

香港六合彩 Anthropology


Volker Sommer

香港六合彩 Anthropology - Volker Sommer


Emeritus Professor of Evolutionary Anthropology

PhD, Anthropology, 1985 & Habilitation in Anthropology and Primatology, 1990 Georg-August-Universit盲t, G枚ttingen, Germany













香港六合彩 Anthropology - Volker Sommer

Volker Sommer an Emeritus听Professor of Evolutionary Anthropology. His research interests focus on the evolution of primate social and sexual behaviour, cognition, rituals, biodiversity conservation, animal rights and evolutionary ethics

Born into a farming community in Holzhausen am Reinhardswald, he grew up in a village situated in the oak forests of central Germany. Here, the Brothers Grimm had recruited native informants for their early 19th-century fairy tale collection. Animals possess human-like characteristics in these听stories. As part and parcel of Volker Sommer's childhood, these narratives inspired him to pursue a career as a zoologist and ethologist.


He studied biology, chemistry and protestant theology in G枚ttingen, Marburg, Hamburg and Berlin. Supervised by Christian Vogel, Sommer obtained his PhD in anthropology (1985) and his habilitation in anthropology and primatology (1990) at the Universit盲t G枚ttingen, Germany. He received various early-career fellowships (DAAD, Alexander-von-Humboldt-Foundation, DFG Habilitationsstipendium). During his time as a Heisenberg-Fellow of the German Research Council, Sommer was a Research Associate at the University of California in Davis, USA (1992-1994) and at Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand (1994-1996).

Volker Sommer joined the Department of Anthropology, University College London in 1996. He developed the master programme in Human Evolution and Behaviour and, as a 香港六合彩 Pro-Provost from 2008鈥2011, the institutions International Strategy as "London's Global University".听His research generated exemplary impact studies that contributed to the excellent ranking of the department in recent assessment exercises (RAE, REF).

香港六合彩 Anthropology - Volker Sommer

Sommer's initial field study of animal behaviour focused on the eco-ethology of langur monkeys in Rajasthan, India - since 1981 as a doctoral student and afterwards as a post-doc. Personal highlights include residing for some years in a Shiva-temple. -- From 1989, he enabled to develop a long-term study of white-handed gibbons in Thailand. Here, he lived for several years at the edge of the Khao-Yai rainforest. Personal highlights include being set upon by a tiger - and surviving. -- In 1999, in Nigeria's mountainous northeast, Volker Sommer founded the Gashaka Primate Project with a specific focus on monkeys and chimpanzees. The project evolved into one of the largest research and biodiversity conservation initiatives in West Africa ().听Personal highlights comprise expeditions with rangers and local villagers to Mt. Gangirwal, West Africa's highest mountain 鈥 including a pioneering ascend through the montane jungles of its western escarpments.

Volker Sommer serves on the boards of various journals and is the only scientist advising on both the "Section on Great Apes" and the "Section on Small Apes" of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). He was part of the steering committee of the London-based Centre for Ecology and Evolution (1996-2006) and of various panels, e.g. the "Evolutionary Biology" initiative of the Volkswagen Stiftung, Germany's largest private science-supporting foundation. Sommer is also a founding scientific board member of the German-based Giordano-Bruno Foundation for Evolutionary Humanism, which promotes a scientific and secular worldview in the tradition of the Enlightenment ().

香港六合彩 Anthropology - Volker Sommer

Sommer has published several hundred articles - scientific as well as popular - and two dozen books, including novels and poetry. He is a renowned science journalist in German-speaking countries, regularly featured by major magazines and newspapers (GEO, stern, natur, Die Zeit, Der Spiegel, FAZ, Die Welt, bild der wissenschaft, Spektrum der Wissenschaft, Weltwoche, Neue Zuercher Zeitung, Frankfurter Rundschau). Upon invitation, Sommer delivered more than 400 scientific and public talks across the globe. His award-winning writings have been translated into English, Walloon, Polish, Italian, Spanish, Hindi, Korean, Japanese and Persian. As a widely respected opinion-maker, Sommer is a regular guest on radio and TV. He also wrote and read numerous radio segments and presented various television documentaries. His U-tube clips exceed 70,000 views. The political magazine Cicero, in one of its latest rankings, counted Volker Sommer amongst the most influential intellectuals of the German-speaking world. His biography and philosophy was the subject of a TV documentary produced by the German-French culture channel ARTE in 2011. In 2012, Sommer received the Gold Medal of the North of England Zoological Society for lifetime achievements in conservation-related research.

Private passions include projects with contemporary artists; speed-walking marathons; seeking beatification while riding an almighty Harley; as well as performances with Tanzango, an ensemble dedicated to Tango Argentino.



  • Senior lecturer, Department of Anthropology, University College London, UK (1996)
  • Professor of Evolutionary Anthropology in the University of London (1998)


  • German Academic Exchange Service Fellowship / DAAD-Stipendium (1981-1983)
  • Feodor Lynen-Fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation (1986-1988)
  • Habilitation-Fellowship of the German Research Council / DFG (1988-1990)
  • Visiting Scientist Grant University of California at San Diego, USA (1989)
  • Heisenberg-Stipendium of the German Research Council / DFG (1991-1996)

Awards & Honours

  • Bundessieger, Wettbewerb Jugend forscht / National champion of the science fair competition, category biology, sponsored by the German government, industry and stern magazine (1973)
  • H枚rlein-Preis, Verband Deutscher Biologen / Young scientist award, Association of German Biologists (1974)
  • Wettbewerb Reporter der Wissenschaft, Sonderpreis "Magazin" / National competition in science journalism, category "magazine", sponsored by leading German newspapers and magazines (1983)
  • Fritz-Frank-Preis, Deutsche Gesellschaft f眉r S盲ugetierkunde / Junior scientist award, German Society of Mammalogy (1988)
  • Contributor to "Wissenschaftsbuch des Jahres" / "Science-book of the year", chosen by magazine bild der wissenschaft (1995)
  • Inge-und-Werner-Gr眉ter Preis f眉r Wissenschaftspublizistik im Stifterverband Deutsche Wissenschaft / Prize for popularizing biological sciences; awarded for oeuvre; sponsored by Association of German Science Foundations (1997)
  • Honorary Conservation Fellow, North of England Zoological Society (2008)
  • Runner up, Communicator Preis / Public-understanding-of-sciences prize, German Research Council (2008, 2009)
  • Ranked amongst the most influential German intellectuals by political magazine Cicero (2009)
  • Gold Medal recipient of the North of England Zoological Society, for lifetime achievements in science and conservation (2010)
  • Folia Primatologica A. H. Schultz Best Paper Award; inaugural recipient (lead author: Alejandra Pascual-Garrido) (2014)

Advisory Boards, Organizations

  • Steering committee CEE (Center for Ecology and Evolution), London (1997-2005)
  • Council member, Primate Society of Great Britain (1998-2000)
  • Giordano-Bruno Foundation for Evolutionary Humanism, Germany (2004- )
  • Section on Great Apes,Species Survival Commission of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (SGA/SSC/IUCN) (2004- )
  • International Steering Group, 香港六合彩 (2009-2011)
  • Section on Small Apes,听Species Survival Commission of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (SGA/SSC/IUCN) (2013- )
  • Institute听f眉r Transkulturelle Gesundheitswissenschaften (IntraG) - Europa Universit盲t Viadrina, Frankfurt / Oder (2013-2015)
  • Working Group Evolutionary Biology, German Association of Biologists (2014-2017)


Advisory Boards, Journals

  • Kulturzeitschrift Das Plateau (from inception, 1990- )
  • Folia Primatologica (1999- )
  • Primates (2003- )
  • Current Zoology [formerly Acta Zoologica Sinica] (2008-2014)
  • 贰谤飞盲驳别苍-奥颈蝉蝉别苍-贰迟丑颈办 (Deliberation-Knowledge-Ethics) (2008-2015)

Scientific Panels

  • VolkswagenStiftung, Hanover, Germany (Ideenwettbewerb "Evolution") (2008)
  • VolkswagenStiftung, Hanover, Germany (panel "Evolutionary Biology"; grant volume 12mio 拢) (2009, 2012)
  • University of G枚ttingen's excellence-initiative (Courant Center "Evolution of Social Behaviour") (2011)
  • DFG Vorantrag Graduiertenkolleg Mensch/Tier, Humboldt-Universit盲t Berlin (2013)
  • Evaluation committee, Leibniz-Institute听German Primate Centre, G枚ttingen (2013)

Ad-hoc review, Grants

German Academic Exchange Service, Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation, German Research Council, Leakey Foundation, Earth Watch, NERC, Leverhulme Trust, Wellcome Trust, Conservation Awards Volkswagen Mexico, Cambridge University Newton Trust, Research fellowships Emmanuel College & St John's College Cambridge, University of Leuven, Schweizer Nationalfond, Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, ZIF (Zentrum f眉r interdisziplin盲re Forschung) Bielefeld

Ad-hoc review, Journals

American Journal of Physical Anthropology, American Journal of Primatology, Animal Behaviour, Behaviour, Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology, Conservation Biology, Ethology & Sociobiology, Ethology, Etica & Animali, Evolutionary Anthropology, Folia Primatologica, Human Evolution, International Journal of Primatology, Journal of Animal Ecology, Journal of Bisexuality, Journal of Human Evolution, Kulturzeitschrift Das Plateau, Primates, Proceedings of the Royal Society London (Biological Sciences), Psychologische Rundschau, Acta Zoologica Sinica, National Geographic

Ad-hoc review, Publishers

Curzon, Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, Princeton University Press, Berlin Verlag, Radius Verlag, BBC Radio 4, BBC Books, National Geographic

Ad-hoc review, Film industry

Consultancy on documentaries for British, German, Austrian, USA television stations as well as movie company "Hamburger Kinokompanie Hark Bohm"

PUBLICATIONS (selection)

Books (German, English, Translations)


Sommer, V. (1983). Nektar der Unsterblichkeit. Poetische Ann盲herung an Indien. Stuttgart: Radius


Sommer, V. (1986). Yeti Eine Erz盲hlung. Stuttgart: Radius

Heinz-Mohr_Sommer_Die Rose

hHeinz-Mohr_Sommer_La Rosa

Heinz-Mohr, Gerd & Sommer, V. (1988). Die Rose. Entfaltung eines Symbols. Cologne: Diederichs. - Italian translation 1989: La Rosa - Storia Di Un Simbolo. Milano: Rusconi

Sommer_1989_Die Affen

Sommer, V. (1989). Die Affen. Unsere wilde Verwandtschaft. Hamburg: GEO / Gruner & Jahr


Sommer, V. (1990). Wider die Natur ? Homosexualit盲t und Evolution. Munich: C.H. Beck



K枚the, Rainer & V. Sommer (as ghostwriter) (1991). Was ist Was? Der Urmensch. N眉rnberg: Tessloff. - 2nd ed. 2003. Translations into Polish (2008), Hungarian (2008), Georgian (2008), Chinese (2010)

Sommer_1992_Lob der L眉ge_Hardcover

Sommer_1992_Lob der L眉ge_Paperback

Sommer, V. (1992). Lob der L眉ge. T盲uschung und Selbstbetrug bei Tier und Mensch. Munich: C.H. Beck. - Spanish translation 1995: Elogio de la mentira. Barcelona: Galaxia Gutenberg / Circulo de Lectores; Italian translation 1998: Elogio della menzogna. Turin: Bollati Boringhieri

Sommer_1995_Elogio de la Mentira


Sommer_1992_Feste Mythen Rituale

Sommer, V. (1992). Feste - Mythen - Rituale. Warum die V枚lker feiern. Hamburg: GEO / Gruner & Jahr

Sommer_1996_Heilige Egoisten

Sommer, V. (1996). Heilige Egoisten. Die Soziobiologie indischer Tempelaffen. Munich: C.H. Beck

Sommer_1996_Biologie des Menschen

Sommer, V. (ed.) (1996). Biologie des Menschen. Heidelberg: Spektrum der Wissenschaft

Sommer_Ammann_1998_Die Grossen Menschen Affen

Sommer, V. & Karl Ammann (photography) (1998). Die Grossen Menschenaffen: Orang-Utan, Gorilla, Schimpanse, Bonobo. Munich: BLV

Sommer_1999_Von Menschen_&_Tieren

Sommer, V. (1999). Menschen und andere Tiere. Essays zur Evolutionsbiologie. Stuttgart: Hirzel


Christian Vogel (1999). Anthropologische Spuren. (edited & introduced by V. Sommer) Stuttgart: Hirzel

Sommer_2002_Das gr眉ne_All

Sommer, V. (2002). Das gr眉ne All. Ein Poem aus dem Regenwald. Stuttgart: Radius


Sommer, V. & Paul Vasey (eds.) (2006). Homosexual Behaviour in Animals: Evolutionary Perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press

Sommer_2007_Darwinisch Denken

Sommer, V. (2007). Darwinisch denken. Horizonte der Evolutionsbiologie. Stuttgart: Hirzel


Sommer, V. (2008). Schimpansenland. Wildes Leben in Afrika. M眉nchen: C. H. Beck (Deutschlandradio, Frankfurter Allgemeine, TAGBLATT / OSTSCHWEIZ)


Hof, Jutta (photography) & V. Sommer (2010). Menschenaffen wie wir. Portraits einer Verwandtschaft. / Apes Like Us. Portraits of a Kinship. [Bilingual edition]. Mannheim: Edition Panorama


Sommer, V. & Caroline Ross (eds.) (2011). Primates of Gashaka: Socioecology and Conservation in Nigeria's Biodiversity Hotspot. (Developments in Primatology: Progress and Prospects). Springer: New York

Book Cover_Volker Sommer_Lob-der-L眉ge

Sommer, V. (2015). Lob der L眉ge. Wie in der Evolution der Zweck die Mittel heiligt. Stuttgart: S. Hirzel
Sommer, V. (2018). Den traurigen Gedanken tanzen. Ein Poem im Tangotempo. Stuttgart: Radius. 61 pp
Marcus Coates and V. Sommer (2018). Degreecoordinates, Shared Traits of the Hominini (Humans, Bonobos and Chimpanzees). Margate: Turner Contemporary, 301 pp.
Sommer, V. (2021). Unter Mitprimaten. Ansichten eines Affenforschers. Stuttgart: S. Hirzel
Msindai, Josephine N. (2021). Island of the Apes. The Story of Rubondo's chimpanzees. London: Routledge

Research Papers (English)

Portrait by Mischa Haller

Sommer, V. & Surendra Mal Mohnot (1985). New observations on infanticides among hanuman langurs (Presbytis entellus) near Jodhpur (Rajasthan / India).听Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology16: 245鈥248

Sommer, V. (1987). Infanticide among free-ranging langurs (Presbytis entellus) at Jodhpur (Rajasthan / India). Recent observations with a reconsideration of hypotheses. Primates 28: 163-197

Sommer, V. (1988). Male competition and coalitions in langurs (Presbytis entellus) at Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India. Human Evolution 3: 261-278

Agoramoorthy, Govindasamy; Surendra Mal Mohnot, V. Sommer & Arun Srivastava (1988). Abortions in free ranging Hanuman langurs (Presbytis entellus) - A male induced strategy? Human Evolution 3: 297-308

Sommer, V. (1989). Infant mistreatment in langur monkeys - sociobiology tackled from the wrong end? Pp. 110-127 in: Anne E.O. Rasa, Christian Vogel & Eckart Voland (eds), The Sociobiology of Sexual and Reproductive Strategies in Animals and Humans. London: Chapman and Hall

Sommer, V. (1989).Sexual harassment in langur monkeys (Presbytis entellus). Competition for ova, sperm, and nurture? Ethology 80: 205-217

Sommer, V. & Lal Singh Rajpurohit (1989). Male reproductive success in harem troops of Hanuman langurs (Presbytis entellus). International Journal of Primatology 10: 293-317

Rajpurohit, Lal Singh & V. Sommer (1991). Sex differences in mortality among langurs (Presbytis entellus) of Jodhpur, Rajasthan. Folia Primatologica 56: 17-27

