

Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê Anthropology


Jerome Lewis

Jerome Lewis

Tel:Ìý +44 (0)20Ìý7679Ìý5567

E-mail: jerome.lewis@ucl.ac.uk

Room: 235

Reader in Social Anthropology

Co-Director of the Extreme Citizen Science Research Group

Co-director of Centre for the Anthropology of Sustainability

Co-editor of the Palgrave Studies in the Anthropology of Sustainability

PhD, Anthropology
London School of Economics and Political Science 2002


General Interests

  • Hunter-gatherer and former hunter-gatherer
  • Egalitarian politics
  • Play, ritual and religion
  • Language, dance and music
  • Indigenous rights, participatory mapping and
  • Extreme Citizen Science and new participatory
    research methodologies

Hunter-gatherers of Central Africa
egalitarianism, sharing, taboo, religion, ritual, play, learning, language, music and dance, language and music evolution, gender relations and hunter-gatherers interaction with farmers, loggers, conservation and other global forces.

Extreme Citizen Science:
developing the software tools and practical methodologies to enable any community regardless of literacy or language to address issues of concern to them by collecting scientifically valid data and analysing it using appropriate visualization and intelligent analytical tools.

Indigenous Rights and Sustainability:
participatory mapping, free, prior and informed consent, conflict resolution mechanisms, community protocols, corporate social responsibility and international industrial certification standards.

He is a fellow of the , and a regular lecturer at the .

Consultancy is an integral part of Jerome'sÌýcommitment to public engagement. For inquiries into how Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê’s anthropology department can support your organization, please consult theÌýEthnographic InsightsÌýLab.

Indicators of esteem

Founder and Trustee of the International Society for Hunter Gatherer Research

Associate Editor of Hunter Gatherer Research

Associate Editor of Journal of the Radical Anthropology Group

Scientific Advisor to Synchronicity Earth Foundation

Scientific Advisor to the Forest Trust


2017: 'Outstanding teacher' University of London Union student voted teaching award.

2016: 'Outstanding teacher' University of London Union student voted teaching award.

2015: William Fagg Lecturer 2015, British Museum.

2014: NT100 List. The Nominet Trust chose Sapelli (ExCiteS software platform) for their list of people and organisations using digital technology to change the world for the better.

2010: Cuthbert Peek Award of the Royal Geographical Society and Institute of British Geographers for using GIS to empower indigenous communities.

2008: Dubai International Award for Best Practice for Involving Indigenous People in Forest Management Decision Making Programme of Tropical Forest Trust.

2007: Technology Museum Laureate for Indigenous Voices Programme of Tropical Forest Trust.

2007: "Technology of the month" in Technologies for Conservation and Development.

2006: Environmental Innovation Award winner (Timber Trade Journal) for CIEarth software.

2005: 'E-tutor of the Year' Special commendation in the national competition by the Times Higher Education Supplement and the Higher Education Academy.

1998-9: Alfred Gell Memorial Scholarship, LSE.

1992: Michael Sallnow Prize, LSE.

1992: Hocart Essay Prize, Royal Anthropological Institute.

Research groups

, Chorley Institute, Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê

Human Ecology Research Group, Department of Anthropology, Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê

Sustainability, Environment and the Culture of Materials Research Group, Department of Anthropology, Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê

Research projects

2016-21: Extreme Citizen Science: Analysis and Visualisation (EcSanVis) Building on the Excites software App Sapelli, we now turn our attention to visualisation strategies to create intelligent maps. Horizon 2020. Euros 2,5mill.

2011-16: Hunter-Gatherer Resilience Past present and future adaptations to a world in transition. Hunting and gathering have been the major occupation of humans since homo sapiens emerged (200,000 years ago). Although it has been the longest and most diverse bio-cultural adaptation in humanity's existence, we know very little about the ways in which hunter-gatherers have adapted to pressures and maintained their resilience. While the number of hunter-gatherers that have disappeared is unknown, the consequences of their extinction are evident in humanity's current low genetic diversity, and in the uneven distribution of languages, where 95% of the world's languages are spoken by only 6% of the world's population. Diminishing genetic and linguistic diversity is matched by diminishing biodiversity. Since the remaining hunter-gatherers live in some of the world's most important biodiversity hotspots this project will explore the relationships between these key areas of diversity for humanity's general resilience in a period of rapid natural, social and technological change. Leverhulme Trust Resilience Research Programme Grant over 5 years (2011-2016). RP2011-R-045. £1,700,000.

