

Institute of Archaeology


Ona Vilekis


Ona Vileikis Tamayo

Ona's background in architecture and engineering (and swanky location scouting) coalesced in her passion for large-scale mapping and digital inventories. She is especially excited by the ways in which these tools contribute to policy development, standards and guidelines for documentation and monitoring of heritage management. Ona has experience using geospatial content management systems for the monitoring of transnational World Heritage. A result of this work was the development of the project 'Silk Roads Cultural Heritage Resource Information System' which together with documentation and risk management strategies, is still in use by Central Asian States Parties and China. She has collaborated widely with regional and local professionals, government officials on documentation and digital technologies. She is an expert member of the ICOMOS Scientific Committee on Heritage Documentation CIPA and co-founder of the e.V among other networks. When she is not attached to a digital device she is hiking…with camera at the ready.