
Sir George Anson

MP (Whig)


Online Hansard lists no contributions from him except for his response to 'Thanks of the House to Major General Anson' respecting his services in the battles of Salamanca and Vittoria: HC Deb 11 November 1813 vol 27 cc80-1.

Voted for RC Relief 28 February 1821, 1 March, 21 April, 10 May 1825, 6 March 1827, 12 May 1828 and 6 & 30 March 1829 (Wellington ministry concession of emancipation. Divided for O'Connell to be allowed to take his seat unhindered, 18 May 1829.

Voted for Jewish emancipation 17 May 1830

Voted for abolition of death penalty, 7 June 1830.

For Parliamentary Reform, 25 April 1822, 23 April 1823, 27 April 1826 and 1831-32, including voting for the 3rd reading 22 March 1832.

'A very lax attender, who was "no orator" and seldom spoke' (Fisher, p. 67) though generally voted with the Whig opposition to the Liverpool ministry.

Elections / Constituences

Lichfield Staffordshire
1806 - 1841