2011-16: 'Extreme' Citizen Science (ExCiteS). The core objective of this proposal is the creation and the development of a research group that focuses on 'Extreme' Citizen Science (ExCiteS) - the theory, methodologies, techniques and tools that are needed to allow any community to start its own bottom-up citizen science activity, regardless of the level of literacy of the users. The aim is that by the end of the grant, the interdisciplinary 'Extreme' Citizen Science research group at Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê will be recognised in the UK and internationally as leading this area. Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, Challenging Engineering Award: (AB)[22729]. £1,000,000.

2013-14: Developing geographic information systems for non-literate users. ESRI will support the ExCiteS group to develop a stand-alone GIS application for use by non-literate users - focusing on hunter-gatherers in the Congo Basin. ESRI. US$150,000

2011-12: The socio-cultural and legal patterns of organisation of indigenous peoples and their impact on the rights of women and children: A case study in the Republic of Congo. UNICEF. ($133,000)

2012: Capturing differentiated experience of change to ensure pro-poor ecosystem service interventions are fit for purpose. Valuing Nature Network/Natural Environment Research Council Grant. (One year 2012).

2008-ongoing: Centre for Social Excellence based in Younde, Cameroon. A centre for the intensive teaching of graduates from the Congo Basin in the social aspects of forestry, including techniques for involving forest people in mapping and management decision-making processes. We also run short courses for employees of forestry companies. With Tropical Forest Trust, Chirac Foundation and Albert II Monaco Foundation. 1.2 million Euros

2005-ongoing: Radio Biso na Biso. We have established a community radio station covering over 15,000 square kilometres for forest people, including hunter-gatherers, to discuss and share in their own languages their interests and concerns. It enables them to make their own radio programmes and provide support to health and education services. With the Tropical Forest Trust and Chirac Foundation. 700,000 Euros.

2007-2011: Monitoring illegal logging and mapping key resources of forest people in south eastern Cameroon. We designed software accessible to non-literate people from 15 communities of five different ethnic groups so they can collect the data themselves. With the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Forest Peoples Programme and Helveta. (See BBC news items and Lewis 2007). £170,000.

2008- 2010: Developing regional guidelines for interpreting the Forest Stewardship Council Principles and Criteria for the Congo Basin. Advising the ATIBT (Association Technique Internationale des Bois Tropicaux) and GTZ (German Development Cooperation).

2006- 2008: Defining Free, prior and Informed Consent in the Context of Forestry Operations in the Congo Basin. An examination of how Swiss forestry companies achieve free, prior and informed consent from local people living in the forests they exploit has resulted in a practical guide and policy recommendations. With the Swiss Ministry for Economic Affairs, Intercooperation and the Society for Threatened People. £164,000.

2005- 2007: Indigenous Voices. With a $300,000 grant from the World Bank and an industrial logging company in Congo-Brazzaville this project pioneered practices, appropriate technologies and institutionalized procedures to ensure the co-management of 1.3 million hectares of forest by local indigenous people and company managers. The project has defined the basic practices and procedures required for achieving free, prior and informed consent from indigenous peoples in the Congo Basin (See Lewis 2006). The project was a Technology Museum Laureate in 2007. With the Tropical Forest Trust.

PhD Supervisees


Rosalie Allain (2nd) Artisanal mining in Cameroon.

Carolina Comandulli (1st) Indigenous futuring by Ashaninka in the Amazon.

Kilian Doherty (2nd) Decolonizing architectural practice: exploring dwelling and distinction within the (development) landscapes of Rwanda (with Bartlet School of Architecture).

Emilie Glazer (1st) Water Justice in Mexico City.

Simon Hoyte (1st) Indigenous resource management in Cameroon.

Daniel Kricheff (1st) The cosmology of Maniq hunter-gatherers of Southern Thailand.

Tove Lind (1st) Matriarchal societies and women's status in Bhutan.

Fiacha O'Dowda (1st) The ecology and anthropology of Malagasy Tavy agricultural practices.

Adam Runacres (1st ) Engaing Conservation: Forest Employed Villagers and Intervention Bureaucracies in Cnetral India.


Dasa Bombakova (1st) The role of institutions of public speaking, ridicule and play in cultural transmission among Mbendjele Yaka forest hunter-gatherers. Completed 2017.

Mekhala Krishnamurty (2nd) Corporate Social Responsibility Programmes in Central India. Completed 2011.

Sahil Nijhawan (2nd) Idu-Mishmi relations with Tigers in northeastern India. With Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London. Completed 2017.

Camille Oloa Biloa (1st) The egalitarian body. A study of aesthetic and emotional processes in massana performances among the Mbendjele of the Likouala region
(Republic of Congo). Completed 2016.

