
Sir George Gerald de Hochepied Larpent

Partnership Role

Sir Charles Cockerell & Co.

Banker (Colonial - East Indies)

No notes

Firm Notes

East India bankers and merchants, founded in India, then in London from 1801.

  1. Admission of Charles Rushout Cockerell as partner in firm to be known henceforward as Sir Charles Cockerell and Co., signed at Austin Friars by C. Cockerell, J.S. Brownrigg, J. Cockerell, G.G.H. de Larpent and C. Rushout Cockerell.

  2. The partnership subsisting between Sir Charles Cockerell lately deceased, John Studholme Brownrigg, John Cockerell, George Gerard Hochpied de Larpent and Sir Charles Rushout Cockerell of Austin Friars as East India agents and merchants under Sir Charles Cockerell bart. & Co. was dissolved 31/12/1837 and continued by J.S. Brownrigg, John Cockerell and G.G.H. de Larpent under Cockerell & Co.

Firm Sources

W.D. Rubinstein Who were the rich? Vol. I p. 447.

  1. London Gazette 19117 07/01/1834 p. 26.

  2. London Gazette 19576 5 January 1838 p. 42.