrie's excavations in British Mandate Palestine between 1926 and 1938 and provide an online guide to these resources.
  • To digitise Petrie's field records from Tell el-'Ajjul and Tell Fara, and make these available to researchers online.
  • To conduct research into Petrie's field methods and practices, and reassess material from his excavations.

Related outputs

  • Sparks, R.T. (2013). Fishing for meaning: Net weights, fishhooks and netting needles in mortuary contexts at Tell el-'Ajjul. Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections, 5 (2), 33-47.
  • Sparks, R.T. (2013). Flinders Petrie Through Word and Deed: Re-evaluating Field Techniques and their Impact on Object Recovery in British Mandate Palestine. Palestine Exploration Quarterly, 145 (2), 143-159. doi:10.1179/0031032813Z.00000000049
  • Sparks, R.T. (2013). Publicising Petrie: Financing fieldwork in British Mandate Palestine (1926-1938). Present Pasts, 5 (2), 1-15. doi:10.5334/pp.56
  • Laidlaw, S., Sparks, R.T. and P.J. Ucko. (2007). A Future for the Past: Petrie's Palestinian Collection. This was the catalogue of an exhibition held at the Brunei Gallery in London.
  • Sparks, R.T. (2005). The Lost Loci of Tell el-'Ajjul: Petrie's Area C, PEQ 137.1, 23-29.


  • Funding was received at an early stage in this research from the Stockman Foundation