
Archibald Campbell of Minard and Knockbuy - Relationship Detail

This Relationship

Father-in-law → Son-in-law
Notes →

John Campbell of Spotfield was married to Archibald Campbell's daughter Ann. In his will, Archibald Campbell provided: 'And I direct my trustees...out of the monies that arise from the sale of my estates to apply 拢1,400 Currency in the purchase of new Negro female slaves to be marked or branded on the shoulder AC...for the use of my dear daughter Ann Campbell, the wife of John Campbell of Spotfield during her natural life and to the heirs of her body lawfully begotten...'

Other Relationships of Archibald Campbell of Minard and Knockbuy

Great-nephew → Great-uncle
Father → Daughter
Father → Son
Grandfather → Grand-daughter

Other Relationships of John Campbell of Spotfield and Gibraltar estates

Son → Father 
Husband → Wife
Testator → Executor