Borries, Carola; V. Sommer & Arun Srivastava (1991). Dominance, age, and reproductive success in free-ranging female Hanuman langurs (Presbytis entellus. International Journal of Primatology 12: 231-257

Srivastava, Arun; Carola Borries & V. Sommer (1991). Homosexual mounting in free ranging female Hanuman langurs (Presbytis entellus). Archives of Sexual Behavior 20: 487-512

Sommer, V.; Arun Srivastava & Carola Borries (1992). Cycles, sexuality, and conception in free-ranging female langurs (Presbytis entellus). American Journal of Primatology 28: 1-27

B枚er, Michael & V. Sommer (1992). Evidence for sexually selected infanticide in captive Cercopithecus mitis, Cercocebus torquatus and Mandrillus leucophaeus. Primates 33: 557-563

Sommer, V. (1993). Father-son recognition in Hanuman langurs (Presbytis entellus). A field experiment in India. Primates 34: 217-221

Rajpurohit, Lal Singh & V. Sommer (1993). Juvenile male emigration from one-male troops in Hanuman langurs (Presbytis entellus) - a long-term study of intrasexual competition. Pp. 86-103 in: Michael Pereira & Lynn Fairbanks (eds), Juvenile Primates: Life History, Development, and Behavior. New York: Oxford Univ. Press

Sommer, V. (1994). Infanticide among langurs of Jodhpur - Testing the sexual selection hypothesis with a long-term record. Pp. 155-198 in: Stefano Parmigiani & Fred vom Saal (eds), Infanticide and Parental Care. (Proc. Intern. Center for Scientific Culture Ettore Majorana, Erice / Sicily, Italy) New York: Harwood Academic Publ

Borries, Carola; V. Sommer & Arun Srivastava (1994). Weaving a tight social net: Allogrooming in free-ranging female langurs (Presbytis entellus). International Journal of Primatology 15: 421-443

Reichard, Ulrich & V. Sommer (1994). Grooming site preferences in wild white-handed gibbons (Hylobates lar). Primates 35: 369-374

Sommer, V. & Domingo Mendoza-Granados (1994). Play as an indicator of habitat quality: A field study of langur monkeys (Presbytis entellus). Ethology 98: 1-16

Mendoza-Granados, Domingo & V. Sommer (1995). Play in chimpanzees of the Arnhem Zoo: Self-serving compromises. Primates 36: 57-68

Rajpurohit, Lal Singh; V. Sommer & Surendra Mal Mohnot (1995). Wanderers between harems and bachelor bands: Male Hanuman langurs (Presbytis entellus) at Jodhpur in Rajasthan. Behaviour 132: 255-299

Reichard, Ulrich & V. Sommer (1997). Group encounters in white-handed gibbons (Hylobates lar): Agonism, affiliation, and the concept of infanticide. Behaviour 134: 1135-1174

Sommer, V. & Ulrich Reichard (2000). Rethinking monogamy: the gibbon case. Pp. 159-168 in: Peter Kappeler (ed), Primate Socioecology - Causes and Consequences of Variation in the Number of Males. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press

Uhde, Nicola & V. Sommer (2002). Anti-predatory behaviour in gibbons (Hylobates lar, Khao Yai / Thailand). Pp. 268-291 in: Lynne Miller (ed), Eat or be eaten? Predation-Sensitive Foraging. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press

Sommer, V.; Alison Denham, Katherine Little (2002). Post-conflict behaviour in wild Indian langur monkeys: Avoidance of opponents but rarely affinity. Animal Behaviour 63: 637-648

Little, Katherine & V. Sommer (2002). Changes of enclosure in langur monkeys: Implications for the evaluation of environmental enrichment. Zoo Biology 21: 549-559

Sommer, V.; Jeremiah Adanu, Isabelle Faucher & Andrew Fowler (2004). The Nigerian chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes vellerosus) at Gashaka: Two years of habituation efforts. Folia Primatologica 75: 295-316

Sommer, V.; Peter Schauer & Diana Kyriazis (2006). A wild mixture of motivations: Same-sex mounting in Indian langur monkeys. Pp. 238-272 in: V. Sommer & Paul Vasey (eds). Homosexual Behaviour in Animals: Evolutionary Perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Hohmann, Gottfried; Andrew Fowler, V. Sommer & Sylvia Ortmann (2006). Frugivory and gregariousness of Salonga bonobos and Gashaka chimpanzees: the abundance and nutritional quality of fruit. Pp. 123-159 in Gottfried Hohmann, Martha M. Robbins & Christophe Boesch (eds), Feeding Ecology in Apes and Other Primates. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press

Fowler, Andrew; Yianna Koutsioni & V. Sommer (2007). Leaf-swallowing in Nigerian chimpanzees: Assumed evidence for self-medication. Primates 48: 73-76

Sch枚ning, Caspar; Darren Ellis, Andrew Fowler & V. Sommer (2007). Army ant prey availability and consumption by chimpanzees at Gashaka (Nigeria). Journal of Zoology 271: 125-133

Fowler, Andrew & V. Sommer (2007). Subsistence technology in Nigerian chimpanzees. International Journal of Primatology 28: 997-1023

Higham, James P.; Ymke Warren, Jeremiah Adanu, Buba N. Umaru, Ann M. MacLarnon, V. Sommer & Caroline Ross (2009). Life on the edge: Life-history of olive baboons at Gashaka-Gumti National Park, Nigeria. American Journal of Primatology 71: 293-304

King, Andrew J.; Claire Narraway, Lindsay Hodgson, Aidan Weatherill, V. Sommer & Seirian Sumner (2010). Performance of human groups in social foraging: The role of communication in consensus decision-making. Biology Letters 7: 237-240

Howarth, Helena, V. Sommer & Fiona Jordan (2010). Visual depictions of female genitalia differ depending on source. BMJ Medical Humanities 36: 75-79

Sommer, V. & Caroline Ross (2011).Exploring and protecting West Africa's primates. The Gashaka Primate Project in context. Pp 1-37 (Ch. 01) in: V. Sommer & Caroline Ross (eds), Primates of Gashaka. Socioecology and Conservation in Nigeria's Biodiversity Hotspot. New York: Springer

Adanu, Jeremiah; V. Sommer & Andrew Fowler (2011). Hunters, fire, cattle. Conservation challenges in eastern Nigeria, with special reference to chimpanzees. Pp 55-100 (Ch. 03) in: V. Sommer & Caroline Ross (eds), Primates of Gashaka. Socioecology and Conservation in Nigeria's Biodiversity Hotspot. New York: Springer

Nyanganji, Gilbert; Andrew Fowler, Aylin McNamara & V. Sommer (2011). Monkeys and apes as animals and humans. Ethno-primatology in Nigeria's Taraba region. Pp 101-134 (Ch. 04) in: V. Sommer & Caroline Ross (eds), Primates of Gashaka. Socioecology and Conservation in Nigeria's Biodiversity Hotspot. New York: Springer

Koutsioni, Yianna & V. Sommer (2011). The bush as pharmacy and supermarket. Plant use by human and non-human primates at Gashaka. Pp 135-230 (Ch. 05) in: V. Sommer & Caroline Ross (eds), Primates of Gashaka. Socioecology and Conservation in Nigeria's Biodiversity Hotspot. New York: Springer

Sommer, V.; Jan Bauer, Andrew Fowler & Sylvia Ortmann (2011). Patriarchal chimpanzees, matriarchal bonobos. Potential ecological causes of a Pan dichotomy. Pp 417-450 (Ch. 12) in: V. Sommer & Caroline Ross (eds), Primates of Gashaka. Socioecology and Conservation in Nigeria's Biodiversity Hotspot. New York: Springer

Fowler, Andrew; Alejandra Pascual-Garrido, Umaru Buba, Sandra Tranquilli, Callistus Akosim; Caspar Sch枚ning & V. Sommer (2011). Panthropology of the fourth chimpanzee. A contribution to cultural primatology. Pp 451-492 (Ch. 13): in V. Sommer & Caroline Ross (eds), Primates of Gashaka. Socioecology and Conservation in Nigeria's Biodiversity Hotspot. New York: Springer

Hughes, Nicola; Norm Rosen, Neil Gretsky & V. Sommer (2011). Will the Nigeria-Cameroon chimpanzee go extinct? Models derived from intake rates of ape sanctuaries. Pp 493-523 (Ch. 14): in V. Sommer & Caroline Ross (eds), Primates of Gashaka. Socioecology and Conservation in Nigeria's Biodiversity Hotspot. New York: Springer

Morgan, Bethan; Alade Adeleke, Tony Bassey, Richard Bergl, Andrew Dunn, Elizabeth Gadsby, Katy Gonder, Elizabeth Greengrass, Denis Koutou Koulagna, Grace Mbah, Aaron Nicholas, John Oates, Fidelis Omeni, Yohanna Saidu, V. Sommer, Jacqueline Sunderland-Groves, Joseph Tiebou & Liz Williamson (2011). Regional Action Plan for the Conservation of the Nigeria-Cameroon Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes ellioti). IUCN /SSC Primate Specialist Group, Gland, Switzerland and Zoological Society of San Diego / CA, USA. 48 pp [French: Morgan et al. (2011). Plan d'action por la conservation du chimpanz茅 du Nigeria-Cameroun (Pan troglodytes ellioti). IUCN /SSC Primate Specialist Group, Gland, Switzerland and Zoological Society of San Diego / CA, USA. 48 pp]

Gumnior, Maren & V. Sommer (2012). Multi-scale, multi-temporal vegetation mapping and assessment of ecosystem degradation at Gashaka Gumti National Park (Nigeria) Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 4: 397-412

Vallo, Peter; Kl谩ra J. Petr啪elkov谩, Ilona Profousov谩, Jana Petr谩拧ov谩, Kate艡ina Pomajb铆kov谩, Fabian Leendertz, Chie Hashimoto, Nicol Simmons, Fred Babweteera, Zarin Machanda, Alexander Piel, Martha Robbins, Christophe Boesch, Crickette Sanz, David Morgan, V. Sommer, Takeshi Furuichi, Shiho Fujita, Tetsuro Matsuzawa, Michael A. Huffman & David Modr媒 (2012). Molecular diversity of entodiniomorphid ciliate Troglodytella abrassarti and its coevolution with chimpanzees. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 148: 525-533

Pascual-Garrido, Alejandra; Umaru Buba, George Nodza & V. Sommer (2012). Obtaining raw material: Plants as tool sources for Nigerian chimpanzees. Folia Primatologica 83: 24-44

Sommer, V., Umaru Buba, Gon莽alo Jesus & Alejandra Pascual-Garrido (2012). Till the last drop. Honey gathering in Nigerian chimpanzees. Ecotropica 18: 55-64

Allon, Oliver; Alejandra Pascual-Garrido & V. Sommer (2012). Army ant defensive behaviour and chimpanzee predation success: Field experiments in Nigeria. Journal of Zoology 288: 237-244

Power, Camilla; V. Sommer & Ian Watts (2013). The Seasonality Thermostat: Female reproductive synchrony and male behaviour in monkeys, Neanderthals and modern humans. PaleoAnthropology pp. 33鈭60 (DOI: 10.4207/PA.2013.ART79)

Pascual-Garrido, Alejandra; Umaru Buba, Oliver Allon & V. Sommer (2013). Apes finding ants: Predator-prey dynamics in a chimpanzee habitat in Nigeria. American Journal of Primatology 75: 1231-1244 (DOI: 10.1002/ajp.22187)

Olsen, Katharina & V. Sommer (2014). Biased hand-use in captive emperor tamarins (Saguinus imperator).听 Journal of Comparative Psychology 128: 172-180 (DOI: 10.1037/a0034692)

Tranquilli, Sandra; M. Abedi-Lartey, K. Abernethy, F. Amsini, L. Arranz, A. Asamoah, C. Balangtaa, N. Barakabuye, S. Blake, E. Bouanga, T. Breuer, T. Brncic, G. Campbell, R. Chancellor, C. A. Chapman, T. Davenport, A. Dunn, J. Dupain, A. Ekobo, G. Etoga, T. Furuichi, S. Gatti, A. Ghiurghi, C. Hashimoto, J. Hart, T. Hart, J. Head, M. Hega, I. Herbinger, T. C. Hicks, L. H. Holbech, B. Huijbregts, H. S. K眉hl, I. Imong, S. Le-Duc Yeno, J. Linder, P. Marshall, J. Mba Ayetebe, P. Minasoma, D. Morgan, L. Mubalama, P. N'Goran, A. Nicholas, S. Nixon, E. Nku Manasseh, E. Normand, L. Nziguyimpa, Z. Nzooh-Dongmo, R. Ofori-Amanfo, B. G. Ogunjemite, C. Petre, H. Rainey, S. Regnaut, O. Robinson, A. Rundus, C. Sanz, D. Tiku Okon, A. Todd, Y. Warren & V. Sommer (2014). Protected areas in tropical Africa: Assessing threats and the impact of conservation activities. PLoS ONE 9(12): e114154, p. 1-21 (DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0114154)

MacLarnon, Ann M.; V. Sommer, Adeelia Goffe, James Higham, Emily Lodge, Patrick Tkaczynski, Caroline Ross (2015). Assessing adaptability and reactive scope: introducing a new measure and illustrating its use through a case study of environmental stress in forest-living baboons. General and Comparative Endocrinology 215: 10-24 (DOI: 10.1016/j.ygcen.2014.09.022)

Sommer, V.; Adriana Lowe, Gon莽alo Jesus, Nienke Alberts, Yaelle Bouquet, David M. Inglis, Megan Peterson, Eelco van Riel, James Thompson, Caroline Ross (2016). Antelope predation by Nigerian forest baboons: Ecological and behavioural correlates. Folia Primatologica 87: 67鈥90 (DOI: 10.1159/00044583)

Goldstone, Lucas Gu茅vel; V. Sommer, Niina Nurmi, Colleen Stephens & Barbara Fruth (2016). Food begging in wild bonobos (Pan paniscus): assessing relationship quality? Primates 57: 367鈥376 (DOI: 10.1007/s10329-016-0522-6)

Sommer, V., Umaru Buba, Gon莽alo Jesus, Alejandra Pascual-Garrido (2016). Sustained myrmecophagy in Nigerian chimpanzees: Preferred or fallback food? American Journal of Physical Anthropology 162: 328鈥336 (DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.23122)

Almeida-Warren, Katarina; V. Sommer, Alex K. Piel, Alejandra Pascual-Garrido (2017). Raw material procurement for termite fishing tools by wild chimpanzees in the Issa valley, Western Tanzania. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 164: 292鈥304 (DOI: 10.1002/ajpa23269)

Sherrill-Mix S, McCormick K, Lauder A, Bailey A, Zimmerman L, Li Y, Django JN, Bertolani P, Colin C, Hart JA, Hart TB, Georgiev AV, Sanz CM, Morgan DB, Atencia R, Cox D, Muller MN, Sommer V, Piel AK, Stewart FA, Speede S, Roman J, Wu G, Taylor J, Bohm R, Rose HM, Carlson J, Mjungu D, Schmidt P, Gaughan C, Bushman JI, Schmidt E, Bittinger K, Collman RG, Hahn BH, Bushman FD (2018). Allometry and ecology of the bilaterian gut microbiome. mBio (American Society for Microbiology) 9: e00319-18 (DOI: org/10.1128/mBio.00319-18)

