
Jamaica Hanover 557 (Harding Hall)

4th Apr 1836 | 148 Enslaved | £2652 17s 3d

Claim Details

Claim Notes

Parliamentary Papers p. 305.

T71/915 p. 4: claim from Thomas Ba[r]ker Allwood, of Hanover, as owner-in-fee. Counterclaim by The Hon. Robert Allwood, as mortgagee in fee after default for 拢10,000.

R.A. Barrett, The Barretts of Jamaica: The Family of Elizabeth Barrett Browning (Athlone, Continuum International Publishing Group, 2000) p. 113: shows that Richard Barrett had bought Harding Hall from Robert Allwood 'on the 23rd June last' (the year is unclear - the original will is dated 11/10/1830 but was republished; Richard Barrett died on 08/05/1839). Ibid. p. 132: Robert Allwood, a member of the House of Assembly for Hanover, resigned as speaker on 04/12/1833, because 'Mr Barrett, the speaker of the late HofA, who left this island with the leave of the House on the business of the Country having now returned and resumed his seat in the present Assembly, I feel it is my duty to resign the chair in order that the House may have theopportunity of re-electing that gentleman'. Ibid. p. 148: Harding Hall was sold by the Barrett family in 1905; 'as well adapted to the cultivation of Bananas, Tobacco and fruits and provisions of all kinds...the property has a considerable rent roll'.

Further Information

Claim No.
Harding Hall

Associated Individuals (2)

Awardee (Mortgagee)
Unsuccessful claimant (Owner-in-fee)

Associated Estates (1)