Alice Rudge (1st) Emotion and aesthetics in the sonic practices of the Batek forest hunter-gatherers of Pahang, Malaysia. Completed 2017.

Cathryn Townsend (1st) Transformation in Egalitarian Societies: Examining the emergence of inequality amongst Baka hunter-gatherers in Cameroon. Completed 2015.

Olivia Richtenbach (3rd) Forest dwellers and biodiversity conservation in the context of industrial forestry, Republic of Congo (with Department of Environmental Science at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and CIFOR). Completed 2015.

Catalina Tesar (2nd) Women Married off to Chalices': Gender, Kinship and Wealth among Romanian Cortorari Gypsies. Completed 2013.

Olly Wymas (2nd) The role of roads in influencing resource use among rural people living in Gabon. With Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London. Completed 2015.

Selected publications

2017 Knight, C. and J. Lewis. Wild Voices. Mimicry, Reversal, Metaphor and the Emergence of Language. CurrentAnthropology. 58(4): 435-453.

2017 M. Brightman and J. Lewis (eds) The Anthropology of Sustainability: Beyond Development and Progress. Palgrave Studies in the Anthropology of Sustainability. Palgrave: New York.

2017 M. Brightman and J. Lewis. 'Introduction. The Anthropology of Sustainability: Beyond Development and Progress.' In The Anthropology of Sustainability: Beyond Development and Progress. Palgrave Studies in the Anthropology of Sustainability. Palgrave: New York. Pp. 1-34

2017 C. Knight and J. Lewis. 'Toward a Theory of Everything.' In Human Origins: Contributions from Social Anthropology Camilla Power, Hilary Callum and Morna Finnegan (eds). Berghan. Pp. 84-102.

2016 J. Lewis "Our life has turned upside down! And nobody cares." Hunter Gatherer Research. 2(3): 375-384.

2016 Fa JE, Olivero J, Farfán MA, Lewis J, Yasuoka H, Noss A, et al. Differences between Pygmy and Non-Pygmy Hunting in Congo Basin Forests. PLoS ONE 11(9): e0161703. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0161703.

2016 G.D. Salali, N. Chaudhary, J. Thompson, O.M. Grace, X.M. van der Burgt, M. Dyble, A.E. Page, D. Smith, J. Lewis, R. Mace, L. Vinicius, A.B. Migliano. Knowledge-Sharing Networks in Hunter-Gatherers and the Evolution of Cumulative Culture. Current Biology 26 (18): 2516-2521. DOI:

2016 Olivero J, Fa JE, Farfán MA, Lewis J, Hewlett B, Breuer T, et al. (2016) Distribution and Numbers of Pygmies in Central African Forests. PLoS ONE 11(1): e0144499. doi:10.1371/journal. pone.0144499

2016 J. Lewis.'Play, Music and Taboo in the Reproduction of an Egalitarian Society. In Social Learning and Innovation among Contemporary Hunter-Gatherers: Evolutionary and Ethnographic Perspectives. Hideko Terashima and Barry Hewlett (eds). Springer: Tokyo.
Chapter DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-55997-9_12

2015. J. Lewis. 'Where goods are free but knowledge costs: hunter-gatherer ritual economics in Western Central Africa.' Hunter Gatherer Research. 1(1): 1-27. doi:10.3828/hgr.2015.2

2014 D. Dor, C. Knight and J. Lewis (eds). The Social Origins of Language. Studies in the Evolution of Language. Edited with Dan Dor and Chris Knight. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

2014 D. Dor, C., Knight and J. Lewis. 'Introduction: a social perspective on how language began.' In The Social Origins and Evolution of Language. Studies in the Evolution of Language. Edited by Dan Dor, Chris Knight and Jerome Lewis. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

2014 J. Lewis. BaYaka Pygmy multi-modal and mimetic communication traditions. In The Social Origins and Evolution of Language. Studies in the Evolution of Language. Edited by Dan Dor, Chris Knight and Jerome Lewis. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

2014 C. Knight and J. Lewis. 'Vocal deception, play, laughter and the linguistic significance of reverse dominance.' In The Social Origins and Evolution of Language. Studies in the Evolution of Language. Edited by Dan Dor, Chris Knight and Jerome Lewis. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

2014 J. Lewis. 'Making the invisible visible: Designing technology for nonliterate hunter-gatherers.' In James Leach & Lee Wilson, eds. Subversion, Conversion, Development: Public Involvements with Information and Communication Technologies. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press Infrastructures Series. Pp. 127-152.