Tagg, Nikki; Maureen McCarthy, Paula Dieguez, Ga毛lle Bocksberger, Jacob Willie, Roger Mundry, Fiona Stewart, Mimi Arandjelovic, Jane Widness, Anja Landsmann, Anthony Agbor, Samuel Angedakin, Ayuk Emmanuel Ayimisin, Mattia Bessone, Gregory Brazzola, Katherine Corogenes, Martijn ter Heegde, Tobias Deschner, Emmanuel Dilambaka, Manasseh Eno-Nku, Henk Eshuis, Annemarie Goedmakers, Anne-C茅line Granjon, Josephine Head, Veerle Hermans, Sorrel Jones, Parag Kadam, Mohamed Kambi, Kevin Langergraber, Vincent Lapeyre, Juan Lapuente, Kevin Lee, Vera Leinert, Giovanna Maretti, Sergio Marrocoli, Amelia Meier, Sonia Nicholl, Emmanuelle Normand, Lucy Jayne Ormsby, Alex Piel, Orume Robinson, V. Sommer, Alexander Tickle, Els Ton, Joost van Schijndel, Hilde Vanleeuwe, Virginie Vergnes, Erin Wessling, Roman M. Wittig, Klaus Zuberbuehler, Hjalmar Kuehl & Christophe Boesch (2018). Nocturnal activity in wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes): evidence for flexible sleeping patterns and insights into human evolution. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 166: 510鈥529

Bryson, Kathleen; Christophe Soligo & V. Sommer (2018). Ambiguity tolerance towards non-binary sexuality concepts: Evidence from British newspapers. Journal of Bisexuality 18: 446鈥477 (DOI: 10.1080/15299716.2018.1495591)

K眉hl, Hjalmar S.*, Christophe Boesch, Lars Kulik, Fabian Haas, Mimi Arandjelovic, Paula Dieguez, Ga毛lle Bocksberger, Mary Brooke McElreath, Anthony Agbor, Samuel Angedakin, Emmanuel Ayuk Ayimisin, Emma Bailey, Donatienne Barubiyo, Mattia Bessone, Gregory Brazzola, Rebecca Chancellor, Heather Cohen, Charlotte Coupland, Emmanuel Danquah, Tobias Deschner, Orume Diotoh, Dervla Dowd, Andrew Dunn, Villard Ebot Egbe, Henk Eshuis, Rumen Fernandez, Yisa Ginath, Annemarie Goedmakers, Anne-C茅line Granjon, Josephine Head, Daniela Hedwig, Veerle Hermans, Inaoyom Imong, Kathryn J. Jeffery,, Sorrel Jones, Jessica Junker, Parag Kadam, Mbangi Kambere, Mohamed Kambi, Ivonne Kienast, Deo Kujirakwinja, Kevin Langergraber, Juan Lapuente, Bradley Larson, Kevin Lee, Vera Leinert, Manuel Llana, Giovanna Maretti, Sergio Marrocoli, Tanyi Julius Mbi, Amelia C. Meier, Bethan Morgan, David Morgan, Felix Mulindahabi, Mizuki Murai, Emily Neil, Protais Niyigaba, Lucy Jayne Ormsby, Liliana Pacheco, Alex Piel, Jodie Preece, Sebastien Regnaut, Aaron Rundus, Crickette Sanz, Joost van Schijndel, V. Sommer, Fiona Stewart, Nikki Tagg, Elleni Vendras, Virginie Vergnes, Adam Welsh, Erin G. Wessling, Jacob Willie, Roman M. Wittig, Kyle Yurkiw, Klaus Zuberbuehler, Ammie K. Kalan* (2019). Human impact erodes chimpanzee behavioral diversity. Science 363(6434):1453-1455 (DOI: 10.1126/science.aau4532)

Kalan Ammie K.; Gottfried Hohmann, Mimi Arandjelovic, Christophe Boesch, Maureen S. McCarthy, Anthony Agbor, Samuel Angedakin, Emma Bailey, Cosma Wilungula Belongelwa, Mattia Bessone, Ga毛lle听 Bocksberger, Sally Jewel Coxe, Tobias Deschner, Marie-Lyne Despr茅s-Einspenner, Paula Dieguez, Barbara Fruth, Ilka Herbinger, Anne-C茅line Granjon, Josephine Head, Yves Aka Kablan, Kevin E. Langergraber, Albert Lotana Lokasola, Giovanna Maretti, Sergio Marrocoli, Menard Mbende, Jennifer Moustgaard, Paul Kouame N鈥橤oran, Martha M. Robbins, Joost van Schijndel, V. Sommer, Martin Surbeck, Nikki Tagg, Jacob Willie, Roman M. Wittig & Hjalmar S. K眉hl (2019). Novelty response of wild African apes to camera-traps. Current Biology (DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2019.02.024)

Murthy, Sripriya; Kathryn O鈥橞rien, Anthony Agbor, Samuel Angedakin, Mimi Arandjelovic, Emmanuel Ayuk Ayimisin, Emma Bailey, Richard A Bergl, Gregory Brazzola, Paula Dieguez, Manasseh Eno-Nku, Henk Eshuis, Barbara Fruth, Thomas R Gillespie, Yisa Ginath, Maryke Gray, Ilka Herbinger, Sorrel Jones, Laura Kehoe, Hjalmar K眉hl, Deo Kujirakwinja, Kevin Lee, Nad猫ge F Madinda, Guillain Mitamba, Emmanuel Muhindo, Radar Nishuli, Lucy J Ormsby, Klara J Petrzelkova, Andrew J Plumptre, Martha M Robbins, V. Sommer, Martijn Ter Heegde, Angelique Todd, Raymond Tokunda, Erin Wessling, Michael A Jarvis, Fabian H Leendertz, Bernhard Ehlers, S茅bastien Calvignac-Spencer (2019). Cytomegalovirus distribution and evolution in hominines.听Virus Evolution 5 (2) (

Gogarten, Jan; Hoffmann, Constanze; Arandjelovic, Mimi; Sachse, Andreas; Merkel, Kevin; Dieguez, Paula; Agbor, Anthony; Angedakin, Samuel; Brazzola, Gregory; Jones, Sorrel; Langergraber, Kevin; Lee, Kevin; Marrocoli, Sergio; Murai, Mizuki; Sommer, V.; K眉hl, Hjalmar; Leendertz, Fabian; Calvignac-Spencer, S茅bastien (2019). Fly鈥恉erived DNA and camera traps are complementary tools for assessing mammalian biodiversity. Environmental DNA (DOI: 10.1002/edn3.46)

Bryson, Kathleen; Christophe Soligo & V. Sommer (2020). Interrogating boundaries against animals and machines: Human speciesism in British newspapers. Journal of Posthuman Studies

Kalan, Ammie K.; Lars Kulik, Mimi Arandjelovic, Christophe Boesch, Fabian Haas, Paula Dieguez, Christopher D. Barratt, Ekwoge E. Abwe, Anthony Agbor, Samuel Angedakin, Floris Aubert, Emmanuel Ayuk Ayimisin, Emma Bailey, Mattia Bessone, Gregory Brazzola, Valentine Ebua Buh, Rebecca Chancellor, Heather Cohen, Charlotte Couplan, Bryan Curran, Emmanuel Danquah, Tobias Deschner, Dervla Dow, Manasseh Eno-Nku, J. Michael Fay, Annemarie Goedmakers, Anne-C茅line Granjon, Josephine Head, Daniela Hedwig, Veerle Hermans, Kathryn J. Jeffery, Sorrel Jones, Jessica Junker, Parag Kadam, Mohamed Kambi, Ivonne Kienast, Deo Kujirakwinja, Kevin E. Langergraber, Juan Lapuente, Bradley Larson, Kevin C. Lee, Vera Leinert, Manuel Llana, Sergio Marrocoli, Amelia C. Meier, Bethan Morgan, David Morgan, Emily Neil, Sonia Nicholl, Emmanuelle Norman, Lucy Jayne Ormsby, Liliana Pacheco, Alex Piel, Jodie Preece, Martha Robbins, Aaron Rundus, Crickette Sanzv, Volker Sommer, Fiona Stewart, Nikki Tagg, Claudio Tennie, Virginie Vergnes, Adam Welsh, Erin G. Wessling, Jacob Willie, Roman M. Wittig, Yisa Ginath Yuh, Klaus Zuberb眉hler & Hjalmar S. K眉hl (2020). Environmental variability supports chimpanzee behavioral diversity. PNAS

Msindai, Josephine N.; Christian Roos, Felix Sch眉rmann & V. Sommer (2021). Population history of chimpanzees introduced to Lake Victoria's Rubondo Island. Primates

Review Articles (English)

Sommer, V. (2000). The holy wars about infanticide. Which side are you on? And why? Pp. 9-26 in: Carel van Schaik & Charles Janson (eds), Infanticide by Males and its Implications. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press

Sommer, V. (2002). In divine company. India's langur monkeys. BBC Wildlife Magazine (January) 20: 52-56

Vasey, Paul & V. Sommer (2006). Homosexual behaviour in animals. Topics, hypotheses, and research trajectories. Pp. 3-42 in: V. Sommer & Paul Vasey (eds). Homosexual Behaviour in Animals: Evolutionary Perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press

Sommer, V. (2006). Against nature?! An epilogue about animal sex and the moral dimension. Pp. 365-371 in: V. Sommer & Paul Vasey (eds), Homosexual Behaviour in Animals: Evolutionary Perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press

Sommer, V. (2010). The anthropologist as a primatologist. Mental journeys of a fieldworker. Pp. 32-48 in: Jeremy MacClancy & Agust铆n Fuentes (eds), Centralizing Fieldwork. Critical perspectives from primatology and biological anthropology in the lens of social anthropological theory and practice. (Proceedings, conference on "Fieldwork", 05-06May06, Dept. of Anthropology, Oxford Brookes Univ., UK) Oxford: Berghahn

Sommer, V. & Amy Parish (2010). Living differences. The paradigm of animal cultures. Pp. 17-31 in: Ulrich Frey, Charlotte St枚rmer & Kai Willf眉hr (eds), Homo Novus - A Human Without Illusions. The Frontiers Collection. Heidelberg: Springer

Minocher, Riana & V. Sommer (2016). Why do mothers harm their babies? Evolutionary perspectives. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 41: 335鈥350 (DOI: 10.1080/03080188.2016.1256593)

Hawkes, Kristen; James S. Chisholm, Lynn A. Fairbanks, Johannes Johow, Elfriede Kalcher-Sommersguter, Katja Liebal, Masako Myowa-Yamakoshi, V. Sommer, Bernard Thierry & Barbara L. Finlay (2018). Primate infancies: causes and consequences of varying care. Pp. 68鈥107 in: Kim Bard & Heidi Keller (eds), Contextualizing Attachment. The Cultural Nature of Attachment (Ernst Str眉ngmann Forum Reports). Cambridge / MA: MIT Press

Sommer, V. (2018). Extended labels (interpretive didactics) for 13 works. Pp 10-111 in: Amalia Pica (artist catalogue), please listen hurry others speak better. Berlin: SternbergPress

Sommer, V. (2018). Equality beyond humanity? Legal rights for our next of kin. Pp. 16-23 in: Amalia Pica (artist catalogue), please listen hurry others speak better. Berlin: SternbergPress. 鈥 Reprinted in: Progress Reader, 12th Shanghai Biennale (2018): New Century Art Foundation, pp. 183鈥208

Review Articles (German)

Sommer, V. (1987).Das T枚ten von Artgenossen. Kontroversen der Verhaltensforschung. Pp. 85-97 in: Heinrich Albertz (ed), Die Zehn Gebote. Stuttgart: Radius, Bd. 6 (Du sollst nicht t枚ten)

Sommer, V. (1989). Das Selbst und die anderen. Zur Biologie der N盲chstenliebe. Pp. 72-88 in: Heinrich Albertz (ed), Die Zehn Gebote. Stuttgart: Radius, Bd. 11, (Du sollst deinen N盲chsten lieben)

Sommer, V. (1991). Rose und Eros. Schriftenreihe Rosenmuseum Steinfurth (ed. Sabine K眉bler). Steinfurth: Rosenmuseum

Sommer, V. (1992). Soziobiologie: Wissenschaftliche Innovation oder ideologischer Anachronismus? Pp. 51-73 in: Eckart Voland (ed), Fortpflanzung: Natur und Kultur im Wechselspiel. Versuch eines Dialoges zwischen Biologen und Sozialwissenschaftlern. (Suhrkamp-Taschenbuch Wissenschaft 983). Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp

Vogel, Christian & V. Sommer (1994). Drum pr眉fe, wer sich ewig bindet. Pp. 13-42 in Wulf Schiefenh枚vel, Christian Vogel, Gerhard Vollmer (eds), Vom Affen zum Halbgott. Stuttgart: Trias

Sommer, V. (1993). Homosexualit盲t und Evolution. Perspektiven der modernen Verhaltensbiologie. Pp. 7-47 in Ernst Peter Fischer (ed), Mannheimer Forum 93/94 (founded by Hoimar v. Ditfurth). Munich: R. Piper

Sommer, V. (1993): Die evolution盲re Logik der L眉ge bei Tier und Mensch. Hauptartikel - Kritiken - Replik in: Ethik und Sozialwissenschaften (Streitforum f眉r Erw盲gungskultur) 4: 439-508

Sommer, V. (1993). Die Vergangenheit einer Illusion: Religion aus evolutionsbiologischer Sicht. Pp. 229-248 in Eckart Voland (ed), Evolution und Anpassung - Warum die Vergangenheit die Gegenwart erkl盲rt. Stuttgart: S. Hirzel

Sommer, V. (1994). Homo ludens. Spiel und Humor. Pp. 139-164 in Wulf Schiefenh枚vel, Christian Vogel, Gerhard Vollmer (eds), Vom Affen zum Halbgott. Stuttgart: Trias

Sommer, V. (1996). "Sind Affen denn auch Leute?" Ja. Denn zwischen Natur und Kultur flie脽en die 脺berg盲nge. Pp. 75-95 in: Paolo Cavalieri (ed), The Great Ape Project Continues. Etica & Animali (special issue)

Sommer, V. (1998). Die Gene der G枚ttin. Einer Urreligion auf der Spur. Das Plateau 49: 4-20

Sommer, V. (1999). "Das sogenannte B枚se" des Konrad Lorenz: Gelesen f眉r die Gegenwart. Pp. 23-35 in: Martin Kleer & Caspar S枚ling (eds), Wie b枚se ist der Mensch? Paderborn: Bonifatius

Sommer, V. (2000). Von der Natur in der Kultur. Rituale aus evolutionsbiologischer Sicht. Pp. 29-40 in: Siegfried Fr枚hlich (ed), Kultur - ein interdisziplin盲res Kolloquium zur Begrifflichkeit, Halle (Saale), 18-21 Feb 1999 / Landesamt f眉r Arch盲ologie Sachsen-Anhalt, Landesmuseum f眉r Vorgeschichte. Halle (Saale): Landesamt f眉r Arch盲ologie

Sommer, V. (2000). Vom Ursprung der Religion im Konfliktfeld der Geschlechter. Pp. 66-81 in: Sigurd Martin Daecke & J眉rgen Schnakenberg (eds), Gottesglaube - ein Selektionsvorteil? Religion in der Evolution. Natur- und Geisteswissenschaftler im Gespr盲ch. G眉tersloh: Chr. Kaiser / G眉tersloher Verlagshaus

Sommer, V. (2001). Schlange, Adler, Affe & Co. Tierkult und Tierschutz im Hinduismus. Pp. 177-193 in: ZDF nachtstudio (ed), Mensch und Tier. Geschichte einer heiklen Beziehung. Frankfurt / M.: Suhrkamp

Sommer, V. (2002). Der "nackte Affe" in neuem Licht. Sexualbiologie von Menschen und anderen Primaten. Pp. 82-90 in: Wilhelm R. Baier & Franz M. Wuketits (eds), Mann und Frau. Der Mensch als geschlechtliches Wesen. Graz: Leykam

Sommer, V. (2003). Geistlose Affen oder 盲ffische Geistwesen? Eine Exkursion durch die mentale Welt unserer Mitprimaten. Pp. 112-136 in: Alexander Becker, C. Mehr, H. H. Nau, G. Reuter & Dagmar Stegm眉ller (eds), Gene, Meme und Gehirne. Geist und Gesellschaft als Natur. Frankfurt / M.: Suhrkamp

