




Monument of the late Thomas Hibbert, Esq. at Agualta Vale Penn, St Mary's, from James Hakewill's Picturesque tour of the island of Jamaica (1825). According to James Hakewill, "The annexed View represents the Monument of the late Thomas Hibbert, Esq., errected on the summit of an eminence, which besides the pleasure it gave to the proprietor in affording him a commanding view of the penn on which it is situated, and on either hand the works and cane fields of Agualta Vale and Orange Hill Sugar Estates, opened likewise to the south-east the buildings of the pen, and the winding course of the Agualta River immediately beneath his eye; onward, the beautiful sweeping line of Anotto Bay and Town, the buildings of Gibraltar and Gray Inn Estates, and the distant high lands of St George's. The plate before us embraces these interesting objects. On this spot, as having yeilded him many a happy moment, in the reflection of an amiable mind surveying his own creation of wealth and independence for a long inheritance, he desired that his remains should be placed. He died on the 20th of May 1780, aged 71 years." See .


Associated Estates (1)

Agualta Vale Pen [ Jamaica | St Mary ]