2014 J. Lewis. 'Pygmy hunter-gatherer egalitarian social organization: the case of the Mbendjele BaYaka.' In Hewlett, B., (ed) Congo Basin Hunter-Gatherers. Pp. 219-244.

2013 J. Lewis. 'A Cross-Cultural Perspective on the Significance of Music and Dance on Culture and Society: Insight from BaYaka Pygmies.' In Michael Arbib (ed) Language, Music and the Brain: A mysterious relationship. Strüngmann Forum Reports, vol. 10. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Pp 45-65.

2012 Accessible technologies and FPIC: independent monitoring with forest communities in Cameroon. In Participatory Learning and Action 65: 151-165. London: IIED. With Teodyl Nkuintchua.

2012 Technological leap-frogging in the Congo Basin. Pygmies and geographic positioning systems in Central Africa: What has happened and where is it going? In African Study Monographs Supplementary Issue 43: 15-44.

2009 As Well as Words: Congo Pygmy Hunting, Mimicry and Play. In Botha and Knight (eds) The Cradle of Language, Volume 2: African Perspectives, Oxford University Press, pp 232 - 252.

2008 Ekila: Blood, Bodies and Egalitarian Societies. In Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. 14:2: 297-315.

2008 Maintaining abundance, not chasing scarcity: the big challenge for the twenty-first century. Radical Anthropology Journal 2: 7-18.Ìý

2008 Free, Prior and Informed Consent and Sustainable Forest Management in the Congo Basin. With Luke Freeman and Sophie Borreil. Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs, Intercooperation and Society for Threatened People Switzerland: Berne.

2006 'Les Pygmées Batwa du Rwanda: un peuple ignoré du Rwanda' In La Margininalisation des Pygmées d'Afrique Centrale. Edited by Sévérin Cécile Abega and Patrice Bigombe Logo. Langres, France: Africaine d'Edition/ Maisonneuve et Larose. Pp. 79-105.

2005 'Whose Forest is it anyway? Mbendjele Yaka Pygmies, the Ndoki Forest and the Wider World'. In Property and Equality, Vol. 2 Encapsulation, Commercialisation, Discrimination. Edited by Thomas Widlok and Wolde Tadesse, Berghahn Books, pp. 56-78.

2002 'Putting Hunter-Gatherer and Farmer Relations in Perspective. A Commentary from Central Africa'. In Ethnicity, Hunter-Gatherers, and the 'Other': Association or Assimilation in Southern Africa? Edited by Susan Kent. Washington: Smithsonian Institute, pp. 276-305. With Axel Köhler.

2001 'Forest People or Village People: Whose voice will be heard?' In Africa's Indigenous Peoples: 'First Peoples' or 'Marginalized Minorities'? Edited by Alan Barnard and Justin Kenrick, Edinburgh: CAS, pp. 61-78.

2000 The Batwa Pygmies of the Great Lakes Region. Minority Rights Group International: London, 32 pages.. Translated into four languages: French (2001), Kiswahili, Banyarwanda and Kirundi in 2002.

1995 The Twa of Rwanda. Assessment of the Situation of the Twa and Promotion of Twa Rights in Post-War Rwanda. World Rainforest Movement and International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs, 112 pages (with Knight J.) Translated into French in 1996 by J.-C. Monod.

(See end for complete list)



Oxford Seminar on 'Why the Bayaka sing so much' (Feb 2011)


France Inter. Sur les épaules de Darwin: Cueilleurs de miel. 29 August 2015

Australian Broadcasting Company. On Batwa Pygmies and their music, May 2011

Voice of America. On contemporary issues facing Pygmies000, April 2011.

BBC Radio 3 On Pymgy music. Music Planet: Jungles Congo, Feb 2011.

BBC World Service Radio. 'Lost in Translation: How do language, religion and culture influence how we think about climate change? 30 November 2010. andÌýthe series page is at

BBC World Service Radio. News. GPS helps Pygmies Survive, 30th January 2008.

BBC Radio 3. Sunday Feature: In the Beginning was the Song. 9th December 2007.

BBC Radio 4. Thinking Allowed. The Mbendjele Yaka - Prioritising Sound, 16th February 2005.

BBC World Service. The World Today. 17th October 2003.


CNN Inside Africa. Living on the edge: Cameroon's Baka Pygmies face an uncertain future.

BBC News GPS helps Pygmies Defend Forest. 30th January 2008.

BBC News 24 Forest Classroom. 31st January 2008. Direct link-ups between Cameroon and London

Reuters Alertnet video Mapping Congo's Forests. 25 February 2008.