Sommer, V. (2003). "Wissenschaft ist Politik". Postmoderne Vorw眉rfe an die Evolutionsbiologie. Pp. 277-305 in: Wolfgang Buschlinger & Christoph Luetge (eds), Kaltbl眉tig. Philosophie von einem rationalen Standpunkt. Festschrift f眉r Gerhard Vollmer zum 60. Geburtstag. Stuttgart: Hirzel

Sommer, V. (2003). Zwischen Kooperation und Konkurrenz. Erkenntnisse der Biologie 眉ber naturgegebene Grenzen von Solidarit盲t. Pp. 1-13 (plus discussion, pp. 14-31) in Johannes M眉ller & Michael Reder (eds), Der Mensch vor der Herausforderung nachhaltiger Solidarit盲t. (Vol. 9, Ver枚ffentlichungen der Rottendorf-Stiftung an der Hochschule f眉r Philosophie, M眉nchen) Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer

Sommer, V. (2004). Gene einen - Vorurteile trennen. Ein Denkst眉ck zum Rassismus. Das Plateau 83: 4-24

Sommer, V. (2005). Theodizee und Genodizee. Warum ist die Welt voll Leid? Pp. 68-91 in: P. Weingartner (ed), Das Problem des 脺bels in der Welt. (Ver枚ffentlichungen des Internationalen Forschungszentrums f眉r Grundfragen der Wissenschaften Salzburg, Vol. 13). Salzburg: Peter Lang

Sommer, V. (2005). Warum gef盲llt der Pfauenmann durch bunte Augen und die Menschenfrau durch Schminke? Pp. 37-48 in: Johann Grolle (ed), Evolution. Wege des Lebens. Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt: M眉nchen & Deutsches Hygiene-Museum: Dresden

Sommer, V. (2007). Warum Rituale wirken. Die nat眉rlichen Wurzeln eines kulturellen Ph盲nomens. Pp. 41-50 in: Heinrich Schmidinger & Clemens Sedmak (ed), Der Mensch - ein animal symbolicum? Sprache - Dialog - Ritual / Bd. 4, Topologien des Menschlichen, Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft

Sommer, V. (2007). Kultur in der Natur. Wie Tiere Traditionen pflegen. Das Plateau 102: 5-26

Sommer, V. (2008). Die Krise des Festes: Urbed眉rfnis nach teuren Signalen? Critique of Michael Maurer, Feste in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Erw盲gen - Wissen - Ethik 19: 249-251

Sommer, V. (2009). Menschenaffen wie wir. Pl盲doyer f眉r eine radikale evolution盲re Anthropologie. Biologie in unserer Zeit 39: 196-204

Sommer, V. (2010). Evolution ernst nehmen. Pp. 39-58 in: Joachim Oehler (ed), Der Mensch - Evolution, Natur und Kultur. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer

Sommer, V. & Michael Schmidt-Salomon (2011). Bruder Schimpanse, Schwester Bonobo. Grundrechte f眉r Menschenaffen. (English: Brother Chimp, Sister Bonobo. Rights for Great Apes) Mastershausen: Giordano-Bruno-Stiftung, 8 pp

Sommer, V. (2011). Mann und Frau als M盲nnchen und Weibchen. Sexualbiologie bei Primaten. Pp 147-155 in: Helmut Fink & Rainer Rosenzweig (eds), Mann, Frau, Gehirn. Geschlechterdifferenz und Neurowissenschaft. Aschaffenburg: Alibri

Sommer, V. (2011). Evolution paradox? Homosexueller Sex unter Tieren. Das Plateau 126: 4-19

Sommer, V. (2011). Luxus stiftet Frieden. Zur Evolutionsbiologie von Ritualen. Spektrum der Wissenschaft Spezial (Rituale. Was unser Leben zusammenh盲lt) 1: 28-32

Sommer, V. (2011). Kulturnatur, Naturkultur. Argumente f眉r einen Monismus. Zeitschrift f眉r Kulturphilosophie 5: 9-40

Sommer, V. (2013). Die Meinigkeit des Schweins. 脺ber die Gef眉hle der Tiere. Das Plateau 136: 4-22

Sommer, V. (2013). Schimpanse und Bonobo geh枚ren in die Gattung Homo. Pp. 15-23 in: Grundrechte f眉r Menschenaffen. (Vol. 4, Schriftenreihe der Giordano-Bruno-Stiftung)

Sommer, V. (2013). Nicht Mensch und Tier - sondern Menschen und andere Tiere. Bekenntnisse eines Primatologen. Pp 153-148 in: Helmut Fink & Rainer Rosenzweig (eds), Das Tier in uns. Triebe, Reize, Reaktionen. M眉nster: mentis

Sommer, V. (2013). Schamane im M盲rchenwald. Affen, Homosex und der liebe Gott (Interview). Psychoanalyse & K枚rper 23: 63-70

Sommer, V. (2015). Zoologie. Von "Mensch und Tier" zu "Menschen und andere Tiere". Pp 359-386: Gabriela Kompatscher-Gufler, Reingard Spannring, Karin Schachinger & Alejandro Boucabeille (eds): Disziplinierte Tiere? Perspektiven der Human-Animal Studies f眉r die wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen. Bielefeld: Transcript

Sommer, V. (2015). In freier Wildbahn. Aus- und Ansichten eines Primatologen. neofelis 8: 131-142

Sommer, V. (2016). Planet ohne Affen? Zur Zukunft unserer Mitprimaten. Pp 67-78 in: Wolfgang Haber, Martin Held & Markus Vogt (eds), Die Welt im Anthropoz盲n. Erkundungen im Spannungsfeld zwischen 脰kologie und Humanit盲t. M眉nchen: oekom

Sommer, V. (2016). Menschenaffen als Personen? Das Great Ape Project im F眉r und Wider. Pp 9-40 in: Martin B枚hnert, Matthias Wunsch, Kristian K枚chy (eds): Programme der Tierforschung. Methoden, Modelle und Maximen. Freiburg: Karl Alber

Sommer, V. (2017). Pr盲historie der Primaten? Fortschritte einer Arch盲ologie des Geistes. Pp. 395鈥408 in: Nicole Rupp, Christina Beck, Gabriele Franke & Karl Peter Wendt (eds), Winds of Change. Festschrift f眉r Peter Breunig zum 65. Geburtstag (Frankfurter Archa虉ologische Schriften). Frankfurt: Dr. Rudolf Habelt

Sommer, V. (2017). Ch茅 Bandone贸n. Kurze Geschichte des Tangogl眉x. Das Plateau 160: 4鈥22

Sommer, V. (2019). Welt der 1000 St盲be. Was spricht gegen Zoos? Dritte Natur 02 (1): 6鈥20

Sommer, V. (2019). Feldforschung ist immer Feldurlaub (Interview). Pp. 249鈥269 in: Katja Liebal, Oliver Lubrich & Thomas Stodulka (eds), Emotionen im Feld, pp. 249鈥269. Bielefeld: Transcript

Sommer, V. (2019). Anthropomorphisieren 鈥 Zoologisieren. Agierende Tiere in Gegenwartskunst und Verhaltensbiologie. Pp. 143鈥160 in: Bettina Paust & Laura-Mareen Janssen (eds), Das ausgestellte Tier. Lebende und tote Tiere in der zeitgen枚ssischen Kunst. Berlin: Neofelis

Sommer, V. (2019). Warum Zoos sich weitgehend selbst abschaffen sollten. Pp. 296鈥301 in: Elke Diehl & Jens Tuider (eds.), Haben Tiere Rechte? Aspekte und Dimensionen der Mensch-Tier-Beziehung. (bpb Schriftenreihe Band 10450) Bonn: Bundeszentrale f眉r politische Bildung

Reference Entries (English, German)

Sommer, V. (2014). Evolution盲re Anthropologie. Pp. 25-34 in: Achim Stephan & Sven Walter (eds), Handbuch Kognitionswissenschaft. Stuttgart: J. B. Metzler

Thomsen, Ruth & V. Sommer听(2015). Entry "Masturbation (non-human primates)". In: Patricia Whelehan & Anne Bolin (eds), The International Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality (Vol. 1). Boston: Wiley-Blackwell; DOI: 10.1002/9781118896877.wbiehs289

Thomsen, Ruth & V. Sommer听(2017). Entry "Masturbation". In: Agustin Fuentes (ed), The International Encyclopedia of Primatology. Hoboken / NJ: John Wiley & Sons

Sommer, V.听(2017). Entry "Non-human primate personhood". In: Agustin Fuentes (ed), The International Encyclopedia of Primatology. Hoboken / NJ: John Wiley & Sons

Sommer, V.; Riana Minocher & Adriana Lowe (2018). Entry "Infanticide". In: Hilary Callan (ed), The International Encyclopedia of Anthropology (12 vol). Hoboken / NJ: John Wiley & Sons

Sommer, V. & Adriana Lowe (2018). Entry "Homosexuality. Biosocial theories". In: Hilary Callan (ed), The International Encyclopedia of Anthropology (12 vol). Hoboken / NJ: John Wiley & Sons

Brindel, Matilda-jane; V. Sommer & Ruth Thomsen (2021). Entry "Masturbation". In: Todd Shackelford (ed), The Cambridge Handbook of听Evolutionary Perspectives on Sexual Psychology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Book Reviews (German, English)

Sommer, V. (1983). Sprung statt Wandel. Steven Stanleys Evolutionsfahrplan. DIE ZEIT 42: 38. [Review of: Steven Stanley (1983), Der neue Fahrplan der Evolution. Fossilien, Gene und der Ursprung der Arten. M眉nchen: Harnack.]

Sommer, V. (1984). Das krumme Ding mit der Intelligenz. Stephen Jay Goulds Abrechnung mit den Intelligenzforschern aus zwei Jahrhunderten. DIE ZEIT 16: 30. [Review of: Stephen Jay Gould (1983), Der falsch vermessene Mensch, Basel: Birkh盲user.]

Sommer, V. (1989). Anthropologischer Anzeiger 47: 87-88. [Review of: Laura Betzig, Monique Borgerhoff-Mulder & Paul Turke (eds) (1988), Human Reproductive Behaviour. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.]

Sommer, V. (1989). Anthropologischer Anzeiger 47: 252-254. [Review of: Rolf L枚ther (ed) (1988), Tiersoziet盲ten und Menschengesellschaften. Jena: G. Fischer.]

Sommer, V. (1991). natur 6: 94-99. [Review of: Frans de Waal (1991), Wilde Diplomaten. Vers枚hnung und Entspannungspolitik bei Affen und Menschen. M眉nchen: Hanser.]

Sommer, V. (1997). Kratze einen Altruisten. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 24.11.97. [Review of: Matt Ridley (1997). Die Biologie der Tugend. Berlin: Ullstein. Original: The Origins of Virtue. 1996] - Partial reprint: P. 46 in: Dieter Kopriwa (ed), Freiheit und Determination. M眉nchen: Bayerischer Schulbuch-Verlag (1997)

Sommer, V. (1998). Wer hat die Kokosnu脽 geklaut? Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 28.04.98. [Review of: Robin Dunbar (1998). Klatsch und Tratsch. Wie der Mensch zur Sprache fand. M眉nchen: C. Bertelsmann. Original: Grooming, Gossip, and the Evolution of Language. London: Faber & Faber, 1996.] - Reprint pp. 829-830 in: FAZ (ed), Ein B眉chertagebuch. Frankfurt / Main (1998)

Sommer, V. (1999). Spektrum der Wissenschaft, August, pp. 105f. [Review of: Dieter Neumann, Arno Sch枚ppe & Alfred K. Treml (eds) (1999). Die Natur der Moral. Evolution盲re Ethik und Erziehung. Hirzel (Edition Universitas); Stuttgart und Leipzig]

Sommer, V. & Andrew Fowler (1999). Animal Behaviour 58: 917-918 [Review of: Craig Stanford (1998). Chimpanzee and Red Colobus. The Ecology of Predator and Prey. Cambridge / MA, London: Harvard Univ. Press]

Sommer, V. (2000). Mauer im Gutmenschenkopf. Der Spiegel 16: 262f [Review of: Randy Thornhill & Craig Palmer (2000). A Natural History of Rape. Cambridge: MIT Press]

Sommer, V. (2002). Universitas, January (No. 667 / 57. Jg.) [Review of Richard Wrangham & Dale Peterson (2001). Bruder Affe. Menschenaffen und die Urspr眉nge menschlicher Gewalt. M眉nchen: Hugendubel (Diederichs). - Original: Demonic Males. Apes and the Origins of Human Violence. London: Bloomsbury, 1996]

Sommer, V. & Andrew Fowler (2006). Environmental Conservation 33: 172 [Review of: Julian Caldecott & Vera Miles (eds) (2005). World Atlas of Great Apes and their Conservation. Los Angeles: Univ. of California Press]

Sommer, V. (2008). Folia Primatologica 79: 52-53 [Review of: Susan Hurley & Matthew Nudds (eds) (2006). Rational Animals? Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press]

Sommer, V. (2009). The field workers' wild truths. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 25: 10-11 [Review of: Amanda Rees (2009). The Infanticide Controversy, Primatology and the Art of Field Science. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press]

Sommer, V. (2009). Kein Wir-Gef眉hl im Pongoland. Frankfurter Rundschau 27 Sep 09 [Review of Michael Tomasello (2009), Die Urspr眉nge der menschlichen Kommunikation. Berlin: Suhrkamp / Insel. - Original: The Origins of Human Communication. Cambridge / MA, London / UK: MIT Press]

Sommer, V. (2011). Primates 52: 287-289 [Review of: Elizabeth V. Lonsdorf, Stephen R. Ross & Tetsuro Matsuzawa (eds) (2010). The Mind of the Chimpanzee: Ecological and Experimental Perspectives. Chicago: University of Chicago Press]

Sommer, V. (2011). Animal Behaviour 82: 1213-1214 [Review of: Aldo Poiani (2010). Animal Homosexuality: A Biosocial Perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press]

Newspaper & Magazine Contributions (German)

Sommer, V. (1984). Kindesmord bei Affen. bild der wissenschaft 10: 72-82

Sommer, V. (1984). Zur眉ck auf die B盲ume. Im Orang-Utan Zentrum auf Sumatra werden zahme Affen an die Wildnis gew枚hnt. DIE ZEIT 44: 90

Sommer, V. (1986). Der Yeti mu脽 gefunden werden. Die Geschichte einer Expedition durch den Himalaya, die mit der 脺berzeugung endete, der Wahrheit n盲her gekommen zu sein. DIE ZEIT 21: 78

Schilling, Detlef & V. Sommer (1986). Gibbons im thail盲ndischen Regenwald: Sie singen, schwingen und springen. bild der wissenschaft 4: 60-74

Sommer, V. (1988). Babysitter gesucht ! Verwandtschaftshilfe unter Grauen Languren. Kosmos 6: 74-80

Sommer, V. (1989). Die Affen. Unsere wilde Verwandtschaft. GEO 10: 164-188

Sommer, V. (1989). Pakte, die der Paarung dienen. Sexualit盲t und Fortpflanzung bei Primaten. GEO-Wissen 1 (Sex - Geburt - Genetik): 132-141. (2nd ed. 1993, new edition 1998)

Sommer, V. (1989). L眉gen haben lange Beine. Information und Manipulation von Artgenossen. GEO-Wissen 2 (Kommunikation): 148-157

Sommer, V. (1990). Sozialverhalten indischer Languren. Mitteilungen der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung (AvH-Magazin) 56: 3-16

Sommer, V. (1990). Das sch枚pferische Spiel. GEO-Wissen 2 (Chaos - Kreativit盲t - Ordnung): 64-70

Sommer, V. (1990). Das Tabu. Homosexuelle Tiere. natur 10: 54-58

Sommer, V. (1991). Erfolg mit Masse und mit Klasse. GEO 1 (Schwerpunkt Bev枚lkerungsexplosion): 62-70

Sommer, V. (1991). Die Erfindung der Gro脽mutter. GEO-Wissen 1 (Altern und Jugendwahn): 134-146

