

Institute of Archaeology


Fatima Al-Nammari - Honorary Research Fellow

Name: Dr Fatima Al-Nammari
Honorary Title: Honorary Research Fellow
Email: f.nammari@ucl.ac.uk
IoA staff nominator’s name and email address:
Beverley Butler beverley.butler@ucl.ac.uk


Fatima has been working with Beverley Butler on an ongoing project towards documenting and understanding the construction and reconstruction of heritage in Palestinian refugee camps in Jordan. The investigation addresses the daily rituals, thoughts, and place-making that Palestinians use as forms of resistance and self-realization.


Selected recent publications

  • Al-Nammari, F. Forthcoming. Participatory slum upgrading in Talbieyh refugee camp: space, “bare life”, and power. In : Camps, A genealogy of refugee camps in the Middle East”, Edited by Kamel Doraï and Ayham Dalal. Published by Presses de l'Ifpo.
  • Chatterjee, HJ, Clini, C, Butler, B, Al-Nammari, F, Al-Asir, R and Katona, C, 2020. Exploring the psychosocial impact of cultural interventions with displaced people, chapter in the book series: “Refuge in a Moving World”. Routledge. Edited by Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, ϲ Press: London. pp. 323-346
  • Butler, Beverley and Fatima Al-Nammari. 2016. “We Palestinian Refugees” – Heritage Rites and/as the Clothing of Bare Life: Reconfiguring Paradox, Obligation, and Imperative in Palestinian Refugee Camps in Jordan". Journal of Contemporary Archaeology (3), 2, pp 147 – 159
  • Al-Nammari, F. 2014. When the global impacts the local: Revisiting Talbiyeh Camp Improvement Project. Habitat International (44), pp158-167.
  • · Al-Nammari, Fatima .2014. Talbiyeh Camp Improvement Project and the Challenges of Community Participation: Between Empowerment and Conflict. Pp 206-220 in UNRWA and Palestinian Refugees: From Relief and Works to Human Development. Sari Hanafi, Lex Takkenberg, and Leila Hilal, eds. Routledge: New York.