All Publications


2017 M. Brightman and J. Lewis (eds) The Anthropology of Sustainability: Beyond Development and Progress. Palgrave Studies in the Anthropology of Sustainability. Palgrave: New York.

2014 D. Dor, C. Knight and J. Lewis (eds). The Social Origins of Language. Studies in the Evolution of Language. Edited with Dan Dor and Chris Knight. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

2008 J. Lewis, L. Freeman and S. Borreill. Free, Prior and Informed Consent and Sustainable Forest Management in the Congo Basin. Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs, Intercooperation and Society for Threatened People Switzerland: Berne.

2002 J. Lewis. Impunyu Z'abatwa mu Karere K'ibiyaga Bigari. Umuryango Uharanira Inyungu za ba Nyakamwe. Minority Rights Group and CAURWA: Kigali, Rwanda, 110 pages. (Banyarwanda language version of Lewis 2000).

2002 J. Lewis. Bambuti Batwa katika Eneo la Maziwa Makuu. Minority Rights Group and PIDP-Kivu: Bukavu, Democratic Republic of Congo, 57 pages. (Kiswahili version of Lewis 2000).

2001 J. Lewis. Les Pygmées Batwa de la region des Grands Lacs. Rapport de Minority Rights Group, Minority Rights Group International: London, 36 pages.

2000 J. Lewis. The Batwa Pygmies of the Great Lakes Region. Minority Rights Group International: London, 32 pages.
Translated into four languages: French (2001), Kiswahili, Banyarwanda and Kirundi in 2002.

1996 J. Lewis and J. Knight. Les Twa du Rwanda. Rapport d'évaluation de la situation des Twa et pour la promotion des droits des Twa dans le Rwanda d'après-guerre. Translated by J.-C. Monod. World Rainforest Movement, International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs et Survival International (France), 118 pages.

1995 J. Lewis and J. Knight. The Twa of Rwanda. Assessment of the Situation of the Twa and Promotion of Twa Rights in Post-War Rwanda. World Rainforest Movement and International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs, 112 pages (with Knight J.).

Book Chapters

2017 M. Brightman and J. Lewis. 'Introduction. The Anthropology of Sustainability: Beyond Development and Progress.' In The Anthropology of Sustainability: Beyond Development and Progress. Palgrave Studies in the Anthropology of Sustainability. Palgrave: New York. Pp. 1-34

2017 C. Knight and J. Lewis. 'Toward a Theory of Everything.' In Human Origins: Contributions from Social Anthropology Camilla Power, Hilary Callum and Morna Finnegan (eds). Berghan. Pp. 84-102.

2016 J. Lewis.'Play, Music and Taboo in the Reproduction of an Egalitarian Society.
In Social Learning and Innovation among Contemporary Hunter-Gatherers: Evolutionary and Ethnographic Perspectives. Hideko Terashima and Barry Hewlett (eds). Springer: Tokyo.
Chapter DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-55997-9_12

2014 D. Dor, C., Knight and J. Lewis. 'Introduction: a social perspective on how language began.' In The Social Origins and Evolution of Language. Studies in the Evolution of Language. Edited by Dan Dor, Chris Knight and Jerome Lewis. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

2014 J. Lewis. BaYaka Pygmy multi-modal and mimetic communication traditions. In The Social Origins and Evolution of Language. Studies in the Evolution of Language. Edited by Dan Dor, Chris Knight and Jerome Lewis. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

2014 C. Knight and J. Lewis. 'Vocal deception, play, laughter and the linguistic significance of reverse dominance.' In The Social Origins and Evolution of Language. Studies in the Evolution of Language. Edited by Dan Dor, Chris Knight and Jerome Lewis. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

2014 J. Lewis. 'Making the invisible visible: Designing technology for nonliterate hunter-gatherers.' In James Leach & Lee Wilson, eds. Subversion, Conversion, Development: Public Involvements with Information and Communication Technologies. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press Infrastructures Series. Pp. 127-152.

2014 J. Lewis. 'Pygmy hunter-gatherer egalitarian social organization: the case of the Mbendjele BaYaka.' In Hewlett, B., (ed) Congo Basin Hunter-Gatherers. Pp. 219-244.

2013 J. Lewis. 'A Cross-Cultural Perspective on the Significance of Music and Dance on Culture and Society: Insight from BaYaka Pygmies.' In Michael Arbib (ed) Language, Music and the Brain: A mysterious relationship. Strüngmann Forum Reports, vol. 10. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Pp 45-65.