Sommer, V. (1991). Unser Vetter aus Zaire. Kosmos 5: 24-29

Sommer, V. (1991). Arten: Trennung ist aller Vielfalt Anfang. GEO-Wissen 3 (Landwirtschaft und Biotechnik): 38-41

Sommer, V. (1992). Feste - Mythen - Rituale. Warum die V枚lker feiern. GEO 11: 12-34

Sommer, V. (2000). Bald sind wir allein. Die Menschenaffen sterben - ein Verwandtschaftsbesuch in Nigeria. Die Welt 09Sep00: 3 (Literarische Welt)

Sommer, V. (2003). "Stress macht eher schwul." Zu Ursachen und Funktion der Homosexualit盲t. Weltwoche (Switzerland) 5 (March): 68f

Sommer, V. (2003). Bruder Affe. Neue Z眉rcher Zeitung. Lead essay for "Wir Affen. Der Mensch und seine Verwandten". NZZ Folio (August): 14-18

Sommer, V. (2003). "Wir sind alle Afrikaner." Die moderne Genetik macht dem Rassekonzept den Garaus. Weltwoche (Switzerland) 31 (August): 4f

Sommer, V. (2005). Wenn "Nein" keine Antwort ist. Zur Naturgeschichte der sexuellen N枚tigung. Weltwoche 11: 66f

Sommer, V. & Carsten Schradin (2006). "Ach, M盲nner..." Zur Biologie der Vaterrolle. Weltwoche 26: 46-48

Sommer, V. (2007). Kultur in der Natur. Wie Tiere Traditionen pflegen. Das Plateau 102

Sommer, V. (2008). Welcher Affe steckt in uns? Schimpansen oder Bonobos. bild der wissenschaft 4: 2-9

Sommer, V. (2009). Menschen und andere Tiere. Frankfurter Rundschau 10 Jul 09

Sommer, V. (2009). Affe, Pinguin & Co. Bei Tieren ist Homosex ganz normal. bild der wissenschaft 11: 72-75

Sommer, V. (2010). Warum wir einen evolution盲ren Humanismus brauchen. GEO Forum (October)

Sommer, V. (2012). Liebt mich mein Liebling? Emotionen bei Tieren. Neue Z眉rcher Zeitung, NZZ Folio ("Haustiere") 250: 42-45

Sommer, V. (2016). Wilde Gef眉hle. Haben Tiere Emotionen? ARTE Magazin

Sommer, V. (2016). Lug undTrug 鈥 Triebfedern der Evolution. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 292: N2 (FAZ online: 08Feb17)

Sommer, V. (2018). Von Backentaschen und Kammerm盲gen. Die Sozio枚kologie indischer Tempelaffen. Bild der Wissenschaft 5: 86鈥91

Sommer, V. (2019). Gorillas unter Personenschutz (Interview "Tierrechte Menschenaffen"). greenpeace magazin 2.19: 12鈥17

Sommer, V. (2020). Uns laust kein Affe mehr. Primatologie und Pandemie. Der Freitag 24: 15


Darwin Poster

Natural History Exhibits and Events

  • Hygienemuseum Dresden / Germany (2002). "Sex - vom Wissen und W眉nschen". Exhibit "Sexualbiologie Primaten"
  • Hygienemuseum Dresden / Germany (2005). (Florence / Italy, Kerkrade / Netherlands, 2006-2010). Evolution. Wege des Lebens. Exhibit "Schimpansentechnologie in Nigeria"
  • Museum of Sex, New York / USA (2008-2009, 2012-13). The Sex Live of Animals. Exhibit "Homosexual Behaviour in Monkeys"
  • Twentieth Century Fox Film, The Soho Hotel, London / UK (2014). Q&A @ UK launch of "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes" (04Jun14)
  • Shuffle Festival, Tower Hamlets Cemetery, London / UK (2014). Q&A @ film screening "Gorillas in the Mist" (30Jul14)

Contemporary Arts Exhibits and Events

  • Gallery Esther Schippe & Michael Krome, Cologne / Germany (1994). Carsten H枚ller, DU YOU (30Apr-15Jun94). Conceptual art installation by V. Sommer & Amy Parish
  • Kunstverein Wolfsburg / Germany (2003). Marion Porten, Skulptur "Wunderwelt Verhaltensforschung" (Jan-Mar03). Catalogue essay: V. Sommer, Die Natur und die Verhaltensforschung, p 19
  • GV Art Gallery London / UK (2010). Katherine Dowson, Relics of the Mind (17Sep- 06Nov10). Q&A @ Vernissage & catalogue essay: V. Sommer, How our memory creates ourselves, pp 14-20
  • Shonibar Studio, London / UK (2012). Guest Projects: Catherine Anyango & Julie Hill, Crying Out Loud (10-31May12). Catalogue essay: V. Sommer, A short history of hysteria, pp. 6-16
  • Tango Nautica / UK (2012). TangoWalk for Gi20 (Gone in 20 minutes; a National Showcase for Outdoor Artists): a narrative for two exploring the art of navigation through public space by means of social dance. Concept: Nordic Nomad & The Kindest Group; music: Volker Sommer / James Ogle:听D煤o听Tanzango. London National Theatre, 07-08Jul12; Stockton International Riverside Festival, 04-05Aug12 ( /watch?v=Rjsuk6vWO1Q)
  • Freud Museum, London / UK (2013). Dami谩n Ortega, Apestraction. Curated by Ana Luiza Teixeira de Freitas, Gon莽alo Jesus & V. Sommer (06Jun-01Sep13)
  • October Gallery, London / UK (2013). Talk "Showcase Memory" @ Bloomsbury Festival (17Oct13)
  • Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin / Germany (2015). Exhibit Marcus Coates & Volker Sommer, Degreecoordinates @ exhibition Ape Culture (30Apr鈥06Jul15). 鈥 Catalogue: Marcus Coates / V. Sommer, Degreecoordinates. Shared traits of the Hominini. Folienschrift auf Wand, variable Ma脽e, Pp. 68鈥71 in Anselm Franke, Hila Peleg (eds), Ape Culture / Kultur der Affen. Leipzig: Spector
  • Wellcome Collection, London / UK (2017). Exhibit Marcus Coates & Volker Sommer, Degreecoordinates @ exhibition Making Nature: How we see animals (01顿别肠16鈥21惭补测17)
  • NC-arte, Bogot谩, Colombia (2017). Amalia Pica, A un Brazo de Distancia. Curated by Ana Luiza Teixeira de Freitas, Claudia Segura Campins, Gon莽alo Jesus & V. Sommer (22Apr鈥30Jun17)
  • Turner Contemporary, Margate / UK (2018). Exhibit Marcus Coates & Volker Sommer, Degreecoordinates @ exhibition Animals and Us. Folio (25May鈥30Sep)
  • Marta Herford, Museum for Art, Architecture, Design / Germany (2019). Exhibit Marcus Coates & Volker Sommer, Degreecoordinates @ exhibition Creatures Made to Measure (Kreaturen nach Ma脽 鈥 Tiere und Gegenwartsdesign). Folio (16Sep18鈥06Jan19); exhibition recreated at Design Museum Gent 17May鈥29Sep2019
  • 58th Venice听Biennale听May You Live in Interesting Times (2019). "Transhuman"-component for Lara Favaretto's Thinking Head



Radio Segments (German)

  • "Drum pr眉fe, wer sich ewig bindet" (1994). Volker Sommer & Christian Vogel. Funkkolleg Anthropologie, ARD; 60 min
  • "Homo ludens. Spiel und Humor" (1994). Funkkolleg Anthropologie, ARD; 60 min
  • "Feste feiern wie sie fallen" (1998). "Glaubensfragen", Hessischer Rundfunk; 25 min (25Dec98)
  • "Die Rose. Entfaltung eines Symbols" (1999). Hessischer Rundfunk; 45 min
  • "Evolutionsbiologische Glossen" (2000). "5 vor 6", SWR; 5 pieces of 5 min (01-06 Dec 00)
  • "Der Affe als Mensch oder der Mensch als Affe? Warum die Evolutionsbiologie unsere Sicht vom Tier ver盲ndert" (2004). Aula, SWR2, 30 min (23May04)
  • "Ganz sch枚n klug und clever. Warum Affen l眉gen k枚nnen" (2005). Aula f眉r Kinder, SWR2, 30 min (15May05)
  • "Wir alle sind Afrikaner. Warum der Begriff 'Rasse' sinnlos geworden ist" (2007). Aula, SWR2, 30 min (12Aug07)
  • "Vorbei mit den Grenzen. Warum sich der Mensch nur graduell vom Tier unterscheidet" (2009). Aula, SWR2, 30 min (22Nov09)
  • "War Flipper schwul? Homosexualit盲t bei Tieren" (2010). Aula, SWR2, 30 min (07Feb10)
  • "Wilde Gef眉hle. Haben Tiere Emotionen?" (2014). Aula, SWR2, 30 min
  • "Sind Menschenaffen Personen?" (2014). Aula, SWR2, 30 min (28Sep14)
  • "Planet ohne Affen? Zur Zukunft unserer Mitprimaten" (2017). Aula, SWR2, 30 min
  • "Der nackte Affe in neuem Licht. Sexualbiologie der Primaten" (2018). Aula, SWR2, 30 min
  • "Was spricht gegen Zoos?" (2019). Aula, SWR2, 30 min

Radio Segments (English)

  • "Almost Human Rights. The Debate about Non-human Personhood" (2016). BBC Radio 4, 30 min (21Dec16)


  • Good News Singer (1974). Good news a gogo. Frankfurt: JFC
  • D煤o Tanzango (2011). Chimichurri (James Ogle - viol铆n & V. Sommer - acorde贸n y voz ). CD (17 tangos). Bremen: Starfish


香港六合彩 U-Tube Videos

(views as per 01Jul20)

  • Sommer, V. (2009). Protecting the Primates of Gashaka. 3 min 香港六合彩TV video. Posted 13May10, 3K views
  • Sommer, V. (2010). Homosexuality, Morality and Nature. 3 min 香港六合彩TV mini-lecture. Posted 23Jun10, 19K views
  • Sommer, V. (2011). Against Nature? Homosexuality and Evolution. 45 min 香港六合彩 Lunch hour lecture. Posted 17Nov11, 62K views
  • Sommer, V. (2017). Non-human personhood? Demanding legal rights for our next of kin. 45 min 香港六合彩 Lunch hour lecture. BWQ1QrVuXLE. Posted 15Nov17, 1K views

TV Biopics

(Documentaries featuring Volker Sommer's work; produced by German public television ARD [Allgemeine Rundfunkanstalten Deutschland]; typically aired at prime-time, with numerous repeat broadcasts)

  • Research on Asia's small apes: "Von Affenliebe und Affentreue. Gibbons in Thailands Regenwald". 22-min documentary for series "Zoo & Co", Bayerischer Rundfunk; author Felix Heidinger, editor Udo Zimmermann; first aired Feb96; additional 45-min adaptation for series "Zuflucht Wildnis", ARD, first aired Aug96
  • Biology of myths and rituals: "Von der Natur in der Kultur. Die Biologie von Mythen und Ritualen". 45-min documentary for series "Teleakademie", S眉dwest-Rundfunk (SWR); first aired10Jan98
  • Socioecology of Indian temple monkeys: "Die Herrscher der blauen Stadt. Tempelaffen in Indien". 22-min documentary for series "Zoo & Co", Bayerischer Rundfunk; author Felix Heidinger, editor Udo Zimmermann; first aired 26Jun00
  • India's sacred animals: "Indiens heilige Tiere". 45-min documentary for series "Zuflucht Wildnis", ARD / Bayerischer Rundfunk; author Felix Heidinger, editor Udo Zimmermann; first aired Apr00
  • Biodiversity and conservation in West Africa: "Der Affenwald von Gashaka. Forschung in Nigerias Wildnis". 45-min documentary for series "Zuflucht Wildnis", ARD / Bayerischer Rundfunk; author Felix Heidinger, editor Udo Zimmermann; first aired Aug03
  • Nigeria's Primate Paradise". 25-min educational video about conservation activities in Gashaka Gumti National Park, Nigeria; authored and produced by V. Sommer, Felix Heidinger & Bayerischer Rundfunk; 2003
  • Volker Sommer's life and philosophy: "Ich bin ein Affenmensch. Der Weltenb眉rger Volker Sommer". 45-min documentary authored by Anja Krug-Metzinger for French-German TV culture channel ARTE (Association Relative 脿 la T茅l茅vision Europ茅enne); first aired May11

TV Documentaries (German)

  • (Strategies of love, strategies of life: "Strategien der Liebe, Strategien des Lebens". For German public television ARD (Allgemeine Rundfunkanstalten Deutschland), Volker Sommer developed and presented 3 miniseries of two parts each on the topic of evolutionary anthropology. Author Felix Heidinger, editors Reinhold Gruber, Udo Zimmermann. Length per part: 45-min, with numerous repeat broadcasts across the ARD regional network)
  • Season 1 / Mate choice: "Partnerwahl & Evolution". Episode 1: "Damenwahl bei den Herrentieren". Episode 2: "Gene, Sex und Seitensprung" --- Volker Sommer presents the research of: Prof. Karl Grammer, Wien; Dr. Astrid J眉tte, Wien; Prof. Harald Euler, Kassel; Dr. Victor Oubaid, Hamburg; Prof. Kerrin Christiansen, Hamburg; Prof. Ronald Henss, Saarbr眉cken; Zoo Apenheul; first aired Sep02
  • Season 2 / Parenting: "Elternverhalten & Evolution". Episode 3: "V盲ter, M眉tter, Steinzeitbabys". Episode 4: "S枚hne, T枚chter, Kuckuckskinder" --- Volker Sommer presents the research of: PD Gabriele Haug-Schnabel, Freiburg; Dr. Joachim Bensel, Kandern; Prof. Heidi Keller, Osnabr眉ck; Dr. Jan Beise, Rostock; Prof. Eckart Voland, Gie脽en; first aired Aug04
  • Season 3 / Cognition: "Intelligenz & Evolution". Episode 5: "Ein Lob auf die L眉ge?". Episode 6: "Gelobt sei, was schlau macht..." --- Volker Sommer presents the research of: Prof. Werner Kotrschal & co-workers, Konrad-Lorenz Forschungsstelle Gr眉nau; Dr. Judith Burkart, Zurich; Dr. Josep Call & working group, MPI EVA & Zoo, Leipzig; Prof. Jochen Mecke, Regensburg; Prof. Redouan Bshary, Neuchatel; first aired Aug07


Nigeria Fieldwork

(Volker Sommer's research and expertise has been covered hundreds of times on radio, TV, in print and online; similarly, his books were subject of hundreds of reviews)

Radio & TV Appearances

(Featuring Volker Sommer on radio (R) and Television (T) as a guest in talkshows, science-programmes, commentaries; channels based in Germany, if not indicated otherwise)

