

Academic Manual


Section 8: Deferred Assessment

Published for 2024-25

8.1 Scope & Definitions8.3 Deferral with Tuition
8.2 Deferral without Tuition8.4 Extenuating Circumstances on a Deferral Attempt

8.1ÌýScope & Definitions

1.´¡ÌýDeferralÌýis the opportunity to sit an assessment as if for the first time and without penalty as a form of mitigation for students with Extenuating Circumstances.
2.A DeferralÌýshouldÌýbe undertakenÌýwithout tuition.
3.A DeferralÌýmayÌýbe takenÌýwith tuitionÌýwhere a student:
Ìýa)Has missed a large amount of teaching, and/or
Ìýb)Has failed or failed to complete a large number of credits due to ECs, and/or
Ìýc)Has ECs on a second attempt.
4.Where a student passes a Deferral of aÌýfirst attemptÌýthe studentÌýmustÌýreceive the full mark for all components and modules (marks must not be capped).
5.Where a student passes a Deferral of aÌýsecond attemptÌý(i.e. a Deferral of a Resit or Repeat), the module mark(s) must be capped at the Pass Mark (Section 3.6). Students should refer toÌýSection 9: Consequences of FailureÌýfor full details of the regulations around Resits and Repeats.
6.DeferralsÌýmustÌýbe available to students at all levels of study, including finalists.
7.A DeferralÌýmayÌýbe offered to a student who has already made an assessment attempt. The mark from the original attempt will be disregarded and the student will be offered the opportunity to sit the assessment as if for the first time. The Progression and Award Requirements, including any rules around Condonement,Ìýmust notÌýbe applied until the student has undertaken the Deferral.
8.DeferralsÌýmay notÌýbe possible for students who are unable to complete an Extra-Mural Study Abroad or Placement Year. Where such a Deferral is not possible, students must transfer to an equivalent programme without a Study Abroad or Placement requirement.
9.Deferrals must be completed within the next two academic sessions (e.g. if the student first enrols on the module in 2020-21 they must complete the assessment by the end of 2022-23). Where a module is substituted, students have two academic sessions from when they first enrol on the substituted module.
10.This period of two academic sessions may be extended at the discretion of Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê Education Services on behalf of the Vice-Provost (Education & Student Experience). Applications must be made via the Faculty Tutor.
11.The Faculty/ Departmental EC PanelÌýmustÌýcommunicate the decision to offer a Deferral, with or without tuition, to the Board of Examiners.
12.The Board of Examiners must implement the decision, confirm the date of the next assessment, and ensure that the student’s Portico registration is amended.
13.Decisions relating to Deferred Assessments must be honoured regardless of any volume of credit failed and dealt with under the Consequences of FailureÌýprovisions. The number of deferred credits must not be added to failed credits when considering whether students should Resit or Repeat.

8.2 Deferral without Tuition

ÌýTiming of the Deferral
1.A Deferral without Tuition should be scheduled as per the regulations in Section 9.3: Resitting a Module.
2.Up to a maximum of 30 credits, a student with ECs extending beyond the Late Summer Assessment Period,ÌýmayÌýbe permitted to Provisionally Progress onto the next year of study and to undertake aÌýDeferral without TuitionÌýin tandem. Such studentsÌýmustÌýsuccessfully pass the Deferral and meet the Progression requirements before they will be permitted to progress to any subsequent years of study or be considered for an Award.ÌýSee Section 6.3: Provisional ProgressionÌýfor further details.
3.Where a Deferral without Tuition is needed as part of a student’s Interruption of Study, the Deferred Assessment may take place at a later date, after the student has returned to Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê.
ÌýRequirements and Entitlements
4.StudentsÌýshouldÌýbe assessed in the moduleÌýcomponent(s)Ìýaffected by the EC.
5.StudentsÌýshould notÌýattend any additional lectures, seminars or other teaching activities. TheyÌýmayÌýbe offered, but are not automatically entitled to, additional tutorials or supervision.
6.StudentsÌýmust notÌýbe charged an additional fee for deferring the assessment.Ìý
7.ÌýStudentsÌýshouldÌýhave access to Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê’s facilities such as the library and other learning resources, although thereÌýmayÌýbe limited availability of some resources during Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê vacation periods.
8.StudentsÌýmustÌýbe entitled to the Reasonable Adjustments provisions for students with disabilities and other long-term medical or mental health conditions.
9.StudentsÌýshouldÌýundertake the Deferral before they commence any Study Abroad Year or Placement Year.
ÌýFormat of the Deferral
10.ÌýStudentsÌýmustÌýbe assessed under the syllabus in place for the original assessment.
11.StudentsÌýshouldÌýbe assessed by the same Method used for the original assessment (e.g. essay, exam, practical etc.). Where assessment by the same Method is difficult or impossible, a Board of ExaminersÌýmayÌýset a different Method of assessment. The alternative Method must
Ìýa)Allow students to demonstrate achievement of the learning outcomes to the same extent as the original assessment, and
Ìýb)Be approved by the External Examiner, preferably at the point of Programme and/ or Module Approval.
12.The Board of Examiners must determine whether Deferral students will be assessed in the same Task (e.g. the same essay topic) or whether a new Task will be set (e.g. a new essay question or new exam paper). Any new assessment Task must:
Ìýa)Allow students to demonstrate achievement of the learning outcomes to the same extent as the original task, and
Ìýb)Be approved by the External Examiner, preferably at the same time as the original task/ paper.
13.StudentsÌýcannotÌýsubstitute a module with an alternative module because the Deferral includes no tuition.

