
British Guiana 658 (Belle Vue)

9th Feb 1836 | 209 Enslaved | £11257 5s 7d

Claim Details

Claim Notes

Parliamentary Papers p. 318.


T71/885: claim by Andrew Colvile, as owner-in-fee. Counterclaim by Geo. Green, as the official assignee of James Webster (formerly James Graham) & Geddes Mackenzie Simpson of Tower Street brokers, for himself and the Hon. Ed Ellice and John Carrick, the creditor assignees. The counterclaim arises under an indenture of Grant and conveyance by way of mortgage dated 31/10/1812 between Walter Frye Skerrett of the 1st part, Alexander Gibbon and John Boyne of the 2nd part and Thomas James Matthias and Rev. Thos. Kennedy Mallet [sp?] of the 3rd part to place in trust Belle Vue 'and also all the Negro and other slaves upon or belonging to the said plantation together with the future issue, offspring and increase of the Females of the said slaves' to secure an advance of £5938 6s 6d to Walter Frye Skerrett from Gibbon and Boyne and so much of a [further] sum of £7421 8s 8d that Gibbon and Boyne had become responsible to pay on behalf of Skerrett . On 22/11/1814, Gibbon and Boyne, who were indebted to James Graham, Geddes Mackenzie Simpson and James Wedderburn (since deceased) for £17,000, and were owed in turn £25,000 or thereabout by Skerrett, assigned all benefit from the 1812 indenture to debt from Graham, Simpson and Wedderburn, subject to redemption by payment of £17,000. On 31/12/1817 Walter Frye Skerrett acknowledged that he owed Alex. Gibbon and John Boyne £14,711 10s 0d. On 09/10/1820 a Commission of Bankruptcy was launched against the said James Graham, then James Webster, and Geddes Mackenzie Simpson, the said James Wedderburn being then dead, and Ellice and Carrick were appointed as assignees for their creditors. George Green had since been appointed Official Assignee. At the time of bankruptcy, Messrs Gibbon and Boyne owed Webster & Simpson £36,301 10s 6d. Andrew Colvile as owner-in-fee of the estate had launched a Chancery suit against Ellice and Carrick but 'obtained an order to dismiss his said bill with costs.'

T71/1257 George Green as the Official Assignee of Messrs Webster & Simpson bankrupts on behalf of himself and the Rt Hon Edward Ellice and John Carrick, the creditors assignees withdrew his counterclaim in a letter to the Commissioners dated 05/01/1836 [without stating a reason]. Andrew Colvile wrote 12/01/1836 to the Commissioners to request adjudication to himself of the stock and dividends placed in the Accountant General's name for BG No. 658: 'The plantation is my property, the claim has been made in my name and a counterclaim which was lodged has been removed.' [It appears likely that Colvile had reached an agreement with the assignees].

Further Information

British Guiana
Claim No.
Belle Vue

Associated Individuals (6)

Unsuccessful claimant (Official assignee)
Unsuccessful claimant (Assignee)
Unsuccessful claimant
Other association
Awardee (Owner-in-fee)
Unsuccessful claimant (Assignee)

Associated Estates (1)