  • (R) "Aus Kirche und Welt", Hessischer Rundfunk (27Jul83)
  • (R) "Wissenschaftsredaktion", RIAS 1 (06Dec89)
  • (R) "Das Radioskop", Hessischer Rundfunk (30Dec90)
  • (R) Deutschlandfunk (Dec90)
  • (R) "Daheim & Unterwegs", WDR (1991)
  • (R) Deutschlandradio (1992)
  • (R) MDR (1992)
  • (R) "Eckpunkt", S眉ddeutscher Rundfunk 2 (1992)
  • (R) "Hallo 脺-Wagen", WDR (27Feb92)
  • (T) "Buchladen", WDR 3 (02Apr92)
  • (R) Sender Freies Berlin (13May92)
  • (R) "Global", RIAS Berlin (15May92)
  • (R) WDR, H枚rfunk (22May92)
  • (R) "Wissenschaftsjournal", Norddeutscher Rundfunk (20Jun92)
  • (R) "Budengasse", WDR (24Jun92)
  • (R) "Daheim & Unterwegs", WDR (26Jun92)
  • (T) "Lese-Zeichen Politik", Bayerisches Fernsehen (05Jul92)
  • (T) "Forscher - Fakten - Visionen", BR (Jul92)
  • (R) "Europaprogramm", Deutschlandfunk (15Jul92)
  • (R) "Meinung 眉ber B眉cher", WDR H枚rfunk (24Jul92)
  • (R) "Das B眉chermagazin", Radio Bremen (26Jul92)
  • (R) "Wissenschaft", Sender Freies Berlin (31Jul92)
  • (R) "S2 Buchzeit", 厂眉诲飞别蝉迟蹿耻苍办 (01Sep92)
  • (R) "B眉chermarkt", Deutschlandfunk (12Sep92)
  • (R) "S2 Buchzeit", S眉ddeutscher Runkfunk (19Nov92)
  • (T) "NDR Talkshow", NDR (03Dec92)
  • (R) "Fragen an den Autor", Saarl盲ndischer Rundfunk (06Dec92)
  • (R) "Das Buch", Deutschlandsender Kultur (22Dec92)
  • (R) "Lesezeichen", NDR 4 (21Mar93)
  • (R) "Politik", SDR (29Mar93)
  • (R) "Am Morgen", SWF 2 (27May93)
  • (R) "Fragen an den Autor", Saarl盲ndischer Rundfunk (13Jun93)
  • (T) "0137", Premiere (17Jun93)
  • (T) "stern tv", SAT 1 (Jul93 and highlights of the year)
  • (R) "Kaleidoskop", WDR (28Jun93, 12Jul93)
  • (T) "Gottschalk Late Night", RTL (19Oct93)
  • (T) "Forscher - Fakten - Visionen", BR (Apr94)
  • (R) 脰RF / Austria (07May94)
  • (T) "Prime Time - Sp盲tausgabe", RTL (15May94)
  • (R) "Das!", NDR (26May94)
  • (T) "Panorama," ARTE (1996)
  • (T) "Wunder der Erde", ARD (16Sep96)
  • (T) "B盲rbel Sch盲fer", RTL (03Dec96)
  • (R) "Lesezeichen", NDR 4 (22Dec96)
  • (R) "Kakadu", Deutschlandradio (09Feb97)
  • (R) HR (10Feb97)
  • (R) WDR 5 (10Feb97)
  • (R) "Forum Buch & Leser", Saarl盲ndischer Rundfunk (14Feb97)
  • (T) "Schreinemakers Live", RTL (10Apr97)
  • (R) MDR (Jun97)
  • (T) "Prime Time - Sp盲tausgabe", RTL (Jul97)
  • (T) "Mitternachtsmagazin", VOX (Aug97)
  • (T) "10 vor 11", RTL (18Aug97)
  • (T) Talkshow, ARD (22Sep97)
  • (R) WDR (27Sep97)
  • (R) Deutschlandsender Kultur (Dec97)
  • (R) WDR 5 (22Dec97, 23Feb98)
  • (T) "nachtstudio", ZDF (24Feb98)
  • (T) "Forscher - Fakten - Visionen", BR (18Apr98)
  • (T) "Wissenschaftsgespr盲ch", BR (17Jul98; alpha 22Nov98)
  • (R) Zeitfragen-Streitfragen, WDR 3 (29Nov98)
  • (R) "Leonardo - Wissenschaft und mehr...", WDR 5 (10Dec98)
  • (T) "Galileo", ProSieben (Jul99)
  • (T) "Forscher-Fakten-Visionen", BR (Nov99)
  • (R) Yola Radio Taraba / Nigeria (23Jan00)
  • (R) "Leonardo", WDR 5 (10Apr00)
  • (T) "nachtstudio", ZDF (17May00)
  • (R) Radio Sweden / Uppsala, Sweden (20May00)
  • (T) "Thema Vergewaltigung", ARD (03Jul01)
  • (T) "37 Grad plus", ZDF (07Aug01)
  • (T) "Grenzspiele", 3sat (Dez03), ZDF-Digital (Feb03)
  • (R) "Standpunkte", 脰RF / Austria (Mar06)
  • (T) "Richard & Judy", ITV / UK (Aug06)
  • (R) "Zeitgenossen", SWR2 (06Feb05)
  • (T) "nachtstudio, ZDF (14Nov07)
  • (T) "Buchzeit", Leipzig Buchmesse, 3sat (13Mar08)
  • (R) "Leonardo", WDR 5 (28 Mar 08)
  • (R) Deutschlandfunk (06 Apr 08)
  • (T) "Planet Wissen", WDR (11Jun08)
  • (R) "Redezeit", WDR 5 (13Jun08)
  • (R) "Doppelkopf", HR 2 (09Sep08)
  • (T) "scobel", 3sat (30Oct08)
  • (R) "Menschenbilder" Radio 脰RF, Austria (18May18)
  • (T) "nachtstudio, ZDF (17May09)
  • (R) "贵耻苍办丑补耻蝉驳别蝉辫谤盲肠丑", WDR 5 (12Nov09)
  • (T) "Planet Wissen", 厂眉诲飞别蝉迟蹿耻苍办 (15Dec09)
  • (T) "Sternstunde Philosophie", Schweizer Fernsehen 1 / Switzerland (24May09)
  • (T) "scobel", 3sat (14Oct10)
  • (R) "Forum", BBC World Service / UK: Lord Meghnad Desai, V. Sommer, Lesley Lokko (04Dec10)
  • (R) Deutschlandradio, Feature "Persona non grata" (28Jun13)
  • (R) "Museum of Curiosity" Series 6 (Palmer, Sommer, O'Neill), BBC Radio 4 / UK (14-20Oct13)
  • (R) "Archive Hour: Monkey Planet", BBC Radio 4 / UK (30Nov13)
  • (R) "Lange Nacht" / Thema Primaten, Deutschlandradio (12Sep14)
  • (R) "Redezeit", WDR 5 (09May16)
  • (R) "Unser Konsum t枚tet die Affen!" SWR2 Impuls (14Dec17)
  • (T) "Same-sex sex in animals" Channel 4 documentary, UK (May19)

Print Interviews (German, English, Spanish)

2000 DIE ZEIT (Dec) "Ich bin ein Affenmensch"
2008 natur+kosmos (Aug). "Untergang der Menschenaffen"
2008 (21Nov) "Primaten wie wir"
2010 GEO forum (Oct) "Warum die Zeit reif ist f眉r evolution盲ren Humanismus"
2011 AnthroNews "My fieldwork experience"
2012 Die Welt online (12May) "Wann ist ein Mann ein richtiger Mann?"
2012 Frankfurter Rundschau & Berliner Zeitung (23-24Jun) "Homosexualit盲t bei Tieren"
2012 Frankfurter Rundschau & Berliner Zeitung (20Jul) "Schamane im M盲rchenwald"
2013 GEO kompakt (Jan) "Grundrechte f眉r Menschenaffen"
2013 WERTE "Der kluge Egoist kooperiert "
2014 Der Spiegel (05May) "Personenstatus f眉r K眉he"
2014 Cicero online (06May) 鈥濱ch bin ein Mensch, der zu den Affen z盲hlt"
2015 CREDO (Apr) "Die L眉ge ist ein Wetzstein unserer Intelligenz"
2015 CREDO (Apr) "Lying is a sharpening stone for our intelligence"
2016 Frankfurter Rundschau (30Apr-01May) "Der Wetzstein unserer Intelligenz"
2016 M谩ster Primatologia, Fundaci贸n Mona (21Dec16) "Conoce a un primat贸logo"
2018 Spektrum der Wissenschaft (Oct2018, p. 12-17) "Religion und Wissenschaft"
2019 Greenpeace Magazin Germany "Gorillas unter Personenschutz" (15Feb19)

Radio & TV Interviews (selected links)

2005 Radio SWR2 "Zeitgenossen": "Volker Sommer. Der Primatologe und Anthropologe im Gespr盲ch mit Ralf Caspary"
2008 TV 3-sat "Scobel": "Menschenaffen - Affenmenschen. Ein spannendes Gespr盲ch unter Verwandten"
2008 Radio Hessischer Rundfunk "Doppelkopf" Hessischer Rundfunk "Am Tisch mit Volker Sommer, Affenforscher"
2008 Radio 脰RF "Menschenbilder": "Wir und andere Kulturwesen. Der Anthropologe Volker Sommer" (18May)
2009 Radio WDR 5 "贵耻苍办丑补耻蝉驳别蝉辫谤盲肠丑": "Volker Sommer und Reinhard Brand" (29Nov)
2009 TV 厂眉诲飞别蝉迟蹿耻苍办 "Planet Wissen": "Wir Menschenaffen"
2010 Radio BBC World Service "The Forum": Lord Meghnad Desai, Volker Sommer, Lesley Lokko (04Dec)
2011 Radio Deutschlandfunk "Zwischent枚ne", "Der Anthropologe Volker Sommer im Gespr盲ch mit Michael Langer (Jun)

Event Reports (selected links)


2009 Kultur in der Natur - 20. Bamberger Hegelwoche (03 Jul)
2013 The Big Ig Nobel UK Show - with Volker Sommer performing (香港六合彩 Anthropology, Events, 12 Mar)
2013 Apestraction - Dami谩n Ortega exhibits in London (香港六合彩 Anthropology, Events, Jun)
2013 "Monkey Planet" with Volker Sommer on BBC Radio 4 (香港六合彩 Anthropology, Events, 27 Nov)
2014 Wildlife Expedition to Nigeria's "Mountain of Death" (香港六合彩 Anthropology, Events, 30 Jan)
2014 Basic rights for Apes - Campaign to change Germany's constitution " (香港六合彩 Anthropology, Events, 07 May)
2014 Museum of Curiosity (BBC Radio 4) with Volker Sommer (香港六合彩 Anthropology, Events, 07 Oct)
2014/15 "Harley Buddha. On the road in America's West" (香港六合彩 Anthropolitan)
2014 Conserving the world's rarest chimpanzee (香港六合彩 Research Excellence Framework Impact Case Study, 12 Dec)
2015 "In there for the long run" (Scientific Director's Report, Gashaka-Biodiversity-Project, Aug)
2015 "Not eating like a pig". Research on boars washing their food makes headlines (香港六合彩 Anthropology, Events, Nov)


Turm der Sinne Nurnberg

Kinderuni Hohenstein

(Across the globe, Volker Sommer has delivered more than 400 talks, with a selection listed below. More than 350 of these presentations were upon invitation, including many keynotes and plenary talks at conferences, and they often attract large audiences.)

