
Gibbs, Bright & Co. previously George Gibbs & Son

Firm Details

People & Investments (6)

 Senior partner
 Name partner in Munckley, Gibbs abd Richards
 Name partner
 Name partner
 Investment in Firm

Firm Evolutions (1)



Originally Munckley, Gibbs and Richards, until c. 1802

  1. Dissolution of partnership of George Gibbs, James Richards and George Gibbs jun. by retirement of James Richards. Business continued as George Gibbs and Son.

  2. Robert Bright, youngest son of Richard Bright. Joined George Gibbs & Son of Bristol 1814, in 1816 went to Anthony Gibbs' offices in Spain. In 1818 the Bristol firm was restyled as Gibbs, Bright & Co., of Liverpool and Bristol, on the death of George Gibbs sen., with the 聽managing partner his son George Gibbs jun. Robert Bright became managing partner of the firm after George Gibbs' [jun.'s] retirement in 1839: the firm purchased the SS Great Britain in 1850. The firm was absorbed into Anthony Gibbs in 1881. 聽

  3. Dissolution of business as commission merchants in Gloster [sic] under the firm Gibbs, Bright & Co. 10/9/1841, signed by George Gibbs, Robert Bright, Saml. Bright, Stephen Shute and C.F. Sage


London Metropoiitan Archives, Antony Gibbs & Sons Ltd. GB 0074 CLC/B/012

  1. London Gazette 16214 31/12/1808 p. 7.

  2. Elizabeth Neill, Fragile fortunes: the origins of a great British merchant family (Wellington, Somerset, Rylands, 2008), pp. 350-2, 378-82. 聽

  3. London Gazette 20213 14/4/1843 p. 1251