
Donaldson & Glenny

Firm Details

People & Investments (2)

 Name partner
 Name partner


  1. The Co-partnership between Alexander Donaldson, George Glenny, and William May, of London, Merchants, trading under the Firm of Donaldson, Glenny, and May, having been dissolved by mutual Consent on the 24th of June 1803; and all Demands on the said Partnership having been since liquidated, so far as they have appeared, should there be any other Debts outstanding, such Creditors are requested to deliver the fame to the above-named George Glenny, No. 5 , Bernard-Street, Russel-Square, in order that they may be forthwith discharged. Dated this 2d Day of April 1805. Alexander Donaldson, George Glenny, W. May.

  2. London, February 4, 1804. Notice is hereby given, that the Co-partnership lately subsisting between Alexander Donaldson and George Glenny, of the City of London, Merchants, was dissolved by mutual Consent on the 1st Day of December last. All Debts owing to the said Copartnership are to be paid to the said Alexander Donaldson, who will settle all Demands thereon. Witness our Hand.- Alexander Donaldson, Geo. Glenny.


  1. London Gazette 15794 02/04/1805 p. 441

  2. London Gazette 15673 04/02/1804 p. 184