
British Guiana 21 (Belair)

24th Oct 1836 | 58 Enslaved | £2995 5s 5d

Claim Details

Claim Notes

Parliamentary Papers p. 317.

T71/885: claim by Wolfert Katz, as owner. Counterclaim from 'The firm of Baring Brothers & Co. by their attorney William Ross, mortgage executed by claimants in favour of counterclaim dated 30th August 1824 for 拢81,717 19s 0d. WK's replication denying legal execution of sd mortgage'. Supplemental claim by Susan Barclay Katz (widow of Wolfert Katz), 'reciting her marriage to have taken place in community of goods and that according to the Laws of the colony she is entitled to one half of the compensation money and also to one fourth of the remaining moiety as Guardian of her daughter Maria Barclay Katz'. Awarded to Edward Briant and George Gottlieb Lowenfeld, as executors of the claimant.

T71/445 p. 557: Edward Briant registered 1 enslaved person in 1834, bought from William Katz.

Times 09/02/1829 p. 3: advertisement stating 'The undersigned gives public notice by these presents, that he will not consider himself LIABLE for any DEBTS contracted subsequent to this date by his wife, Mrs S.B.Katz - Berbice Dec 6 1828.'

T71/1252: counterclaim shows S.B. Katz, of Abercromby Place, Edinburgh, widow of Wolfert Katz., March 1836. S. B. Katz asserted that Wolfert Katz had only one child born in lawful wedlock - her daughter Maria Barclay Katz.

T71/1252: withdrawal on 13/10/1836 of S.B. Katz's claim and consent to pay the compensation to Messrs. Baring Brothers, or the executors of Wolfert Katz, who have granted a power to the said Messrs. Baring Brothers to receive the same.

Further Information

British Guiana
Claim No.

Associated Individuals (9)

Deceased claimant unsuccessful
Beneficiary (Mortgagee)
Beneficiary (Mortgagee)
Beneficiary (Mortgagee)
Unsuccessful claimant
Beneficiary (Mortgagee)
Beneficiary (Mortgagee)
Awardee (Executor or executrix)
Awardee (Executor or executrix)

Associated Estates (1)