2013 I. Cross, W.T. Fitch, F. Aboitiz, A. Iriki, E.D. Jarvis, J. Lewis, K. Liebal, B. Merker, D. Stout, and S.E. Trehub. 'Culture and Evolution.' In Michael Arbib (ed) Language, Music and the Brain: A mysterious relationship. Strüngmann Forum Reports, vol. 10. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Pp. 419-440.

2013 J. Lewis and S. Borreill. A Grievance Mechanism in the forestry Sector in Congo: The case of Congolaise Industrielle des Bois. In, Wilson, E. and Blackmore, E (editors). Dispute or dialogue? Community perspectives on company-led grievance mechanisms. London : International Institute for Environment and Development. Pp. 66-83. .

2010 J. Lewis, L. Freeman and S. Borreill et al. 'Free, Prior and Informed Consent: Implications for Sustainable Forest Management in the Congo Basin.' In Governing Africa's Forests in a Globalised World. Edited by Laura German, Alain Karsenty and Anne-Marie Tiani. Earthscan: London, pp 319-331.

2010 J. Lewis, L. Freeman and S. Borreill. 'Consentement préalable libre et éclairé.' Gouverner les forêts africaines à l'ère de la mondialisation, 357-370.

2009 J. Lewis. 'As Well as Words: Congo Pygmy Hunting, Mimicry and Play.' In Botha and Knight (eds) The Cradle of Language, Volume 2: African Perspectives, Oxford University Press. Pp 232 - 252.

2007 S. Bond, C. Ingram and J. Lewis. 'Innovating e-Learning Practice in Context: What's Going On? A customisable video-interpretation tool.' In Innovating e-Learning Practice. The Proceedings of Theme Three of the JISC Online Conference: Innovating e-Learning 2006. Edited by Geoff Minshull and Judith Mole. JISC: . Pp. 43-47.

2006 J. Lewis. 'Les Pygmées Batwa du Rwanda: un peuple ignoré du Rwanda' In La Margininalisation des Pygmées d'Afrique Centrale. Edited by Sévérin Cécile Abega and Patrice Bigombe Logo. Langres, France: Africaine d'Edition/ Maisonneuve et Larose. Pp. 79-105.

2005 J. Lewis. 'Using Avoidance to maintain Autonomy. The Mbendjele Yaka of Congo-Brazzaville. In Indigenous Peoples, their struggles and rights. Edited by Hersillia Fonseca. World Rainforest Movement International Secretariat: Uruguay. Pp. 75-78. Translated in French.

2005 J. Lewis. 'Whose Forest is it anyway? Mbendjele Yaka Pygmies, the Ndoki Forest and the Wider World'. In Property and Equality, Vol. 2 Encapsulation, Commercialisation, Discrimination. Edited by Thomas Widlok and Wolde Tadesse, Berghahn Books, pp. 56-78.

2002 J. Lewis. 'Indigenous and Traditional People in Africa: the Policy Context and the Case of Hunter-Gatherer Societies of Central Africa'. In Indigenous People and Biodiversity Conservation CD-ROM. Edited by Christiane Averbeck, Internationale Naturschutzakademie, Vilm Island, Germany: Bundesamt für Naturschutz, GTZ Gmbh.

2002 A. Köhler and J. Lewis. 'Putting Hunter-Gatherer and Farmer Relations in Perspective. A Commentary from Central Africa'. In Ethnicity, Hunter-Gatherers, and the 'Other': Association or Assimilation in Southern Africa? Edited by Susan Kent. Washington: Smithsonian Institute, pp. 276-305.

2001 J. Lewis. 'Forest People or Village People: Whose voice will be heard?' In Africa's Indigenous Peoples: 'First Peoples' or 'Marginalized Minorities'? Edited by Alan Barnard and Justin Kenrick, Edinburgh: CAS, pp. 61-78.

2001 J. Kenrick and J. Lewis. 'Evolving Discrimination against the Forest People ('Pygmies') of Central Africa.' In Racism against Indigenous Peoples. Edited by Suhas Chakma and Marianne Jensen, Copenhagen: Asian Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Network (AITPN) and IWGIA, pp. 312-325.

Journal Articles

2017 Knight, C. and J. Lewis. Wild Voices. Mimicry, Reversal, Metaphor and the Emergence of Language. CurrentAnthropology. 58(4): 435-453.

2016 J. Lewis "Our life has turned upside down! And nobody cares." Hunter Gatherer Research. 2(3): 375-384.

2016 Fa JE, Olivero J, Farfán MA, Lewis J, Yasuoka H, Noss A, et al. Differences between Pygmy and Non-Pygmy Hunting in Congo Basin Forests. PLoS ONE 11(9): e0161703. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0161703.

