
George Wildes & Co.

Firm Details

People & Investments (2)

 Senior partner
 Name partner

Firm Evolutions (1)

1842 →
Coleman Street [London Gazette]


  1. Dissolution of the partnership between George Wildes, John Pickersgill, Thomas Searle and William Cunliffe Pickersgill and carried on in Coleman Street in the city of London under the firm of Geo. Wildes & Co., and at New York under the firm of Pickersgill and Co. by mutual consent 1/1/1842.

  2. Partnership subsisting between the undersigned as merchants and commission agents and carried on at Liverpool under the firm of Wildes, Pickersgill and at NY under the firm of Pickersgill and Co.,  will terminate by effluxion of time on the 31st of this present month of December: dated 27/12/1841 Geo. Wildes; Jno Pickersgill; Thomas Searle [by Geo. Wildes his Attorney] W.C. Pickersgill [by Jno Pickersgill his Attorney], Joshua Fielden, John Fielden, James Fielden, Thomas Fielden, Daniel Campbell, Wm. Bowman.   


  1. London Gazette 20057 4/1/1842 p. 12

  2. ibid