
Charles William Osborne

28th Jan 1805 - 1841


Owner of Rose Hill and Berry Hill estates in St Thomas-in-the-Vale. Died in 1841 or 1842.

  1. In his will (signed in 1841 and sworn in Jamaica in January 1842), Charles Wiliam Osborne bequeathed his estate of Berry Hill to his three illegitimate children in trust, the proceeds to pay for their maintenance and education and then to be shared between them when they each reach the age of 21 years. Mary James, "my House GIrl living with me for some years past" was to receive four acres of land with a tenement, £100 and a horse. The residuary legatee was his sister Ellen Elizabeth Minchin, wife of Rev. Champness Minchin, rector of St Mildred in the Poultry, London, for the benefit of her children.

  2. Ellen Elizabeth Osborne of Bath married John Champneys Minchin of Deane, Hampshire, in Bath in 1832. Her entry in the 1851 census in Walthamstow gives her birth c. 1807 in Southampton. Ellen Elizabeth Osborne, daughter of Thomas and Caroline Osborne, was baptised in Southampton in 1807. Charles William Osborne, same parents, was born 28/01/1805 and baptised in Millbrook, Hampshire, 11/02/1805.


  1. PROB 11/1974/22.

  2. Ancestry.com, Somerset, England, Marriage Registers, Bonds and Allegations, 1754-1914 [database online]; Ancestry.com, England, Select Births and Christenings, 1538-1975 [database online].

We are grateful to Rita Lamb for her assistance with this entry.

Further Information


Will of Charles William Osborne, planter, Jamaica, 3rd November 1841

The National Archives reference PROB 11/1974/22

We are grateful to Rita Lamb for transcribing this will.

The last Will and Testament //of Charles William Osborne of Rose Hill St. Mary’s Planter I give devise//and bequeath my small place called Berryhill in the parish of St. Thos//ye Vale to my trustees hereinafter named save as hereinafter mentioned//for the use and benefit of my three natural Children viz Charley aged 8//years son of Adalaide Moody Sammy aged 5 years son of Kitty Wallace// and Billy one year son of Jessy Hine(?) until they attain the age of 21 years//and ^apply the proceeds for their maintenance and education and then then to to(sic) divide the same as equally as possible among them. I further//give devise and bequeath to Mary James my House Girl living with me//for some years ^past the land formerly the Middle Barbacue at Berryhill //whereon is now erected a tenement and Kitchen and also the said//tenement and Kitchen as also 4 acres of land or thereabouts as stated// and lined out by me part of the said freehold called Berryhill and request//my executors to put her in legal possession of the same free of expence. I//also give her one hundred pounds free of legacy duty and her receipt//alone shall be a sufficient discharge and I think that I have then//paid her for all her services of whatever nature or kind soever she may also//have one of my horses and as to all the rest & remainder of my estate//I give devise and bequeath the same to my sister Ellen Elizabeth Minchin//wife of the Revd. Champness Minchin Rector of St. Mildred in the Poultry//London for the use and benefit of her Children and I appoint the Said Champness Minchin and Henry James Stevenson of Birnam Wood //Plantation St. Georges Planter Trustees and Executors of this my last will//& Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name//and affixed my seal this third day of November one thousand eight//hundred and forty one C. Wm. Osborne (SS) Signed sealed published//and declared by the said Testator in the presence of us who at his request//and in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto //interchangeably subscribed our names as witnesses John B. Thorburn//William Morgan – Nicholas Grose Warmington } Ris? Decor? St. Thos. ye Vale

This a Codicil to my last will and Testament dated the//third day of November 1841 I appoint Andrew Scott of the City of Kingston//Merchant Taylor Trustee and Executor of my said last will and //Testament In Witness whereof have subscribed my name and affixed//my seal this 22nd March 1842. C.W.Osborne (SS) Signed sealed published//and declared by the said Testator in the Presence of us who in his presence//and at his request and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names//as witnesses Charles H.McDermot - Thomas I. Rickman. John B. Thorburn//Vera Copia Extur W. G. Stewart. Sec.

Jamaica Is I Walter George Stewart Esqr. Secretary and Notary//Public of This Her Majesty’s Island of Jamaica//duly admitted allowed and//sworn do hereby Certify and make known to all to whom these presents shall//come or may in anywise concern that the Instrument in writing thereunto//annexed marked is a true Copy of the last will and testament and Codicil//thereto of Charles William Osborne late of the parish of Saint Mary in the//County of Middlesex and Island aforesaid Planter deceased which said Will//and Codicil are only proved approved and allowed according to the laws in force//in the said Island of Jamaica and I do hereby also Certify that the //Instrument marked B. hereunto also annexed is the Letters Testamentary//on the estate of the said Charles William Osborne deceased Granted and //committed by His Excellency the Ordinary of the said Island of Jamaica//to Henry James Stevenson and Andrew Scott Executors only admitted and I do//hereby also further Certify that the Instrument in writing marked Thereunto//also annexed is a true Copy of the Inventory of the Estate of the said Charles William//Osborne deceased returned into the Secretary’s Office of this Island by the aforesaid//Henry James Stevenson and Andrew Scott the Executors thereto be recorded as the//said Documents respectively remain of Record in my said Office of Secretary of the//said Island I having carefully Compared and Examined the same Done and//performed in my said office of Secretary of the said Island of Jamaica at //Saint Iago de la Vega the 15th day of November !842 W. G. Stewart Sec & Not Pub.

PROVED AT London with a Codicil ^14th January 1843 before the Worshipful Frederick//Thomas Pratt Dr of Laws and Surrogate by the Oath of The Revd. John Champneys //Minchin (in the will written Champness/Minchin Clerk one of the executors to //whom administration was granted having been first sworn duly to administer//Power Reserved of making the like grant to Henry James Stevenson the other //executor named in the said Will and Andrew Scott the executor named in the//said Codicil when they shall apply for the same.


Associated Estates (2)

The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:

  • SD - Association Start Date
  • SY - Association Start Year
  • EA - Earliest Known Association
  • ED - Association End Date
  • EY - Association End Year
  • LA - Latest Known Association
- 1841 [LA] → Owner
- 1841 [LA] → Owner