
Joseph Maberly

1783 - 1860

Claimant or beneficiary


Joseph Maberly of 17 Kings Road, Bedford [Row], London, counterclaimed unsuccessfully for the compensation for Thibou's estate in Antigua against Bertie Entwistle Jarvis (q.v.).

  1. The 1841 census at Harley Street, Marylebone, records Joseph Maberly, age 55, Solicitor,as living with Harriet age 55, Joseph age 20 [occupation too faded to read], Samuel age 20, Law Student, and servants. The 1851 census at Mytten, Cuckfield, Sussex, records Joseph Maberly, Widow, age 68, Attorney and Solicitor, born Middlesex Christ Church as living with Joseph J. Maberly, unmarried, age 35, Attorney and Solicitor, born Middlesex St George the Martyr.

  2. The will 'with a Codicil of Joseph Maberly late of Kings-road Bedford-row and of Harley-street both in the County of Midlesex and of Cuckfield in the County of Sussex Gentleman deceased who died 29 March 1860 at Cuckfield aforesaid was proved at the Principal Registry by the oaths of the Reverend Thomas Astley Maberly VIcar of Cuckfield aforesaid Clerk and Joseph James Maberly of 19 Upper-Harley-street in the said County of Middlesex Gentleman the Sons and the Executors.' Effects under 拢7000.

  3. Joseph Maberly's abode is given as Bedford Row in the baptism registers of two of his children in 1813 and 1818.

  4. This is probably the same Joseph Maberly who married Henrietta Serle 19/09/1808 in Bishopstoke, and also the same Joseph Maberly, son of Thomas Astley Maberley and Mary of Hatton Street, who was baptised at St Andrew's, Holborn, 18/10/1782.

  5. Joseph Maberly was solicitor to Montagu Bertie, 5th Earl of Abingdon, 1819-36.


T71/1592 p. 213: letter, dated 22/08/1835, to Joseph Maberly, of 17 Kings Road, Bedford Row, re. counterclaim vs Bertie James [sic] Hibous Estate Jamaica [sic]: 'the only counterclaim appears to be yours.'

  1. 1841 census online; 1851 census online.

  2. National Probate Calendar 1860.

  3., London, England, Births and Baptisms, 1813-1906 [database online].

  4. Pallot's Marriage Index for England, 1780-1837;, London, England, Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812 [database online].

  5. Catalogue of the papers of the Bertie family, Earls of Abingdon, 14th-20th cent. at the Bodleian Library, University of Oxford, Shelfmark: MS. D.D. Bertie c.1: including (items 26-50) accounts and correspondence of Joseph Maberly, solicitor to Montagu Bertie, 5th Earl of Abingdon, 1819-36.

Further Information

Henrietta Serle
Thomas Astley (1811-), Henrietta (1813-), Joseph James (1816-1893), Samuel Edward (1818-)

Will of Joseph Maberly transcribed at [accessed 20/11/2012].