2016 G.D. Salali, N. Chaudhary, J. Thompson, O.M. Grace, X.M. van der Burgt, M. Dyble, A.E. Page, D. Smith, J. Lewis, R. Mace, L. Vinicius, A.B. Migliano. Knowledge-Sharing Networks in Hunter-Gatherers and the Evolution of Cumulative Culture. Current Biology 26 (18): 2516-2521. DOI:

2016 Olivero J, Fa JE, Farfán MA, Lewis J, Hewlett B, Breuer T, et al. (2016) Distribution and Numbers of Pygmies in Central African Forests. PLoS ONE 11(1): e0144499. doi:10.1371/journal. pone.0144499

2015. J. Lewis. 'Where goods are free but knowledge costs: hunter-gatherer ritual economics in Western Central Africa.' Hunter Gatherer Research. 1(1): 1-27. doi:10.3828/hgr.2015.2

2014 M. Stevens, M. Vitos, J. Altenbuchner, G. Conquest, J. Lewis and M. Haklay, "Taking Participatory Citizen Science to Extremes," in IEEE Pervasive Computing, 13 (2): 20-29, Apr.-June. 2014. doi: 10.1109/MPRV.2014.37

2014. C. Knight and J. Lewis. 'Hunter-gatherer egalitarianism enabled grammar to evolve.' In: E. A. Cartmill, S. Roberts, H. Lyn and H. Cornish (eds), The Evolution of Language. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference (EVOLANG 10), pp. 138-145. With C. Knight.

2014 Accounting for the Impact of Conservation on Human Well-Being. Conservation Biology. With Milner-Gulland, E.J., Mcgregor, J.A., Agarwala, M., Atkinson, G., Bevan, P., Clements, T., Daw, T., Homewood, K., Kumpel, N., Lewis, J., Mourato, S., Palmer Fry, B., Redshaw, M., Rowcliffe, J.M., Suon, S., Wallace, G., Washington, H. And Wilkie, D. doi: 10.1111/cobi.1227

2013 Stevens, M., M. Vitos, J. Lewis, M. Haklay 'Participatory monitoring of poaching in the Congo Basin.' Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Symposium on Computing for Development • January 11, 2013.

2013 Vitos M., Stevens M., Lewis J., Haklay M. 'Making local knowledge matter. Supporting non-literate people to monitor poaching in Congo.' Extreme Citizen Science (ExCiteS) group, University College London. Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Symposium on Computing for Development.

2012 Vitos M., Stevens M., Lewis J., Haklay M. 'Community mapping by non-literate citizen scientists in the rainforest.' Bulletin of the Society of Cartographers, 46(1&2): 3-11.

2012 S. Buckingham Shum, K. Aberer, A Schmidt, S. Bishop, P. Lukowicz, S. Anderson, Y. Charalabidis, J. Domigue, S. de Freitas, I. Dunwell, B. Edmonds, F. Grey, M. Haklay, M. Jelasity, A Karpistsenko, J. Kohlhammer, J. Pitt, J. Lewis, R. Sumner and D. Helbing. 'Towards a Global Participatory Platform.' In The European Physical Journal Special Topics. 214, 109-152. With DOI: 10.1140/epjst/e2012-01690-3

2012 J. Lewis. 'Response to Richard Widdess, Music, meaning and culture.' In Empirical Musicology Review 7(1-2): 98-101.

2012 J. Lewis and T. Nkuintchua. 'Accessible technologies and FPIC: independent monitoring with forest communities in Cameroon.' In Participatory Learning and Action 65: 151-165. London: IIED.

2012 J. Lewis. 'How to implement free, prior, informed consent (FPIC).' In Participatory Learning and Action 65: 175-8. London: IIED.

2012 J. Lewis. 'Technological leap-frogging in the Congo Basin. Pygmies and geographic positioning systems in Central Africa: What has happened and where is it going?' In African Study Monographs Supplementary Issue 43: 15-44.

2008 J. Lewis. 'Ekila: Blood, Bodies and Egalitarian Societies.' In Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. 14:2: 297-315. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-9655.2008.00502.x

2008 J. Lewis. Managing abundance, not chasing scarcity: the big challenge for the twenty-first century. Radical Anthropology Group Journal 2: 7-18.

2007 J. Lewis. 'Enabling forest people to map their resources & monitor illegal logging in Cameroon.' Before Farming: the archaeology and anthropology of hunter-gatherers [online version] 2007/2 article 3.