8.3 Deferral with Tuition

ÌýTiming of the Deferral
1.´¡ÌýDeferral with TuitionÌýshould take place in the following academic session.
2.Up to a maximum of 30 credits, a student may be permitted to Provisionally Progress and to undertake a Deferral with Tuition in tandem with the next year of study. Such students must successfully complete the Deferral and meet the Progression requirements before enrolling on any subsequent years of study or being considered for an Award. See Section 6.3: Provisional ProgressionÌýfor further details.ÌýA student who is offered aÌýDeferral with Tuition in more than 30 creditsÌýmust notÌýcommence the next year of study until the Deferrals are complete.
3.Where a Deferral with Tuition is needed as part of a student’s Interruption of Study, the Deferral may take place in a subsequent academic session, after the student has returned to Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê.
ÌýRequirements and Entitlements
4.StudentsÌýshouldÌýbe assessed inÌýall the componentsÌýof the affected module(s).
5.StudentsÌýmustÌýre-enrol on the affected module(s) in the following academic session, attend all teaching activities and are entitled to the standard tuition and supervision provisions on the module(s).Ìý
6.StudentsÌýmust notÌýbe charged an additional fee for deferring the assessment except for any fees to be incurred in respect of additional tuition which must be charged pro-rata to the credit value of the modules.
7.StudentsÌýmustÌýhave full access to Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê’s facilities such as the library and other learning resources.
8.StudentsÌýmustÌýbe entitled to the Reasonable Adjustments provisions for students with disabilities and other long-term medical or mental health conditions.
9.StudentsÌýshouldÌýundertake the Deferral before they commence any Study Abroad Year or Placement Year.
ÌýFormat of the Deferral
10.The components and/ or syllabus of the affected module(s)ÌýmayÌýbe different if the programme or module has changed between years of study. StudentsÌýmustÌýbe assessed in the components and syllabus of the new year.
ÌýSubstitution of Modules
11.Subject to approval by the Departmental Tutor, a student may apply to substitute up to 30 credits of modules with one or more alternative modules in any one academic session, up to a maximum of 60 credits across the whole programme.
12.If a programme has changed between years of study, or a module will not be running, the Departmental TutorÌýmayÌýpermit a studentÌýto substitute more than 30 credits per year, or more than 60 credits across the programme, with one or more alternative modules.
13.The substitute module(s)ÌýmustÌýsatisfy the programme requirements in terms of credit-weighting and academic level. StudentsÌýmust notÌýtake modules from a subsequent year of study in advance.
14.The substitute module(s)ÌýmustÌýbe treated as a Deferral attempt:
Ìýa)Where a student passes a Deferral of aÌýfirst attemptÌýthe studentÌýmustÌýreceive the full mark for all components and modules (marksÌýmust notÌýbe capped).
Ìýb)Where a student passes a Deferral of aÌýsecond attemptÌý(i.e. a Deferral of a Resit or Repeat), the module mark(s)ÌýmustÌýbe capped at the Pass Mark (Section 3.6). StudentsÌýshouldÌýrefer toÌýSection 9: Consequences of FailureÌýfor full details of the regulations around Resits and Repeats.
15.All approved substitutions must be notified to Student Records by the Department.

8.4 Extenuating Circumstances on a Deferral Attempt

1.If a student experiences further Extenuating Circumstances on their Deferral attempt, theyÌýmustÌýsubmit a newÌýEC Form.
2.StudentsÌýshould,Ìýhowever, be aware that multiple requests for the same Extenuating CircumstancesÌýmayÌýnot be accepted if they do not meet the criteria of being sudden, unexpected, and beyond the student’s control. Where a student has a longer-term difficulty, theyÌýmustÌýcontactÌýthe Disability, Mental Health and Wellbeing teamÌýorÌýStudent Psychological and Counselling ServicesÌýas early as possible so that Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê can support them effectively throughout their studies via the provisions inÌýChapter 2, Section 3: Reasonable Adjustments for Disabilities and Long-Term Conditions.