  • Zoologisches Kolloquium, Zoologisches Inst. der Univ., 22Feb74, Regensburg, Germany
  • International Symposium on Primates, 17-20Feb82, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India
  • 18. Tagung, Gesellsch. Anthropologie & Humangenetik, 05-08Oct83, M眉nster, Germany
  • Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft, 11-16Jun84, Gie脽en, Germany
  • 7th Meeting, European Sociobiological Society, 18-19Jan86, G枚ttingen, Germany
  • XIth Congress, International Primatological Society, 20-25Jul86, G枚ttingen, Germany
  • International Symposium "Primates - The New Revolution", 26-31Dec86, New Delhi, India
  • XIIth Congress, International Primatological Society, 24-29Jul88, Brasilia, Brazil
  • Chicago Center for Religion and Science, 06-09Oct88, Ev. Akademie Loccum, Germany
  • Dept. of Anthropology, Univ. of California, San Diego, 02Oct89, La Jolla, USA
  • Dept. of Anthropology, Univ. of California Davis & California Primate Research Center, 05Oct89, Davis, USA
  • Dept. of Anthropology, Univ. of California Berkeley, 10Oct89, Berkeley, USA
  • 1. Kongre脽, Gesellschaft f眉r Primatologie, 18-20Oct89, G枚ttingen, Germany
  • Center Ettore Majorana, 14-20Jun90, Erice, Sicily, Italy
  • "Mobilization for Animals", 20-30Jun90, Oberwolfach / Black Forest, Germany
  • Buchhandlung Backhaus / Kulturamt Stadt Aachen, 18Dec90, Univ. Aachen, Germany
  • Naturwissenschaftl. Verein in der Wittheit, Stadtbibliothek, 10Jan91, Bremen, Germany
  • Philosoph.-Naturwissenschaftl. Kolloquium, Johannes-Gutenberg-Univ., 29May91, Mainz, Germany
  • Graduiertenkolleg Neurobiologie, Eberhard-Karls-Univ. T眉bingen, 07-09Jun91, Salem, Germany
  • Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, 27Jun91, Hanover, Germany
  • Rosenmuseum Steinfurth, 13Sep91, Bad Nauheim, Germany
  • Anthropologisches Kolloquium, Univ. Z眉rich-Irchel, 18Nov91, Zurich, Switzerland
  • Stiftung Stonewall, Univ. Basel, 26Nov91, Basel, Switzerland
  • Fachbereich Biologie, Mar92, Gesamthochschule Kassel, Germany
  • Buchhandlung Max & Milian / Kulturamt Stadt M眉nchen, Germany, 26Jun92, Munich, Germany
  • XVIth Congress, International Primatological Society, 16-21Aug92, Strasbourg, France
  • Symposium Primaten-Feldforschung, Thyssen-Stiftung, 21-23Aug92, Deutsches Primatenzentrum, G枚ttingen, Germany
  • Plenary address, The Society for the Scientific Study of Sex, 13-15Nov92, San Diego, USA
  • Studium Generale, Johannes-Gutenberg-Univ., 07Dec92, Mainz, Germany
  • Gonsenheimer Rathauslesung, Universitas Buchhandlung, 08Dec92, Mainz, Germany
  • Biological Colloquium, Univ. of California, 24Feb93, Santa Cruz, USA
  • Philosoph. Seminar, P盲dagog. Hochschule Erfurt-M眉hlhausen, 08Jun93, Erfurt, Germany
  • Collegium Gissenum (Studium Generale), Justus-Liebig-Univ., 15Jun93, Gie脽en, Germany
  • Rockefeller Center for the Social Sciences, 31Jul-06Aug93, Dartmouth, USA
  • Plenary address, 3. Kongre脽, Gesellschaft f眉r Primatologie, 01Oct93, T眉bingen, Germany
  • Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 23-25Feb94, Bonn, Germany
  • Dept. of Anthropology, Univ. of California 04Mar94, Los Angeles, USA
  • Canetti-Symposium, Wiener Urania und Kunstverein Wien, 05-08May94, Vienna, Austria
  • Wildbiologisches Colloquium, Georg-August-Univ., 14Jun94, G枚ttingen, Germany
  • Interdisziplin盲res Forum der Univ. Heidelberg, 29Jun94, Heidelberg, Germany
  • Philosophische Gesellschaft, 16Nov94, Bremen, Germany
  • Zentrum f眉r interdisziplin盲re Forschung, Univ. Bielefeld, 17-19Nov94, Bielefeld, Germany
  • Katholische Akademie der Erzdioz枚se Freiburg, 22-23Apr95, Freiburg, Germany
  • Gruter Inst. for Law and Behavioral Research / Carl Friedrich von Siemens Stiftung, 24-26Apr95, Munich, Germany
  • Bisch枚fliche Akademie des Bistums Aachen, 13-14Oct95, Aachen, Germany
  • Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 20-22Oct95, Bonn, Germany
  • Studium Generale, Tier盲rztliche Hochschule, 25Oct95, Hanover, Germany
  • Symposium "Anthropologie", Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, 13-14Jul96, Berlin, Germany
  • XIIXth Congress, International Primatological Society, 11-17Aug96, Madison, USA
  • Center for Ecology and Evolution, Univ. of London, 12Oct96, London, UK
  • Zoologische Gesellschaft Z眉rich, 22Oct96, Zurich, Switzerland
  • Sub-department of Animal Behaviour, Univ. of Cambridge, 20Nov96, Madingley, UK
  • Royal Swedish Acad. of Sciences, Inst. of Future Studies, 28-29Nov96, Stockholm, Sweden
  • Dept. of Anthropology, Univ. of Cambridge, 05Feb97, Cambridge, UK
  • Anthropologisches Kolloquium, Univ. Z眉rich-Irchel, 28Apr97, Zurich, Switzerland
  • Science & Conservation Seminar Series, Inst. of Zoology, 29May97, London, UK
  • Lunchhour Lecture, Univ. College London, 28Oct97, London, UK
  • Ringvorlesung "Humanbiologie", 08Dec97, Univ. Hamburg, Germany
  • 1. G枚ttinger Freilandtage, Deutsches Primatenzentrum, 09-12Dec97, G枚ttingen, Germany
  • Studium Generale, Johannes Gutenberg-Univ. Mainz, 04Feb98, Germany
  • Dept. of Biology, 10Feb98, Univ. of Liverpool, UK
  • Literatur im M盲rz, Kunstverein Wien, 29Mar98, Vienna, Austria
  • Dept. of Psychology, 20Mar98, Univ. of St. Andrews, Scotland
  • Radical Anthropology Group, 31Mar98, London, UK
  • Ringvorlesung, Univ. Leipzig, 13May98, Leipzig, Germany
  • Schwulenreferat & Studium Generale, Johannes-Gutenberg-Univ. Mainz, 17Jun98, Germany
  • Gruter Inst. for Law and Behavioral Research, Tauberbischofsheim, 18-20Sep98, Germany
  • Zoo Dresden & Landesmuseum, 02Dec98, Dresden, Germany
  • Symposium "Kultur", Landesamt f眉r Arch盲ologie, 19-21Feb99, Halle, Germany
  • Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Dornburger Schl枚sser, 24-25Apr99, Dornburg, Germany
  • Deutscher Evangelischer Kirchentag, 18Jun99, Stuttgart, Germany
  • Keynote, 6th Conference, Gesellschaft f眉r Primatologie, 18-21Aug99, Utrecht, Netherlands
  • Katholische Akademie, 15-17Oct99, Aachen, Germany
  • Lunchhour Lecture, Univ. College London, 25Nov99, London, UK
  • Workshop "The Handicap Principle", CEE & ELSE, ZSL, 08Dec99, London, UK
  • Center for Reproduction of Endangered Species, San Diego Zoo, 26Apr00, San Diego, USA
  • Center for Reproductive Biology, 18May00, Uppsala, Sweden
  • Cusanus-Stiftung, Bonn, 02Nov00, Niddatal-Ilbenstadt, Germany
  • Chester Zoo, Outreach Programme Lectures, 28Oct00, Chester, UK
  • Keynote, European Federation of Primatology & PSGB, 28-29Nov00, London, UK
  • Dept. of Biological Anthropology, Durham Univ., 10 0ct01, Durham, UK
  • Urania, 13Nov01, Graz, Austria
  • Hospitalhof Stuttgart / Evangelisches Bildungswerk, 19Nov01, Stuttgart, Germany
  • Forschungskolleg "Geist und Natur", 28-29Nov01, Goethe-Univ. Frankfurt, Germany
  • Symposium "Solidarit盲t", Hochschule f眉r Philosophie, 07-08Jun02, Munich, Germany
  • Kunststiftung des Landes Baden-W眉rttemberg, 01Jun02, Stuttgart, Germany
  • Werkstatt f眉r Zukunfts-Forschung und -Gestaltung, Biomedizinischer Foschungs-Campus, 10Jun02, Berlin-Buch, Germany
  • Humboldt-Univ., 11Jun02, Berlin / Charit茅, Germany
  • 49th Conference of IRAS (Inst. for Religion in an Age of Sciences), 27Jul-03Aug02, Star-Island, New Hampshire, USA
  • DFG Graduiertenkolleg "Kulturen der L眉ge", 29Sep-02Oct02, Univ. Regensburg, Germany
  • Int. Forschungszentrum f眉r Grundfragen der Wissenschaft, 03-05Mar03, Salzburg, Austria
  • Southern California Primate Forum, 12Apr03, Riverside, USA
  • Symposium "Kultur der Tiere", Univ. Leipzig, 10-11Oct03, Leipzig, Germany
  • 1st Internat. Conf. on Primatology, 13-16Oct03, Technical Univ., Lisboa, Portugal
  • Zoologisches Inst., Ruprecht-Karls-Univ., 30Nov03, Heidelberg, Germany
  • Hospitalhof Stuttgart / Evangelisches Bildungswerk, 08Dec03, Stuttgart, Germany
  • Key note, 15th Int. Conference on Bear Research & Management, 12Feb04, San Diego, USA
  • Veterin盲rwissenschaftliche Univ. & United Creatures, 03Mar04, Vienna, Austria
  • Inst.a Neurosciencia Nacionale, Mexico City, 09-10Sep04
  • Conference "Rituals", Medizinische Hochschule, 15-17Oct04, Heidelberg, Germany
  • Inauguration, Gashaka Primate Project, Kwano Field Station, 12Jan05, Gashaka, Nigeria
  • Science Lunch, Zoo Basel, 23May05, Basel, Switzerland
  • Science et Cit茅, Auditorium Maximum, ETH, 24May05, Zurich, Switzerland
  • Ringvorlesung "Evolution", Katholische Akademie, 14Jun05, Dresden, Germany
  • 脰sterreichische Forschungsgemeinschaft, 9-10Dec05, Vienna, Austria
  • Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Univ., 16May06, Frankfurt, Germany
  • Dinner-Speech, "40 Jahre Jugend forscht", May06, Kr枚nungssaal Rathaus, Aachen, Germany
  • Tier盲rztliche Hochschule, 26June06, Hanover, Germany
  • Hospital Italiano, 27Oct06, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Kunststiftung Morat, Finissage 100 Issues "Das Plateau", 12May07, Freiburg, Germany
  • Akademie der Wissenschaften Berlin-Brandenburg, 08-09Nov07, Marburg, Germany
  • Philosophisches Seminar, 16Jan08, Cologne, Germany
  • Southern California Primate Forum, 12Apr08, Fullerton, USA
  • Freie Akademie Berlin, 01-04 Mai08, Schlo脽 Schney, Franken, Germany
  • Ringvorlesung Univ. Gie脽en, 01Jul08, Gie脽en, Germany
  • L眉beck Univ., 11Jul08, L眉beck, Germany
  • Plenary address, Sophia Europa / Xavier Tilliette Inst., 02-06Oct08, Gorizia, Trieste, Italy
  • Zoologisches Inst., Ruprecht-Karls-Univ., 07Dec08, Heidelberg, Germany
  • Plenary address, Volkswagen Foundation / Inst. of Evolution & Biodiversity, 26Feb09, M眉nster, Germany
  • Philosophical Seminar, Northampton Univ., 27Apr09, Northampton, UK
  • GorillaGorillaGorilla-Exhibition, Kunsthaus Graz, 12May09, Graz, Austria
  • Kinderuniversit盲t / Children Univ., Audi Max, 20May09, G枚ttingen, Germany
  • Kinderuniversit盲t f眉r Erwachsene, Alte Aula, 20May 09, G枚ttingen, Germany
  • VIIth Vienna Symposium Psychoanalysis and Body, 22May09, Vienna, Austria
  • "Bologna - Zukunft der Lehre", VolkswagenStiftung & Stiftung Mercator, 17Jun09, Deutsches Museum, Munich, Germany
  • Hegel-Woche, Philosophical Symposium, Univ. Bamberg, 25Jun09, Bamberg, Germany
  • Einstein-Forum, 08Jul09, Potsdam, Germany
  • Center for Advanced Studies & Philosophical Seminar, Univ. Freiburg, 16-17Jul09, Freiburg, Germany
  • Interdepartmental Centre for Ethics, Eberhard-Karls Univ., 31Jul09, T眉bingen, Germany
  • Zoologische Gesellschaft Z眉rich, Univ. Z眉rich 20Oct09, Zurich, Switzerland
  • Deutsches Hygienemuseum & Univ. 06Nov09, Dresden, Germany
  • Kinder-Univ. / Children's Univ., Deutsches Hygienemuseum, 09Nov09, Dresden, Germany
  • Senckenberg-Museum, 10Nov09, Frankfurt / Main, Germany
  • Inst. for Evolution & Biodiversity, Westf盲lische Wilhelms-Univ., 13Nov09, M眉nster, Germany
  • 51. Phylogenetisches Symposium, 21-22Nov09, Braunschweig, Germany
  • Libert茅 de conscience, Abbaye de Neum眉nster, 06Feb10, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
  • Zentrum f眉r Interdisziplin盲re Studien (ZIF) der Univ. Bielefeld, 19May10, Bielefeld, Germany
  • DFG Sonderforschungsbereich "Ritualdynamik" & 14. Berliner Kolloquium der Gottlieb Daimler- & Karl Benz-Stiftung, 20May10, Berlin, Germany
  • 9. Petersberger Forum, Thema "Wir", 23Jun10, Bonn, Germany
  • Inst. f眉r Deutsche Philologie, Univ. W眉rzburg, 24Jun10, W眉rzburg, Germany
  • Turm der Sinne Symposium "Mann, Frau Gehirn", 02-03Oct10, Nuremberg, Germany
  • 12th Conference, Gesellschaft f眉r Anthropologie, 30Mar-01Apr11 Utrecht / Netherlands
  • Kinder-Univ. Westsachsen, 18May11, Hohenstein-Ernstthal, Germany
  • Heidelberg Forum - Biosciences and Society, 19May11, Heidelberg, Germany
  • Laudatio - Ethics Prize Giordano-Bruno-Foundation (to Great Ape Project initiators Peter Singer & Paola Cavalieri), 02Jun11, Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, Frankfurt, Germany
  • Proteus Management Seminar, 06Jun11, London Business School, London, UK
  • Inst. f眉r Philosophie, Univ. Kassel, 22Jun11, Kassel, Germany
  • Animals and Aesthetics, Keynote, 29-30Oct11, Univ. der K眉nste, Berlin, Germany
  • 香港六合彩 Lunchhour Lecture, 17Nov11, London, UK
  • London Evolutionary Research Network, 02Nov11, London, UK
  • Ringvorlesung, Alte Aula, Univ. G枚ttingen, 13Dec11, G枚ttingen, Germany
  • Julius Berger Nigeria, 28Jan12, Life Camp, Abuja, Nigeria
  • GALHA (Gay and Lesbian Humanist Association), 10Feb12, Conway Hall, London, UK
  • School of Human Sciences, Roehampton Univ., 15Mar12, London, UK
  • Forum for European Philosophy, London School of Economics, 30Apr12, London, UK
  • Zoologisches Inst., Univ. Basel, 15May12, Basel, Switzerland
  • South Place Ethical Society, 20May12, Conway Hall, London, UK
  • Gold Medal recipient speech, North of England Zoological Society, 06Jun12, Chester, UK
  • Inst. for Transcultural Health Studies, 23Jun12, Europa Univ. Viadrina, Frankfurt / Oder, Germany
  • Plenary address, Anthropology in the 21st Century, 02Jun12, Univ. of Coimbra, Portugal
  • Plenary address, Industriellenvereinigung der Steiermark, 29Jun12, Graz, Austria
  • 12. Primatenpflegertreffen / 12th Primate Zookeeper Workshop, 05-07Oct, Dresden, Germany
  • Opening plenary, Turm der Sinne Symposium "Unser inneres Tier", 19-21Oct12, Nuremberg, Germany
  • Kinderuniversit盲t, Audi Max, Georg-August-Univ., 12Dec12, G枚ttingen, Germany
  • Giordano-Bruno-Stiftung Regionalgruppe / Univ. Kassel, 13Dec12, Kassel, Germany
  • Ig Nobel tour of the UK / National Science and Engineering Week, Imperial College, 15Mar13, London, UK
  • Naturforschende Gesellschaft Basel, 29May13, Basel, Switzerland
  • Keynote, Conference "Evolution f眉r die Grundschule", 29Nov-01Dec13, Giessen, Germany
  • Luxembourg Inst. for European and International Studies, 05-06Dec13, Luxembourg
  • Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein in Hamburg, 09Dec13, Hamburg, Germany
  • Colloquium Praehistoricum, 10Dec13, Goethe-Univ. Frankfurt am Main, Germany
  • Keynote, Annual Company Assembly, Julius-Berger-International, 13Dec13, Wiesbaden, Germany
  • Studium universale, 18Jun14, Univ. Leipzig, Germany
  • Cultural and Literary Animal Studies, 25Sep14, Univ. W眉rzburg, Germany
  • innovation-night, Industriellenvereinigung Vorarlberg, 20Oct14, Lustenau, Austria
  • Sonntagsmatin茅e, Univ. Heidelberg, 07Dec14, Heidelberg, Germany
  • Dept. of Anthropology, Univ. of Kent, 27Jan15, Canterbury, UK
  • Braunschweigisches Landesmuseum, 07Feb15, Braunschweig, Germany
  • Symposium "Philosophie der Tierforschung", Univ. Kassel, 23Mar15, Kassel, Germany
  • Kinderuniversit盲t / Children Univ., Audi Max, 06May15, G枚ttingen, Germany
  • Tengwood Organization for Nature Conservation, 09May15, Winterthur, Switzerland
  • Keynote "Animal Agency" / exhibition 鈥#catcontent", 12-13Jun15, Kunstpalais, Erlangen, Germany
  • Plenary address, "50 Jahre Jugend forscht", 22Jun15, Jacobs Univ., Bremen, Germany
  • Rachel Carson Center, LM University Munich, 18-20Sep15, Evangelische Akademie Tutzing, Germany
  • Keynote, 5th Congress, Iberian Primatological Society, 18Nov15, Evora, Portugal
  • Ernst Str眉ngmann Forum, 03-08Apr16, Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Frankfurt / M., Germany
  • K枚nigsteiner Forum, 05Dec16, K枚nigstein, Germany
  • Senckenberg-Museum, 14Dec16, Frankfurt a. M., Germany
  • Primate Society of Great Britain, Winter-Meeting, 10鈥11Jan17, Durham, England
  • 11th Symposium Evolution, METU (Middle East Technical University), 18鈥19Feb17, Ankara, Turkey
  • "Lauffen will es wissen" 12. Staffel (bild der wissenschaft / Stadt Lauffen), 16Mar17, Lauffen/Neckar, Germany
  • Soir茅e, Radius-Verlag, 17Mar17, Stuttgart, Germany
  • Keynote, INTERPHARM / Deutscher Apotheker-Verlag, 01Apr17, Bonn, Germany
  • Postmatinee, Giordano-Bruno-Stiftung, 02Apr17, Oberwesel, Germany
  • Animals as Actors and Agents in Contemporary Arts ("Tiere als Akteure und Material in der zeitgen枚ssischen Kunst"), 12鈥13May17, Schloss Moyland, Germany
  • International Day against Homo- & Transphobia (IDAHOT), Audimax, Gutenberg-Universit盲t, 15May17, Mainz, Germany
  • Keynote, "Nonhuman animals in society", Pufendorf Institute & Critical Animal Studies Network, Lund University (LUCASN), 5th Conference, European Association for Critical Animal Studies (EACAS), 28鈥28Oct17, Lund, Sweden
  • W眉rzburger Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft, Toscanasaal W眉rzburger Residenz, 02Feb18, W眉rzburg, Germany
  • University of the Fine Arts, 21Jun18, M眉nster, Germany
  • Keynote, XIth Vienna Symposium "Psychoanalyse & K枚rper", Sigmund-Freud-Universit盲t, 31Aug-02Sep18, Vienna, Austria
  • Ape Alliance Annual Symposium, 28Nov18, 香港六合彩, London, England
  • Forum for Critical Interdisciplinarity, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, 11Dec18, Karlsruhe, Germany
  • "Chimaira" Ringvorlesung, Humboldt-Universit盲t, 14May19, Berlin, Germany
  • Verband 枚sterreichischer Tierschutzorganisationen, Universit盲t Wien, 26May19, Vienna, Austria
  • "Im Lichte der Evolution", DA! 鈥 Initiative for Evolutionary Humanism, 25Oct19, D眉sseldorf, Germany
  • "Umwelten. Literatur zwischen 脰ko- und Technosph盲re", Literaturforum im Brecht-Haus, 20Aug20, Berlin, Germany