This is the last Will and Testament of me Joseph Maberly Gentleman of Kings Road Bedford Row in the County of Middlesex and late of Harley Street in the same county and now of Cuckfield in the county of Sussex. I give and devise to my son Joseph James his heirs and assigns my freehold house with the appurtenances in Marthus[?] Buildings Commercial Road in the county of Middlesex. I give and devise to my oldest son the reverend Thomas Astley Maberly his heirs and assigns my copyhold field in Cuckfield holden of me by Mr William Payne on ____ ____ for ever. Also any one of the two fields purchased by me of the Messieurs Morison father and son as lies on the south side of the Turnpike road leading from Cuckfield to Lewes. Also my freehold house with the appurtenances in Steath[?] Street Commercial Road aforesaid and I give and bequeath to my said son Astley my gold repeating watch with the __ and appendages thereto usually worn by me. It is my intention to give and make over to my son James in my lifetime all outstanding bills and shares of outstanding bills wheresoever all at the time of my decease due and owing to me for business done by me or my firm. But meantime and until I do this or in ___ I omit it and bequeath all such outstanding bills and shares of bills to my said son James for his own and exclusive use and benefit. I give to my said son Astley all my books plate linen china pictures prints coins medals curiosities and the cabinets containing same and all my wines and other liquors coals and other fuels and all my live and dead stock goods chattels and effects except monies and securities for money which shall at the time of my decease be in or about my house and premises called Mytten or elsewhere. I give and devise my said house at Cuckfield wherein I now dwell and the stablings and outbuildings gardens and pleasure grounds thereto belonging and the field on the north side of the Turnpike road from Cuckfield to Lewes bought of Messieurs Morison and now lying open to the __ of Mytten aforesaid unto my said son Astley during the joint lives of himself and Caroline Emily his wife. And in the event of the decease of him my said son Astley in the lifetime of his said wife then I give and devise the said house land and premises unto my daughter in law the said Caroline Emily Maberly during her widowhood. And from and after the determination of that state or in the event of my said daughter in law dying in the lifetime of her said husband then from and immediately after her decease I give and devise the said house land and premises to my said son Astley his heirs and assigns for ever. I give to my esteemed friends Richard Beachcroft and Charles Sinjon Fox who have kindly undertaken a trust created by me for my family the sum of three hundred pounds cash in consideration of the trouble to be occasioned to them by said trust. I give to my sister Mary Anne Maberly my diamond ring made on the occasion of our father's death having his hair therein. And I direct that the legacy duty on the said legacies to Messieurs Beachcroft and Fox and my said sister be paid out of my personal estate. And as to all the residue and remainder of my monies and securities for money estate and effects whatsoever and wheresoever not by me otherwise disposed of I give and bequeath the same, subject to the payment thereout of my just debts funeral and testamentary expenses, unto my said two sons equally to be divided between them share and share alike. And I appoint my said two sons Executors of this my will. Witness my hand this thirtieth day of January One thousand eight hundred and sixty - Joseph Maberly - Signed by the said Joseph Maberly as and for his will in the presence of us who sign our names as witnesses in his presence and in the presence of each other - W H Barnes, Clerk to Mr Heraud, Law Stationer,27 Carey St, Lincolns Inn - Eliza. Heraud

This is a codicil to the last will and testament of me Joseph Maberly of Kings Road Bedford Row in the county of Middlesex late of Harley Street in the same county and now of Cuckfield in the county of Sussex which will bears date this thirtieth day of January one thousand eight hundred and sixty whereas by a certain debenture dated the thirteenth day of July one thousand eight hundred and thirty one made between my sister Mary Ann Maberly of Reading in the county of Berks Spinster of the one part and myself of the other part certain trusts were declared of and concerning certain sums then in the three per cent secured bank annuities therein stated to have been transferred as the ___ was into my name. And, whereas it is in and by the said debenture provided that it shall be lawful for me to appoint by my last will and testament in writing or any codicil thereto any person or any two or more persons as may think fit to succeed me in the trusts of the said debenture now I do by this my codicil to my said last will and testament appoint my two sons the Reverend Thomas Astley Maberly Vicar of Cuckfield aforesaid and Joseph James Maberly of Upper Harley Street Middlesex Esquire if severally living at the time of my decease or the survivor of them if either shall be then dead to succeed me in the trusts of the said debenture and to become and be Trustees or Trustee thereof accordingly. And I give devise and bequeath all monies and securities for money estate and objects which shall at the time of my decease be subject to the trusts of the said debenture unto my two sons their heirs executors administrators and assigns to be held by them upon the trusts of the said debenture. In witness whereof I have to this my codicil set my hand this thirtieth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty. - Joseph Maberly - signed by the said Joseph Maberly as and for a codicil to his will in the presence of us who here sign our names as witnesses in his presence and in the presence of each other - W.H.Barnes, Clerk to Mr Heraud, Law Stationer, 27 Carey Street, Lincolns Inn - Eliza Heraud

Proved at London (with a codicil) 30th April 1860 by the oaths of the Revd Thomas Astley Maberly ___ and Joseph James Maberly the sons the Executors to whom Admon was granted.

Wealth at death

Associated Claims (1)

£4,194 12s 7d
Unsuccessful claimant

Addresses (3)

Harley Street, London, Middlesex, London, England
Hatton Street, London, Middlesex, London, England
Mytten, Cuckfield, Sussex, South-east England, England