
Bristol Brass Wire and Copper Co.

Firm Details

People & Investments (7)

 Member of London Committee
 Member of London Committee
 Member of London Committee
 Other partner
 Other partner
 Investment in Firm

Firm Evolutions (2)

1786 →
Harfords and Bristol Brass and Copper Company []
1828 →
Harfords and Bristol Brass and Copper Company [London Gazette]


  1. In late 1786 or early 1787 the firm was reconstituted as Harfords and Bristol Brass and Copper Company, dominated by the Harfords, and the Dickinsons and probably other shareholders were bought out.

  2. The surviving partners of 'Mark Harford and Brass Wire Co.' in 1805 were listed [in 1872] as John Fisher Weare, Edward Harford, Joseph Harford, William Battersley, John Scandrett Harford, Thomas Walker and Abraham Ludlow.

  3. Withdrawal of Sir Richard Vaughan from his partnership with Samuel Lloyd Harford, P.J.Miles, John Scandrett Harford, Charles Ludlow Walker, William Miles, William Henry Harford, and Thomas Kington in the trades or business of Brass and Brass-battery, and Wiremakers, and Manufacturers, Spelter-makers and Copper manufacturers at Bristol under Harfords and Bristol Brass and Copper Company 28/11/1828 聽


  1. [accessed 10/01/2016].

  2. London Gazette 23886 13/08/1872 p. 3678.

  3. London Gazette 18539 9/1/1829 p. 52