香港六合彩 Quadarangle in Autumn

Institut f眉r Anthropologie, Georg-August-Universit盲t G枚ttingen, Germanyn (1988-1995)

  • (with Christian Vogel, Paul Winkler, Eckart Voland)
  • Lab: Kleines Anthropologisches Praktikum A
  • Lectures & Seminar: Sexualit盲t - Sexismus - Soziobiologie
  • Lecture: Evolution der Homosexualit盲t
  • Lecture: Psychobiologie der Primaten
  • Seminar: Geschlecht - Neuere Forschungen zu einer anthropologischen Kategorie
  • Seminar: Anthropologie des Spiels
  • Seminar: Geburt, Krankheit, Tod - Zur Evolution der Verg盲nglichkeit
  • Seminar: Lehramtskandidaten Biologie: Kolloquium
  • Seminar: Wahrheit, L眉ge, Selbstbetrug - Zur Evolution der Kommunikation

Department of Zoology, University of Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India (1986-1987)

(co-supervision of PhD candidates, with Surendra Mal Mohnot)

  • Socio-Ecology of Free-Ranging Primates

Department of Anthropology, University of California at San Diego, USA (1989)

(exchange visitor programme of UCSD; lecture, 3 h; with James Moore)

  • The Study of Primates in Nature

Department of Wildlife Management, Federal University of Yola, Nigeria (2000-2014)

(supervision of UG projects, master and PhD candidates, with Callistus Akosim)

  • Wildlife Conservation and Management

Department of Anthropology, University College London, UK (1996-)

- past modules:

  • UG seminar: Anthropology of the Mind (with S. Kuechler / M. Stewart)
  • UG lecture and tutorials: Human Sociobiology
  • UG lecture and tutorials: Evolutionary Anthropology

- current modules:

  • UG lecture and tutorials: Introduction to Biological Anthropology
  • UG lab class: Methods and Techniques in Biological Anthropology
  • UG lecture and tutorials: Primate Behaviour and Ecology
  • Graduate Seminar: Primate Socioecology
  • Research Reading Group: Primate Sexualities (with Kathleen Bryson)


Portrait MSc_HEB


(1990-1997 supervision as an associate of the Faculty of Biology, Georg-August-University, G枚ttingen, Germany. Note: A Diplomarbeit at German-speaking Universities is an empirical research project - typically more extensive than a master's thesis -, conducted over a 1.5-2 yr period. The resulting degree of "Diplom-Biologe" / "Diplom-Biologin" has been slowly phased out with the introduction of Bologna reforms.)

  • Ulrich Reichard (1991). Zum Sozialverhalten einer Gruppe freilebender Wei脽handgibbons (data collection in Thailand)
  • Anouchka Nettelbeck (1993). Zur 脰ko-Ethologie freilebender Wei脽handgibbons in Thailand (Diplomarbeit, University of Hamburg; data collection Thailand)
  • J枚rg Neudenberger (1993). Untersuchungen zur Monogamie freilebender Wei脽handgibbons (data collection in Thailand)
  • Domingo Mendoza (1992). Sozialspiel bei immaturen Schimpansen (Diplomarbeit, University of Erlangen-N眉rnberg; data collection at Arnhem Zoo, The Netherlands)
  • Sylvia Ehrhardt (1993). Das Salutierverhalten bei Bartaffen (Macaca silenus) (data collection at the German Primate Center, G枚ttingen, and Zoo Stendhal)
  • Julia Nikolei (1993). Geschlechtstypisches Verhalten juveniler Languren (Presbytis entellus) (data collection in Nepal [supervision with C. Borries])
  • Uta Skamel (1994). Zwischengeschlechtliche Beziehungen bei Berberaffen au脽erhalb der Paarungszeit (data collection at Affenberg Salem, Germany [supervision with A. Paul])
  • Gina Barbaranelli (1994). M盲nnchen-M盲nnchen-Beziehungen bei Berberaffen au脽erhalb der Paarungszeit (data collection at Affenberg Salem, Germany [supervision with A. Paul])
  • Ralf Armbrecht (1995). Verhaltensbiologische und bioakustische Untersuchungen zur Lautkommunikation bei m盲nnlichen Hanuman-Languren in Ramnagar, Nepal (data collection in Nepal [supervision with P. Winkler])
  • Nicola Uhde (1997). Das Raubfeindrisiko bei Gibbons - Eine sozio枚kologische Studie im Regenwald des Khao Yai (data collection in Thailand)

MTech theses

(Department of Wildlife Conservation & Management, Federal University of Technology Yola, Nigeria)

  • Buba, Umaru (2007). An investigation of the behaviour of pregnant and lactating baboons at Gashaka Gumti National Park, Nigeria (Masters of Technology, co-supervision with Callistus Akosim)

MRes theses

  • Katherine Little (1997). Adaptation of a langur group to changing captive environments (data collection in London Zoo) (Environmental Sciences, 香港六合彩)
  • Mary Peart (2015). Queer love: Is long-term mate preference gender-specific? (Anthropology, 香港六合彩)

MSc theses

Portrait MSc_HEB

(Master in Human Evolution & Behaviour, Department of Anthropology, 香港六合彩)

  • Hannah Davis (1997). Mechanisms and functions of behavioural change across reproductive stages in primates - a case study of the Hanuman langurs
  • Claire Bracebridge (1998). Empathy in non-human primates? Reactions towards sick and dead conspecifics in non-human primates
  • Alison Denham (1998). Does reconciliation occur in Hanuman langurs?
  • Simon Dennis (1997-98). Activity budgets of white-handed gibbons (professional rower who enrolled part-time and went on to win the gold medal with the England rowing eight at the )
  • Ymke Warren (1998). Social interactions in multi-male groups of wild mountain gorillas (data collection in Rwanda)
  • Andrew Fowler (1999). Song pattern of white-handed gibbons
  • Graham Pink (2000). Pair relationships in white-handed gibbons (data collection in Thailand)
  • Diana Kyriazis (2002). Homosexual behaviour among free ranging langur monkeys: an evolutionary analysis
  • Lisa Brooker (2002). Reintroduction of orang-utans: A critical review (based on visits to Indonesia)
  • Tomas Persson (2002). Multi-male gorilla groups: A behavioural case study at Apenheul (data collection in The Netherlands)
  • Yianna Koutsioni (2003). Merging ethnobotany and zoopharmacognosy: A case study in Gashaka, Nigeria (data collection in Nigeria)
  • Nicola Hughes (2003). Orphaned chimpanzees and gorillas in Cameroon and Nigeria: Victims of the bushmeat trade (data collection in Nigeria and Cameroon)
  • Sophie Bulbrook (2004). A framework for the study of emotions in chimpanzees (co-supervision with Kim Bard, Portsmouth)
  • Darren Ellis (2005). Seasonal variation in availability and consumption of army ants by Nigerian chimpanzees (data collection in Nigeria)
  • Charlotte Frearson (2005). Masturbation in male primates: Taxonomic distribution, proximate causes and potential evolutionary functions
  • Elena Jones (2005). Masturbation in female primates: Taxonomic distribution, proximate causes and potential evolutionary functions
  • Robert Davies (2005). Bioacoustical analysis of free-ranging slender loris (Loris tardigradus) whistles: Their role in communication and some factors influencing their production (in conjunction with Anna Nekaris, Oxford Brookes; data collection in Sri Lanka)
  • Emily Beach (2005). Sexual swelling colour change: The evolution of full colour vision in primates and the accurate analysis of colour
  • Nienke Alberts (2006). Mechanisms and functions of estrus desynchrony in Indian langur monkeys
  • Sarah Couto (2006). Activity and association pattern of wild olive baboons at Gashaka / Nigeria: Spatio-temporal variation in relation to resource availability
  • Helena Howarth (2008). Male choice. Potential preferences for female external genital morphology
  • Gemma Gordon (2009). Male consortship in wild olive baboons: A study at Gashaka-Gumti National Park, Nigeria (data collection in Nigeria)
  • Lindsay Hodgson (2009). Using RFID technology to track human foraging activity: how communication facilitates group coordination and the emergence of leaders and followers in small groups (based on experiments conducted with London Zoo visitors)
  • Robert Hodgson (2010). Handpicked for performance: Hand preference in wild olive baboons (data collection in Nigeria)
  • Thomas Roberts (2010). Infant socialisation in wild olive baboons (data collection in Nigeria)
  • Gina Depper (2010). Socioecology of capuchin monkeys (data collection in Costa Rica)
  • Omer Nevo (2010). Responses to olfactoric stimuli in monkeys and apes (data collection at Heidelberg Zoo)
  • Chiara Flaim (2011). Left or right in Amazonia? Hand use of saddle-back tamarins (in conjunction with Eckhard Heymann, G枚ttingen; data collection in Peru)
  • Katharina Olsen (2011). The hand that feeds: hand preference in captive emperor tamarins (data collection at London Zoo)
  • Emily Creaser (2011). Developmental instability: environmental stress and fluctuating assymetry in Nigerian baboons (in conjunction with Christophe Soligo; data collection in Nigeria)
  • James Thompson (2012). Form without function? Infant handling of wild female olive baboons (data collection in Nigeria)
  • Emily Gelipter (2013). Stress induced variations in dental development among Nigerian baboons (in conjunction with Fire Kovarovicz, Durham University; data collection in Nigeria)
  • Adriana Lowe (2014). The influence of female reproductive state on gregariousness in wild female olive baboons (data collection in Nigeria)
  • Kyle Hendrikson (2014). Sleeping site selection in olive baboons (data collection in Nigeria)
  • Lucas Goldstone (2014). Food-begging in wild bonobos (data collection in DR Congo; co-supervision with Barbara Fruth, MPI-EVA, Leipzig)
  • Katarina Warren (2015). Termite fishing in wild chimpanzees: Procuring material for tool use (data collection in Tanzania; co-supervision with Alejandra Pascual-Garrido, University of Oxford)
  • Sophie Kirklin (2016). Infant development in wild orangutans (data collection in Indonesia; co-supervision with the Centre for the International Cooperation in Sustainable Management of Tropical Peatlands, CIMTROP)
  • Kristin Havercamp (2017). Measuring chimpanzee gregariousness through camera traps. Data for four subspecies (co-supervision with Max-Planck-Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig)
  • Mohammad Kazeround (2019). Let's play. Gestural communication and play in wild chimpanzees at Budongo, Uganda (co-supervision with Catherine Hobaiter, University of St Andrews)
  • Zo毛 Xiao Schultz (2019). Hand-bias in Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus): Experimental evidence and evolutionary perspectives (data collection at Affenberg Salem, Germany)

PhD theses

(Until 1996, Volker Sommer supervised graduate students as an associate of the Faculty of Biology, Georg-August-University, G枚ttingen, Germany; since then, as a staff member in the Department of Anthropology, 香港六合彩, UK)

(Note: A German Doktorarbeit is equivalent to a PhD dissertation; science-based dissertations merit the degree of Dr. rer. nat.; until 2010, G枚ttingen University did not permit to submit theses in English)

(Note: Doctoral students at UK universities are initially enrolled as MPhil students; within the first year or so of their studies, they defend their research proposal during a viva; if successful, candidates have earned the title "Master of Philosophy"; they are then "upgraded" to the status of "PhD candidate")

Ulrich Reichard
Dr Ulrich Reichard (1991-1995). Sozial- und Fortpflanzungsverhalten von Weisshandgibbons. Eine Freilandstudie im thail盲ndischen Khao Yai Regenwald (Doktorarbeit, University of G枚ttingen; data collection in Thailand; funded by DAAD)

Isabelle Faucher
Isabelle Faucher (1997; upgraded 1999). Socio-ecology and conservation of cercopithecine monkeys in South-West Cameroon (香港六合彩; grant from Quebec / Canada; data collection in Cameroon; thesis completed to MPhil stage)

Dr Katherine Little (1998-2002). Genetic composition of a population of Hanuman langurs (香港六合彩; data collection in India; graduate school scholarship; co-supervision with Mike Bruford, Inst. of Zoology, London and Cardiff University)

Julie Anderson
Dr Julie Anderson (2002-2005). Population dynamics of the Angolan black-and-white colobus monkey in South coast Kenya (香港六合彩; data collection in East Africa; co-supervision with Guy Cowlishaw, Inst. of Zoology, London; NERC-funded)

Andrew Fowler
Dr Andrew Fowler (2000-2006). Socio-ecology of Nigerian chimpanzees (香港六合彩; data collection in Nigeria)

Andrew King
Dr Andrew King (2005-2008). Coordinated behaviour and decision-making in wild primates (香港六合彩; data collection in Namibia; co-supervision with Guy Cowlishaw, Inst. of Zoology, London; NERC-funded)

Sandra Tranquilli
Dr Sandra Tranquilli (2005-2012). Great ape conservation in Africa and anthropogenic threats (香港六合彩; data analyses at MPI for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig)

Dr Umaru Buba (2007-2014). Habitat ecology of Nigerian chimpanzees at Gashaka Gumti National Park (data collection in Nigeria; co-supervision with Callistus Akosim, Federal University of Technology Yola, Nigeria)

Suzanne Harvey
Dr Suzanne Harvey (2009-2014). Audience effect in wild olive baboons at Nigeria (香港六合彩; data collection in Nigeria; co-supervision with Klaus Zuberb眉hler, St. Andrews University; funded by Carnegie Trust, Scotland)

Alejandra Pascual-Garrido
Dr Alejandra Pascual-Garrido (2006-2011). Insectivory of Nigerian Chimpanzees: Habitat Ecology and Harvesting Strategies (data collection in Nigeria; field supervisor; primary supervisor: Fernando Colmenares, Departamento De Psicobiolog铆a, Facultad De Psicolog铆a, Universidad Complutense De Madrid)

Dr Gon莽alo Jesus (2008-2018). Habitat ecology and primate gregariousness in Nigeria's Gashaka Gumti National Park (香港六合彩; data collection in Nigeria; funded by Portuguese government, Funda莽茫o para a Ci锚ncia e Tecnologia)

Norm Rosen (since 2003; upgraded 2004). Ape orphans in Africa: A window into extinction processes (香港六合彩; data collection in 20 sanctuaries across Africa) (thesis completed to MPhil stage)

Kathleen Bryson
Dr Kathleen Bryson (2010鈥2017). Evolving the binary. Perspectives on infra- and ultrahumanisation (香港六合彩)

Josephine Msindai
Dr Josephine Msindai (2011鈥2018). Nest-building in the chimpanzee population released onto Rubondo Island, Lake Victoria (香港六合彩; data collection in Tanzania)

Alexandra Palmer
Dr Alexandra Palmer (2015鈥2018). Politics, ethics, and economics in international orangutan conservation (香港六合彩; recipient of 香港六合彩's GRS and ORS awards; co-supervision with Marc Brightman, 香港六合彩 Anthropology; data collection in Indonesia and Malaysia)
PhD_Claudia Martina
Dr Claudia Martina (2016鈥2018). Individual differences in associative learning in wild chacma baboons (Papio ursinus) (香港六合彩; co-supervision with Guy Cowlishaw, Inst. of Zoology, London; funded through Mexico: CONACYT / Fondo para el Desarrollo de Recursos Humanos; data collection in Namibia)
Carole Jahme (2016鈥 ). She avoids maths but excels at mind-reading: Resolving the candidacy of the Extreme Female Brain
Matilda-jane Brindle (2017鈥 ). Mechanisms and functions of autosexual behaviour in primates (co-supervision with Guy Cowlishaw, Inst. of Zoology, London; funded through NERC DTP)
Vittoria Roatti (2019鈥2024 ). Understanding constraints on horizontal and vertical information transmission in baboons: Implications for the evolution of culture (co-supervision with Alecia Carter, 香港六合彩 Anthropology, and Guy Cowlishaw, Inst. of Zoology, London; funded through 香港六合彩 Anthropology Mary Douglas scholarship; data collection in Namibia)




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