
Hugh Duncan Baillie

MP (Conservative)


Originally a Whig (and member of Brooks's club from 11 May 1813). Unsuccessfully sought a seat in Bristol. Wavered on issues on both RC Relief and Parlt Reform but when elected for Honiton in 1835 (after a brief period at Rye 1830-31) he stood as a Conservative. D. R. Fisher (ed.), The House of Commons 1820-1832, vol. 4. But undistinguished political career.

For some electoral material relating to Baillie in Bristol 1819 and Honiton, 1837, see:

Charles Houlden Walker, An Address to the ... Electors of Bristol, on the recent election for that city, and the failure of the Petition against the Sheriff's Return; with digressions (Bristol, [1819]); Charles Houlden Walker, A Second Address to the ... Electors of Bristol, chiefly intended as a Reply to C. A. Elton's Apology for Colonel Hugh Baillie; with digressions ([Bristol, 1819]); Charles Houlden Walker, A third Address to the ... Electors of Bristol ... and a few words ... by way of reply to Mr. Elton's "Sequel." ([Bristol, 1819])

Colonel Baillie, to solicit the favor of your vote and interest ([Honiton?, 1837]). [Card intended to be given to individual electors in the Honiton Parliamentary election, 1837.]

Philip Mules, To the electors of the Borough of Honiton [in support of Hugh Baillie] ([Honiton]: Spurway, General Printing Office, Honiton, 1837); Hugh Duncan Baillie, To the worthy and independent electors of Honiton ([Honiton]: Spurway, Conservative Printing-Office, Honiton, 1837).

Elections / Constituences

Rye Sussex
1830 - 1831 
Honiton Devon
1835 - 1847