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When answering the questions, please consider the following: Was the identification and management of risks satisfactory? Were estimations for the duration of the deliverables accurate? How satisfied are you with the projects outputs/deliverables? Were the best processes/procedures used? How could they be improved? Are there any outstanding issues (e.g. training needs, activities still to be completed)? Please be as candid as you feel is appropriate. Constructive comments help us to improve our processes and procedures, and will benefit future projects. Part 1 Group discussion [Scoping] Please answer the following questions in relation to the project scoping phase: 1.What went well? 2.What went less well? 3.Which processes should we continue to use on future projects? 4.What should we do differently on future projects?  Part 2 - Group discussion [Delivery] Please answer the following questions in relation to the project delivery phase: 1.What went well? 2.What went less well? 3.Which processes should we continue to use on future projects? 4.What should we do differently on future projects?  Part 3 - Individual Your Details NameRole on Project Part 4 - Individual Project Start-Up and Management 1.Were you clear on the following at the start of the project? YesNoThe projects aim/objective.((The projects deliverables.((Your role and what was expected of you.((The timescales you were working to.((Please add any additional comments to support your answers. 2.Please consider the following statements and answer appropriately. YesNoThe project was well managed.((The timescales set were realistic.((I was kept up-to-date with progress on the project.((I felt supported by the project manager and project team.((Please add any additional comments to support your answers.  Part 5 - Individual General Comments Please answer the following questions. 1.What have you enjoyed about this project? 2.What have you learned on this project? 3.Do you have any further thoughts on future developments for this project? 4.Do you have any further comments that you would like to make?       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