
Robert Lyle

No Dates

Claimant or beneficiary


Owner of Lottery plantation in Manchester, Jamaica. Died between 1834 and 1839. His nephew Robert Lyle, son of his brother William, was his residuary legatee.

Baptised in Houston, Renfrewshire, 16/11/1777, son of James Lyle, milner, and his wife Elizabeth Wilson.


PROB 11/1920/160.

GROS OPR Births 565 10 64 Houston and Killellan.

We are grateful to Mary Evans for her assistance with compiling this entry.

Further Information


PROB 11/1920/160 - precis.

Robert Lyle of Lottery plantation in Manchester, Jamaica.

I wish to be buried under the pear tree before the humble roof where I commence to settle Lottery in coffee piece no. 1.

£2,000 to be invested in funds in Great Britain immediately after my decease, the interest thereon to be drawn regularly and paid quarterly to my dear mother Elizabeth Wilson now of Houstoun in Renfrewshire, widow of James Lyle deceased. After her decease the interest to be paid to my sister Agnes Lyle in like manner for her support and for the support of my brother David Lyle. Should David survive my sister then my executors to apply a moity of the interest in the manner they see fit for the support of my brother during his lifetime. Should my sister Agnes survive David then she to receive the whole of the interest for her lifetime. The principal sum to be invested after the lifetime of Agnes and David for the equal benefit of my nieces and nephews, share and share alike, except for my nephew Robert, son of my brother William.

£100 sterling to each of my brothers and sisters as may be alive at the time of my decease.

£100 sterling to each of my nieces and nephews who shall have attained the age of 21 years at the time of my decease. My executors to invest £100 for each of my nieces and nephews under the age of 21 years, the interest applied to them regularly, the capital to be drawn out as each attains the age of 21 years. My nephew Robert, son of William, to be excepted from this bequest.

My mother to continue to occupy the house and gardens of mine Houston where she now lives for the term of her natural life, and thereafter for my sister Agnes. The other property in Houston to be rented out and the proceeds to be applied to whichever of my brothers and sisters my executors should deem to be most in need. After the decease of my brothers and sisters, the properties to form part of my residuary estate.

The sum of £5,000 to be invested in the funds of Great Britain, the interest to be applied to the use of my nephew Robert Lyle, son of my brother William. After his decease, the sum to be divided between each of his lawful children. In default to Robert's brothers and sisters and first cousins equally.

To a negro woman named Peggy Crawford at present my property, the small house erected by me on Lottery called Honesty Store, with out offices and the slip of land from the back of the cook room due east to Frederick Row line for her sole use and behoof during her natural life on priviso that the three first crops of the coffee now planted thereon should go to my estate. My executors to pay her at the rate of £20 per annum until she should be entitled to pick the coffee from the said land for her own use, and afterwards at the rate of £10 per annum for life. If I should die previous to her term of apprentice expiring that my executors should release her therefrom.

Taking into consideration the faithful services rendered to me by the African Negroes with whom I settled Lottery and who are all still alive thereon, it is my desire that they should be allowed to retain the houses and grounds they now occupy on Lottery for the term of their natural lives and that they should on no account be turned off the property in their old days. Their names are Henry Cerf, James Reid, King, Prince, Hope, Jane, Ann Markeand and Agnes Lyle (Peggy Crawford is otherwise provided for). I also desire that Fortune shall receive a similar privilege to those above named. In case of sickness or extreme old age should render any of the Negroes unable to cultivate their grounds, then it is my desire that such sickly and old Negroes should be furnished with sufficient provisions weekly for their support, they then forfeiting all claims to their grounds but not to their houses.

All rest and residue to my nephew Robert Lyle, son of my brother William.

Hon. Duncan Robertson of St Elizabeth, Francis Hall of Manchester, and my nephew Robert Lyle also of Manchester, Jamaica, to be executors in Jamaica. William Carlisle Bleacher near Houstoun and my brother William Lyle executors in Great Britain.

Signed 25/06/1834.

Sworn in Jamaica 14/09/1839.

Proved in London 31/12/1839.


Associated Claims (2)

£935 14s 0d
Awardee (Executor or executrix)
£1,929 3s 11d
Awardee (Owner-in-fee)

Associated Estates (4)

The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:

  • SD - Association Start Date
  • SY - Association Start Year
  • EA - Earliest Known Association
  • ED - Association End Date
  • EY - Association End Year
  • LA - Latest Known Association
1832 [EA] - → Not known
1832 [EA] - → Not known
1817 [EA] - 1839 [LA] → Owner
1834 [EA] - → Executor