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Hamja Ahsan, Introfada In The Extended Field, 2021
Hamja Ahsan, Introfada In The Extended Field, 2021

Introfada in the Extended Field

Hamja Ahsan is an artist, writer, activist and curator based in London and Maastricht. He is the author of the book Shy Radicals: Antisystemic Politics of the Militant Introvert, recently made into a documentary film by Ridley Scott Associates. He was recently awarded the Grand Prize at Ljubljana Biennial 2019 for the art work Aspergistan Referendum based on this project. He is founder and co-curator of the DIY Cultures festival of creative activism, zines and independent publishing since 2013. He was shortlisted for the Liberty human rights award for Free Talha Ahsan campaign on extradition and detention without trial under the War on Terror. His recent writing was anthologised in No Colour Bar: Black Art in Action 1960-1990. He has presented art projects at PS1 MOMA New York Art book week, Tate Modern, Gwangju Biennale, Shaanakht festival Pakistan and and CCA Warsaw Poland. His practice encompasses all media: conceptual writing, building archives, performance, video, sound and making zines. He is currently a resident artist at Jan Van Eyck Academy 2020-2021 in Netherlands. He is on the editorial board of the Radical Mental Health magazine Asylum.