2006 J. Lewis and J. Nelson. 'Logging in the Congo Basin. What hope for indigenous peoples' resources, and their environments? ' In Indigenous Affairs, 4/06. Copenhagen: IWGIA. Pp. 8- 15. With John Nelson. Indigenous Affairs-2006 Congobasin.pdf

2004 J. Kenrick and J. Lewis. 'Indigenous Peoples' Rights and the Politics of the Term 'Indigenous''. Anthropology Today 20: 2, pp. 4-9. With Justin Kenrick.

Other publications

2010 Free, Prior and Informed Consent - ensuring indigenous peoples have the right to negotiate with third parties whose actions may have a significant impact on their lands or natural resources. With Sophie Borreill, Christoph Weidmer and Regula Hafner. Anthroscape and Society for Threatened People Switzerland.

2009 Le Consentement Libre, Informé et Préalable dans le Bassin du Congo. With Sophie Borreill. Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs, Intercooperation and Society for Threatened People Switzerland: Berne.

2007c 'Learn it? - think again.' LSE magazine 19: 2. Pp. 16-17. With Luke Freeman.

2006c 'Deconstructing Pygmy Polyphonies' and update to the section on 'Pygmy Music. Songs from the Forests of the Congo Basin'. In The Rough Guide to World Music, Africa and the Middle East. Edited by Simon Broughton, Mark Ellingham and John Lusk with Duncan Clark. London and New York: Rough Guides. Pp. 304- 312.

2005c 'Greenpeace Report on the site visit to CIB in Congo-Brazzaville, December 2004'. Greenpeace, Switzerland. With Choumba, Itoua, Nelson, Pfottenhauer and Weidmer.ÌýTranslated into French.

2005d 'Digital Anthropological Resources for Teaching' in Teaching Matters 17, pp. 1-2. With Luke Freeman.

2005e 'Twa' entry in the Encyclopedia of the World's Minorities edited by Carl Skutsch, Routledge.

2001c 'Indigenous Uses for the Sapelli Tree in Northern Congo.' In Sold Down the River. The Need to control Transnational Forestry Corporations: a European Case Study. Forests Monitor: Cambridge. p.7.

1999 'The Batwa Pygmies of the Great Lakes Region, Central Africa.' In Outsider 53, p.3.

1998 'Massana. Moments in Yaka Play and Ritual.' In IX International Festival of Ethnographic Films. Music and Rituals. Catalogue. Edited by Paulo Piquereddu. Nuoro, Sardinia: ISRE. pp. 69-71. With Pfrang-Lewis I, and Lewis N.

Anthropological Films

2003 The hunter's curse. Film for the 'What's Going On?' video and document annotation tool used in teaching at LSE. 7 minutes.

1998 Massana. Moments in Yaka Play and Ritual, Ingrid Pfrang-Lewis and Nicolas Lewis. Jerome Lewis, anthropologist. Distributed by JIN Films, UK; 36 mins.


2008 Scientific Review Panel for Chatham House (DFID and World Bank sponsored) assessing alternative models to logging for the Democratic Republic of Congo.

2008 Review of Jacqueline Solway (ed.), 'The Politics of Egalitarianism: Theory and Practice. In Critique of Anthropology. 28: 108-109.

2005 Review of 'Headland, Thomas and Doris E. Blood (Editors). What Place for Hunter-Gatherers in Millennium Three? Publication 38, SIL International and International Museum of Cultures: Dallas, Texas, 2002.' Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 11:1, pp. 174-175.

2005 Review of 'Marc Sommers. Fear in Bongoland. Burundian Refugees in Urban Tanzania. Volume 8, Studies in Forced Migration, New York: Berghahn Books, 2001.' Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 11:1, pp. 183.

2004 Review of 'Johan Pottier, 'Re-imagining Rwanda. Conflict, Survival and Disinformation in the late Twentieth Century.' African Studies Series 102, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002.' Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 10:1, pp. 197-198.

2004 Review of 'Jefremovas, Villia. Brickyards to Graveyards. From Production to Genocide in Rwanda. xi, SUNY Series in the Anthropology of Work. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2002.' Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 10:1, pp. 194-195.

2002 Review of 'Barume, Kwokwo Albert. Heading Towards Extinction? Indigenous Rights in Africa: The case of the Twa of the Kahuzi-Biega National Park, Democratic Republic of Congo. IWGIA Document 101, 2000.' Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 8:2, pp. 381-382.

2002 Conference Review of 'Property and Equality Symposium. Max Plank Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle (Saale), Germany. June 25th - June 27th, 2001.' In Anthropology Today, 18:1, pp. 24-25.

1999 'Music and Rituals.' In Anthropology Today, 15:1, pp. 20-21.